Ok .. I've discovered an annoying little issue just to give you guys the heads up, it is that if you dont complete a post within a certain timeframe, or leave your keyboard without any activity for a while the forum software will log you out and you lose your post or your reply you just spent ages typing 
I'm going to extend the time out, but it will still have a maximum time out which I'll try and find out exactly how long that is and let you know
The other way around it is to make sure that when you log in,.. you check the 'rember me box' that way you wont have the problem at all

I'm going to extend the time out, but it will still have a maximum time out which I'll try and find out exactly how long that is and let you know
The other way around it is to make sure that when you log in,.. you check the 'rember me box' that way you wont have the problem at all