In order to assist users get the best functionality from the forum, from time to time, I'll post little snippets, about cool features you can use to assist your forum pleasure
(this thread could either be very long or very short
Starting with this :
Don't know if anyone has noticed... but every 60 seconds a little yellow box appears at the bottom right of your posting box which says AUTO-SAVED. What that means is that if you closed your browser by mistake, had a power cut or similar .. or otherwise navigated away from what you had just spent a..g..e..s.. typing in,... you can come back to the thread and re start your reply, and when you do so a little box appears at the bottom left of the box with the magic words 'restore auto-saved content' and hey presto ... the mamoth tome you spent all day inputting one digit at a time will auto magically re appear
... How cool is that ?

Starting with this :
Don't know if anyone has noticed... but every 60 seconds a little yellow box appears at the bottom right of your posting box which says AUTO-SAVED. What that means is that if you closed your browser by mistake, had a power cut or similar .. or otherwise navigated away from what you had just spent a..g..e..s.. typing in,... you can come back to the thread and re start your reply, and when you do so a little box appears at the bottom left of the box with the magic words 'restore auto-saved content' and hey presto ... the mamoth tome you spent all day inputting one digit at a time will auto magically re appear
