Hey guys .. to help pay for the hosting that I'm now having to do, Ive enabled some google ads .. I hope it doesent spoil your use of the forum, I dont think it will, and might even come up with some useful stuff for you as the ads are related to content on the threads ?
Hey, such is life in Plant
no ones making a fortune these days .. except those Aussie guys ... spending cash on new diggers like its going out of fashion
(edit : already I see they dont quite have the right sort of 'plant' in the ads 
Edit 2: Actually it might take a while to see if there is any unsuitable ads for plant men, such as feminine hygiene products
sorry :sleep:.............................
Hey, such is life in Plant

Edit 2: Actually it might take a while to see if there is any unsuitable ads for plant men, such as feminine hygiene products

