Now the sharp eyed amongst ye might have noticed that some words you enter into a post automagically turn blue. Words like Volvo, or Ebay, that I saw in a recent post.
The reason for this is that its all down to advertising again, and the words help to contribute some pitiful revenue
, to help pay for and run the forum, bots that crawl the forum recognise these key words, and the 'owner' of the word is supposed to pay some revenue to the site where its hosted, if it generates any sales revenue, or even if it doesent.
Now .. it might not do anything.. in which case its crap
Or it might become too annoying and invasive, in which case, it will be crap
So .. I thought we'd run with it for a while and see how it goes ?
You'll probably find a greater number of words doing this over time, usually associated with top brands .. but not always ... for example front suspension is one
hehe ooh Mrs !
lets see how many are in this list ?
Hitachi JCB Kubota Volvo Bobcat CAT Hyundai Terex ... to name but a few
The reason for this is that its all down to advertising again, and the words help to contribute some pitiful revenue

Now .. it might not do anything.. in which case its crap

Or it might become too annoying and invasive, in which case, it will be crap

So .. I thought we'd run with it for a while and see how it goes ?
You'll probably find a greater number of words doing this over time, usually associated with top brands .. but not always ... for example front suspension is one

lets see how many are in this list ?
Hitachi JCB Kubota Volvo Bobcat CAT Hyundai Terex ... to name but a few