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A Question Muz .
Another 70? Oh me! I hate making tea!! One day I wanna be the chief brush driver or wheel barrow logistic operative!
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That was interesting ... part of your user profile was set to have a custom user name instead of following the forum default title for posts, so as you will see, in the construction world, you are actually now elevated to the dizzy heights of 'site agent' ... so you'll now be overlord to the brickies and tea boys, dragging the pissed up new starts out of the site hut to do an honest days work etc etc
This will change again after 1500 posts, whereafter the next change is at 2250, then 3250, as it takes longer to change the more posts you have , or something like that
*edit* you must have slipped the construction director a few bob to go from brickies mate to agent in one go
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A Question Muz .
I was wondering ,My level shows as Brickies Mate still at 980 posts . Stock with 528 posts is now a Ganger .
Any idea why I am still a brickies mate ?. These bricks and mud barrows are getting real heavy.
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