Muz help getting this warning from any post I look at.............
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Anyone else seeing this??
Sounds like an ultra sensitive message with reference to the source for some smillies .. I'll check it outPlease don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
is this on a phone or a computer? and are you using chrome ?Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Well there were 2 smillies we were using that had a direct link to that site which I have now removed .. hopefully that should cure it. Almost all the others are stored on the forum server its self.
I wasnt aware of this issue thanks for letting me know
Not sure how long it will take before you dont see the messages again though ?Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
I should also point out that the message refers to finding malware on Planet smillies site,... NOT this onePlease don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
well I'm posting this in chrome just now and got the same message, have checked with 3 other browsers too, which were all fine.
The message is warning you not to vist plantet smillies web site, and just mentions that there was some links from this site, via a smillie to the planet smillies web site, so you are perfectly safe here.
It would not be possible for any link back via a smillie to their site anyway, its just google being ultra cautious, and they would know because they crawl this site, just as much as they would crawl plant smillies web site, so thats how they they have established a connection.
But were better off being dissociated from their site anyway by whatever means if they are a known malware provider thats for surePlease don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Originally posted by ianoz View PostWell ,I am not seeing any warning when looking .Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Just to be on the safe side .. Ive disabled google ads aswell for now just incase its their own content causing the problem
right I gotta go to workPlease don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
I am only getting this message when I post on this thread ?Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
ok .. ive upgraded to latest version and alerted the hosts.... its bloomin google chrome thats the problem.. however, let the site be reindexed by google and we'll see what happensPlease don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Yup any threads raised this evening 'dont' have the problem when I revisit them .. so it seems its down to googles indexing and ofcourse they want to protect google .. or chrome users so until they re index the problem wont shift
Ive been onto their site to request a re check, which says there 'isnt' a problem with this site, as I am a google account holdertalk about going round in circles
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist