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Welcome Bert looking forward to seeing your video productions here, don't delay now a whole new audience here to demonstrate your skill to..........specially the neat camera mount you have.............................
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Cool vids Bert .. its got to be one of the only things I havent driven.... next to a grader .. quite fancy the dozer, but I wouldnt like a grader I dont think
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
It's pretty easy actually I only ran them a couple times in the past and about a month ago I got onto that JD 850J and picked it up quite quickly. It's also a very nice machine to run. The D6M LGP however I think is a boat anchor it's got these paddles that you steer with on your left side and a weird control setup for forwards/backwards and gear selector. Plus the joystick for the blade is pretty stiff and the linkage for it is really worn out so it's tough to spread stuff out nicely. The John Deere has all the steering and speed selection on one joystick and all the blade controls on the other joystick and a decelerator pedal, plus it's a hydrostatic drive system making it very maneuverable in tight quarters unlike the D6M which still has steering clutches that are electric over hydraulic and require many visits from the Cat mechanic.
So Bert ,is where yourprofile say you are right , I just googles St Pierre Jolys . Looks like a very nice place .Good community ,by the look of it . Got photos of your Quad yet ?
Hi Ian yes it's a pretty little town we're right on the main drag so it can be noisy sometimes. I just got a call from my boss that I'm being laid off today which sucks but maybe I can find a job closer to home as I'm driving 45 minutes both ways to get to work everyday. How do I post photos? As I do have some of my quad.
Hi Bert , on the lower right side Box says Go advanced box That brings up all the smilely icons .Down below is the manage attachments click that ,and follow along the prompts . And you should be in business . Ian .
How do I post photos? As I do have some of my quad.
You need to have the advanced editor function enabled in your profile, then when replying to posts hit the 'go advanced ' button and you need to add the pics as attachments by way of the 'manage attachments' button which then get added to your posts when you hit reply, you can see all the attchments youve ever made under this button as it keeps them all in an album HTH Oh aye Ian beet me to it
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
I'm not sure how to put some of them so they're the right way up but if you tilt your head you get the idea. lol But there's my new toy with the snow plow on it.