Hi everyone just registered, was told about the site by another member but won't name in case thats not the done thing here, he'll say who he is if he wants to but my thanks. I got myself a IH 100B series 2 loader and have been struggling with a few problems that need sorting but with no knowledge of them and no manual its one step forward two back work but recently i've been given a few tips and info thats helped. It runs but breaths a bit and the hydraulics need some simple sorting hopefully and for now i'm waiting on a second filter to appear, if that sorts things out then i'll get on to other bits. Although its got interesting prospects i do have a serious use for it and because its long term i want a repair manual, i've just bought a IH 175 manual hoping some stuff might be the same but if anyone knows of the right manual being available i'd be happy to hear of it.
