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Ok John I fired off about five PDF pages of maintenance info from the operators manual ,see how you go with those ..
Ruddy brilliant mate 110 %, cos i don't have a printer with this laptop i'm gonna download to a memory stick, shove that in the desktop and print the buggers..... luvly ...
Sorry Stock ,But jpg's really aren't up to the task anyway .
Muchmud let me know if there is something else you needed ,the operators manual is 48 pages but a lot of it is unimportant stuff.
The part number for the hydraulic strainer I think is 3107813 R91 ,see how your supplier goes matching that.
And I would be interested to hear how your replacement hydraulic filters turns out
Oh just a thought but check the plastic sight tube on the side of your hydraulic tank ,it could have fine cracks and causing your hydraulic grief ,could also be as simple as low on oil.
Eliminate the simple things first and work your way up to the burning cash to fix things.
Oh just a thought but check the plastic sight tube on the side of your hydraulic tank ,it could have fine cracks and causing your hydraulic grief ,could also be as simple as low on oil.
Eliminate the simple things first and work your way up to the burning cash to fix things.
To true mate; the sight tube is naff can't see anything through it but my plan is once the filters are here i'm gonna drain the system have a look in the tank just in case the strainers there, then give it a good wipe out if needed, then change the sight tube for new one, it looks pretty much like some clear reinforced fuel pipe i got on a shelf, new filters refill the system hit the button and see what i got. I've ordered 4 filters in case i have to drain and change again to get as much as possible out the system' If all this works then the next simple fix (i do simple very well) is to try and get or have made or modify a proper hand throttle cable cos right now depending on set-up i can either have tickover and half throttle or half throttle and full throttle. with that i got to look at the throttle reduction pedal as it sticks when pressed down, i can lift it with me toecaps but thats no good.:bored:
Just pull up the floor plates and check the pivot point and linkages on the decelerator pedal ,chances are some spray lube or adjustment will fix it .
Fixing that sticky pedal might fix your other throttle problem at the same time .
Well M.Mud , Wazzas drott was crappy at driving , and with experience gained along the way he improved his . He is no fitter , but he has played with hisand now has drive. At least he he will be ab;le to explain things in laymans terms not fitters jargon .
[QUOTE=Wazza;4749]Just pull up the floor plates and check the pivot point and linkages on the decelerator pedal ,chances are some spray lube or adjustment will fix it .
Fixing that sticky pedal might fix your other throttle problem at the same time.
Noted squire number two on jobs list but don't think that would cure the throttle cable being to short, gotta be longer with an adjuster built in that fits the holding bracket below the lever. If i can find a cable along the right lines i'll wangle it into what i want.. i'm good at wangling.... not much else but definately wangling:glare:
Ianoz what can i say i can't believe Mr.Wazza is anything short of a bi-lingual mathmatical proffessor (advanced) of Drottological sciences who's issued papers of incredable detail that have been internationally distributed.....
[QUOTE=Stock;4732]Are they a push on or threaded ? the suction ones that is. The Parker UCC company may have a......
Stock mate i've had a look at these people and i''m gonna give them a ring to see if they do anything like what i want. I have them ordered elsewhere but Phoenix advertise they "make" some parts to customer specs., thanks for the tip.
Success at last my two hydraulic filters have arrived and they look like they'll do the job, they're made by "Donaldson" and manufactured in Spain i'll post the actual part numbers later. I rang Parker UCC and had a chat but they couldn't help me on the strainer so i've made me own, its nothing more than a sheet of fine aluminuim mesh rolled up trimmed to size and stuffed down the middle of the filters. Now it isn't gonna stop anything in the "Micron" range but the filters will be doing that, it will stop any debris over 1 mm getting anywhere and that can only help prolong filter life. Because of the filthy weather we've been getting i'm not working outside for now but once i know i got a couple of hours dry sky i'll get it done.