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Yes .. in Edinburgh .. well just outside ... and becoming quite a big event as its only done every two years
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
'Fraid distance travelling's an issue for me Jim - Body don't like it these days - bit of a PITA, TBH!!
I have to consider any distance jollies very carefully and weigh up the pros and cons - pleasure/usefulness Versus pain afterwards!!
A 500 mile round trip to Norwich to view/buy the 'Drema was one such occasion - well worth the post trip grief though !!
I'd have loved to have gone to Plantworx, earlier in the year, to see the new MX14, that one of the guys on t'other had bought, but wasn't up to it and would deffo have paid dearly for it, so discretion was the better part of valor
I'll get to see it one day
If it's got tracks, wheels, t*ts, or an engine, at some point it's gonna give you trouble!!