Hi I am new to the forum. I work for a company that offers lots of different auctions which include plant and machinery and I thought people might be interested as you can save loads of money. Some of the items are used but some of it is new equipment. Have a look and let me know what you think https://www.bpiauctions.com/website/...-and-machinery
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Plant and Machinery Auctions
greetings Henry and welcome, I already get my inbox filled regularly with BPI mails and loads of other auction sites, as I'm sure lots of others here do too.
Whilst I have you attention though, I have a question .... when I go to an auction the opening bid is set by whoever makes the first bid, whether it's a quid or a hundred, etc.
WTF do sites like yours insist on having starting bids (usually ridiculously high ones) on all your lots, especially on no reserve sales??
IMHDO you would attract a hell of a lot more interest from folks, if that stupid opening bid malarcky was abandoned and let the bidders set the opening bid, with whatever they're prepared to offer ..... you'd almost certainly sell a lot more gear... I'd almost put money on it
If it's got tracks, wheels, t*ts, or an engine, at some point it's gonna give you trouble!!