So after trying to make some money out west for two months and not having much success as the job sites I was working on were being constantly inundated by rain and working for people that don't know anything about dewatering. I decided to pack up and go home, however a former employer of mine had called me up and said that business was picking up and he could use a guy that doesn't mind doing a bit of everything. So a few days after arriving home they put me on a Case 580M backhoe loader a fairly popular machine over here. They have a 3 year contract with our only electricity supplier in this province to supply up to three or four backhoe's for whatever type of construction project that they may have along with a concrete breaker. I haven't spent much time in the last ten or so years on a backhoe but have been around them LOTS since I was a kid and actually had some decent formal training in my early years so it's not like I don't know what I'm doing. So my first day back though it started at 8 a.m. the pole crew didn't show up until 10 a.m. and they didn't get the first pole in till about 11:30 a.m. and backfilled about 12 p.m. by which time it was lunch.
So all I did during this whole day I was there was move two loader buckets of gravel for backfill around the poles...I didn't even touch the backhoe part. lol I do have to say Case makes a very nice machine and I like it a lot more than the John Deere machine I had to run on Friday where all I did all day was move one pad mount transformer, two buckets of gravel, and four buckets of topsoil......I hope this coming week isn't as stressful.
