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Nope I just posted that from my phone and forgot what the text code for a :d was lol
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Thanks for the video Muz I could understand you loud and clear. I think I used a similar coupler a couple years ago on a Case CX210 it was definitely a pin grabber but I don't recall who made it. Where you made that video was that where you work or your own company? I hope your able to make some more videos of the work you do.
No no Bert, It's forwards. Wheeldiggers Are the Future :P...
Those command controls are really nasty unless you find the sweet spot for them. I tended to have them as far back towards the seat as I could and pulled them in fairly tight to my legs. The Pushbutton Stick is a waste of time tbh and I tended just to send it out and use a long dipper then shorten it when the dumper arrived.
Just about All the Backhoes In North America {that includes Canada } Are Centre mount , Yet every American Brand of Backhoe thats here in Australia is Sideshift . Unexplained Mystery of the world Rory .
Well For some one that 's not been on a Backhoe for quite a while ,you did not do too bad .
Yeah ! not half ... its a bit of a swine to go from one to the other as the controls are the wrong way round .. I had the same experience going from a 360 onto a JCB 3CX ... you can get the JCB configured to be the same as the 360's now though, but you have to tell them at the factory which way you want it .. like why dont they have a couple of valves, under the back end you could just flip ?
Just about All the Backhoes In North America {that includes Canada } Are Centre mount , Yet every American Brand of Backhoe thats here in Australia is Sideshift . Unexplained Mystery of the world Rory .
Ive never understood that either ?
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Most Machines these days , are changeable with a flick of a switch from ISO to SAE ..
clearly I must get out more
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Most Machines these days , are changeable with a flick of a switch from ISO to SAE ..
Our Hitachi EX200-3 we had had a patern changer with a heap of different paterns on it .
It is interesting that the original JCB pattern is X pattern , Yet the excavators are ISO or SAE .
In Berts Vid Muz when he swings his seat round to drive off you can see the right hand joystick+arm on it is a Green Button which is your backhoe isolation switch (for roading or when people are hooking up chains) under that is a orange switch which is your ISO - SAE switch.
I was told a while back it's because the centerpivots are more stable (wider legs) but then why not have legs like the 450A where you can pull them out and pin them.
(Going from 360' - JCB is a Pig, Need a good month on the 3cx now)
Oh Rory I'll always be an excavator man, there is far more work for them here nowadays than there is for loader/backhoes. I don't know why we only seem to have centerpivot machines it's always been that way. I was talking to Gord there the other day and he's been operating for 40 years and he said they've always been centerpivot machines here but it would be nice if we had sideshift. I saw a sideshift machine once in Edmonton that was owned by the sewer and water division it was called a John Deere 315G but they discontinued that model a couple years ago. I think all the excavators I've been on in the last four or five years have had the control pattern changer and all the loader backhoes that have joystick controls have it too. The main part that I wasn't use to with that 580 was the straight boom and how fast the swing is.
Well said Bert,I can operate both 180 or 360 but I prefer the 360, as for the 180 hate the jake x pattern sooner the cross pattern of the MF/terex /Komatsu.................
Hi Bert , I noticed you were not wearing Gloves .Just about all the stuff i see from America ,operators seem to all wear gloves .
The teeth on the Bucket .We call them Tiger teeth ,named the same over there ?