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I saw this and i might make an offer for it if i knew how much it was worth. As you can see its a tractor pulled machine and its probably a fair age of a machine but whats it worth?? I think it could be handy to have.
It might be worth asking them what they want for it ,then if they are asking way too much you aren't offending the owner straight off with a low figure and being asked to leave with assistance ,if their asking price is very reasonable ,massive bonus ..
Looks like four hydraulic circuits so hopefully it's all operated from the seat.........As for price ,ask MUZ ....
Yeah rite ,,, :bumm: .. Jimlad dont pay more than he needs to .. what say ye mate ? I'll see you lay 250 on it ? (incase it might be useful at some point in 20 years )
edit .. probably worth a grand to non Aberdonians
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
I have asked the question. So I will wait ands see what figure they come back to me with. I reckon I could get a few jobs out of it so could be a handy tool.
I have asked the question. So I will wait ands see what figure they come back to me with. I reckon I could get a few jobs out of it so could be a handy tool.
I will be headin down for a look if you land this one Jim I reckon you'd need to be working like a fiddlers elbow to make something of it and drive the tractor at the same time .