Recently I scanned some pictures onto the computer for something to do. I came across some old photos from 2004 when I did a job for some people that were going to build a new house. That particular summer was a wet cool one I don't think we ever broke 30 degrees celsius. So first thing they wanted done was to put a driveway into the lot to work from, so I was running a Cat 320L with about 16,000 hours on the meter
. I stripped the topsoil and stockpiled it towards the back of the lot, the customer who was also a home builder had ordered 6" crushed limestone rock which I thought was a bit overkill especially considering they didn't buy any geotextile to put down first. At first they were going to get me to place the stone with the excavator but after seeing how muddy my tracks were they decided to use their brand new Thomas skid-steer loader with over the tire tracks, but they weren't very good at operating it. So the customer's dad intervened (he was a SUPER Control Freak) and brought over his recently purchased and restored TD-6 that was just gleaming in it's sharp red paint and it had no problem pushing in the piles of rock sadly even when I was off the clock the guy was still too much of an asshole to let me try running it. But at least I got pictures of it.
