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  • Our collection

    1000158t.jpg!Bk)oBRQBmk~$(KGrHqIOKk!EsmBZoN1pBLY8si1(5Q~~_12.jpg1000157u.jpg I called the thread on CE our little collection but got howled down on the use of the word little 1000012f.jpgFirst is a Inter 574 ,we have two of them but was not able to find the other one . Next is a Lanz model H . Followed by a farmliner ,then a fieldmarshall series two i think . This one has a 3 speed gearbox ,we have a parts one with the 6 speed gearbox . Yes i know ,a bit rough, But the fieldmarshall is in the shed and is slowly progressing .. All our machines are as found . . Some are works in progress , , by they are not oil painting though some leak enough oil to paint with . Ian .
    Last edited by ianoz; 25-02-2011, 03:55 PM.

  • #2
    Ha .. all that sunshine .. but you still got RUST I'm guessin the've sat outside for donkeys ages though
    I Pull for a living


    • #3
      Cyber space must have devoured the post i remember putting on here. Never mind . Mike some of these tractors did not get the love and attension they deserved after retirement . Floods and fires also. take their toll . And all that lovely sunshine is very good at making paint deteaorate. no paint protection ,rust appears . Some of our machines have come from parts distant . Furtherest travelled is a caterpillar D47U ,which came from Western Auatralia . We have a David brown 30 TD crawler that came from victoria . WE have 3 mack B61 ,with one comming from south of sydney .

      Australia is a big place with big differences in climate . Up north the measure their rain fall for the year in metres , some places out west rainfall gets measured with eyedroppers . We have places that get snow . Only 100 kms from here tempertures can and do drop below zerro . And when do they hold their tractor rally , Winter of course . Ian .


      • #4
        Originally posted by ianoz View Post
        Cyber space must have devoured the post i remember putting on here.
        see here mate .. might have something to do with it


        • #5

          Its not had much love or affection for sure !

          Originally posted by ianoz View Post
          Australia is a big place with big differences in climate .
          I think a lot of us forget just how bloody big it is !!


          • #6
            Well The americans go on about how big things are in texsas . We have Cattle propertys here bigger than the whole state of texsas .. Its a big little island we have here


            • #7
              Yeah but your beer is still pants
              Frank Daily .. yesterday .. today.. tomorrow .. everyday


              • #8
                Originally posted by FnDaily View Post
                Yeah but your beer is still pants
                Aussie translastion Please


                • #9
                  track 2.jpgtrack 3.jpg A couple of Track marshall 55s These have the australian built Moore Blade on them .track 1.jpg


                  • #10
                    1000108o.jpgbd04_1.jpg1000024n.jpg1000098m.jpgThis is my sons Pride and joy .Fowler VF . One of the first year built batch . It has the spoked idlers , but it does not have the right seat . This one on it is a Farmers special ,Looks like an old school bus seat .


                    • #11
                      Some Cats. This is our D68U . Built in 1947 , the first year they were made .
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        !BrcJ0DwBWk~$(KGrHqIOKiIEvNsNkoVsBLzsY-7fNw~~_12.jpg!BrcKU!QBmk~$(KGrHqUOKjEEuf5gw1UqBLzsb2ILg!~~_12.jpgI have been a slack arse with the collection photos. This is one of our Cat D46Us .Great little machine


                        • #13
                          Excellent photos Ian I always like vintage construction equipment.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ianoz View Post
                            Aussie translastion Please
                            SHit ! no offence mate


                            When was the last time that moved ?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by HazChem View Post
                              SHit ! no offence mate


                              When was the last time that moved ?
                              That photo was when we went to pick it up . But last time it was going was about 2 weeks ago when it was brought back home from leveling fill out over on the farm . People we bought it off did not know how to start it, thats why in the photo it looks as it does .

