My wife and I took some of these pictures a while ago and have been meaning to post them for some time but this is the bulk of the equipment that my father in law farms with. Nothing to fancy but does the job and nothing is owed on them unlike a lot of other farmers around here who have the latest and greatest of everything.

That's my father in law's brand new rotary mower on the back quite a heavy duty unit.

The massey it has a Perkin's engine I still haven't driven it.

One of the Cummin's powered Versatile tractors a little over 200h.p.

The two surviving combines one is a 7720 same as the one that burnt and the other is a 8820

The little 7 yard scraper that's used for cleaning ditches in the fields not a well liked unit.

The deceased 7720

The cultivator

And the other Versatile which I think is closer to 300h.p. I could be wrong though.

That's my father in law's brand new rotary mower on the back quite a heavy duty unit.

The massey it has a Perkin's engine I still haven't driven it.

One of the Cummin's powered Versatile tractors a little over 200h.p.

The two surviving combines one is a 7720 same as the one that burnt and the other is a 8820

The little 7 yard scraper that's used for cleaning ditches in the fields not a well liked unit.

The deceased 7720

The cultivator

And the other Versatile which I think is closer to 300h.p. I could be wrong though.
