Right guys we have had a fair bit of snow! The first day it came I got a call to clear a local hotel car park so got the plough on and did that then came home. I had the tractor and plough sitting in the drive and got a knock at the door from the roads guy with the local council. He was asking if I was looking for a hire! Aye when? I said. Now he says so I fire on out the door and got 4 hours of a hire not much I know but it was a start! So the next few days passed and there was not much s'more snow until the Friday so I headed home from work and put on the plough ready Incase I got a call. I was called and told to go out at 5am Saturday morning great! Sat morning I was called 4.15am told where to go and I started at half past! I have a agreed an hourly rate and agreed they will maintain my plough I.e change the rubbers and turn them etc. it's been great been burning 100/150 litres of diesel a day! I have been taking a lot of picture for you guys to see so here we go!
Firstly I am getting this sign made by Agri Signs to go on the back of my weight box when I am ploughing snow!

One day I was working on the highest A road in Britain at Glenshee with the blower keeping the road open

That was the Monday! On the Monday night/Tuesday we had 18inch of snow fall so that made it fun! Is hard to find the Center of the road at times and keep off the verge! Alot of steering and side brakes required to keep straight

Firstly I am getting this sign made by Agri Signs to go on the back of my weight box when I am ploughing snow!

One day I was working on the highest A road in Britain at Glenshee with the blower keeping the road open

That was the Monday! On the Monday night/Tuesday we had 18inch of snow fall so that made it fun! Is hard to find the Center of the road at times and keep off the verge! Alot of steering and side brakes required to keep straight
