Yea email me and I'll post them........
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Snow with Wee Jim
Originally posted by B4D2USA View PostThanks for the link. I have heard of using these but my dealer was a bit vague about details. I can get a "Power Beyond" kit to add a 3rd circuit to the rear of the tractor, but then you need another SVC to control it or it is always live. This solution is cheaper and more to-the-point.
Bert, we had an ice storm here yesterday with just a glaze. It was worse to the north. That followed a 1" snowfall. Today, it is in the 50's, tomorrow close to 60. Then Thursday back into the teens. They are also predicting severe thunderstorms tomorrow and evening with 2 - 3 inches of rain. Pretty volatile.
Originally posted by Wee Jim View PostI emailed Muz, but have now forwarded it to your good self. Many thanks.
p.s the email I have for you don seem to work now!be tonight b4 i can post em
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
ADMIN : Here ya go Jim posted these up for ye
Some more photos for you guys from my snow clearing
This is my fav photo and my entry into the plant and construction Callander lol
image1.jpegimage2.jpgimage3.jpgimage4.jpgPlease don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Amazing that highway departments over there don't use graders more like we do. The municipalities here often put those big V-plows on the front and a wing on the back, plus they have the six wheel drive and articulated steering to help them out. It's amazing how deep the snow has to be to stop them in their tracks sometimes.
So this is what the road looked like!
and this is how we opened it! With the loader and V plough at one side and the blower coming over from the other!
the snow was real bad in the village with no room to get about so it was loaded up by forklifts and hauled away! I used this JCB to clear a space so I could get it dumped.
The council have given me a V plough to clear roads with its massive!
had to go try open the Glenmuick road as you can see the snow had drifted pretty bad!
i was trying to open a road between ballater and Strathdon and I couldn't get through the snow as you can see in the back ground that's as where I got too! I saw this car when I was back up In the daylight I had to go see Incase anyone was still in it! Turns out they had to get rescued by the police the night before!
i must apologise for taking so long in getting these on here but I have been having trouble with my iPhone/ipad and photobucket!