Right then, having looked at few in this category I thought I'd chuck a couple of bits an' bobs in here for folk's amusement. 

My main sort of project is the removal of a large bank, here at home, to give me a flat area of ground to put up the Druid's New Toy shed, but SWMBO also manages to keep yours truly occupied fairly regularly too.
It's going to jump about a bit, I'm afraid, time-wise, for a while at least, as there're a few things that might 'deserve' an airing in here.
I'm retired, (from what I used to do at least), as you'll probably have gathered by now, so everything gets done to [a] suit myself and my body's enthusiasm & [b] as the weather allows!!
First up is something a little different from last Friday .........
Typical B/hol weekend weather here in Druid Central - pissing down Saturday, with worse forecast for Sunday........... and Monday!!!

Friday was perfect spoil shifting weather, but marred by a Mrs. D's "Can you just ........" !!
"Meet me up at Uncle Ken's about 12 for a trailer load of well rotted manure ... " was the first hint of trouble!! ".... he'll load it with the tractor; won't take long".
Yeh right - Ken's 76, his bro's a few years younger!! I've seen 'em on the tractor before!!!!
Anyway get there and ask where they want me and the shed's so low I gorra take the ladder rack off the back of the trailer to try to reverse in there, 90 right off a tiny roadway!!!
Got as far as I could and then spent the next two hours wrestling a trailer load of shit off the floor and into said trailer
..... by hand!!
Was well rotted OK; under the 4" crust!!
Could've done with a chain saw to get through the top layer. 
Eventually get home, on my knees, just about!!

Phone rings as I get out the car - It's Ollie Kitchin, for a yap - well timed that man;
needed a sit in the sun for half an hour's recovery!! 
There is no way Jose that I am gonna shovel this lot back out to where 'the boss' wanted it!!
So ........

Twenty minutes later - after a few interesting attempts in the past with this beast,
I've now got the drop on hanging this lil' bu**er on't boom now and I'm ready to tackle the job. Overkill I know, but I was totally knackered! 

Only took lil' bites, as there was a finite amount of space in which to drop the contents of the clam


My main sort of project is the removal of a large bank, here at home, to give me a flat area of ground to put up the Druid's New Toy shed, but SWMBO also manages to keep yours truly occupied fairly regularly too.
It's going to jump about a bit, I'm afraid, time-wise, for a while at least, as there're a few things that might 'deserve' an airing in here.
I'm retired, (from what I used to do at least), as you'll probably have gathered by now, so everything gets done to [a] suit myself and my body's enthusiasm & [b] as the weather allows!!

First up is something a little different from last Friday .........
Typical B/hol weekend weather here in Druid Central - pissing down Saturday, with worse forecast for Sunday........... and Monday!!!

Friday was perfect spoil shifting weather, but marred by a Mrs. D's "Can you just ........" !!

"Meet me up at Uncle Ken's about 12 for a trailer load of well rotted manure ... " was the first hint of trouble!! ".... he'll load it with the tractor; won't take long".
Yeh right - Ken's 76, his bro's a few years younger!! I've seen 'em on the tractor before!!!!

Anyway get there and ask where they want me and the shed's so low I gorra take the ladder rack off the back of the trailer to try to reverse in there, 90 right off a tiny roadway!!!

Got as far as I could and then spent the next two hours wrestling a trailer load of shit off the floor and into said trailer

Eventually get home, on my knees, just about!!

Phone rings as I get out the car - It's Ollie Kitchin, for a yap - well timed that man;

There is no way Jose that I am gonna shovel this lot back out to where 'the boss' wanted it!!
So ........

Twenty minutes later - after a few interesting attempts in the past with this beast,

Only took lil' bites, as there was a finite amount of space in which to drop the contents of the clam
