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Druidic exploits of a various nature!!

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  • v8druid
    So.....last night.. had a hell of a leccy storm here ... anyone else have it ? was mega here ...... sat outside in a sun lounger watching it all around us, until we had plop, plop .... run for cover and down it came .... glad I took all the cushions in with me

    Sparts was sat watching it on me lap ... Squeak cowering under the table indoors.

    Left a lamp on for 'em when I eventually went to bed ... not a happy pussy was Squeak .... having them on the bed was not an option ... had enough difficulty getting any sleep as it was, with the storm and the heat.

    Reminded me of an electrical storm we had back in summer of '82 ...
    was living in Raglan, at the time and sat out again watching it, most of the night ...
    doubt I'll ever see anything to match that again ...
    very little cloud and the sky was spectacular colours ... reds, purples, yellows - you name it ... had to be seen.

    the lightning was virtually continuous for hours, from about 22.00 'til 04.00 am ... multiple forked across the sky and loads of ground strikes.
    Was a privilege to see it TBH .... words can not describe how awesome it was

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  • v8druid
    been 33C here today .. apparently a perfect day for Vax-ing the living room carpet (TBF .. she was right) ....

    was still 29C here at 21.00 ... just locked up and still 28 in a box - was 39C in there, this afternoon
    ... 26C outside on the patio still
    listening to the weather earlier, they're forecasting even higher, record breaking temp.s later in the week
    I like it dry and comfy ... like 20ish .... been melting all day

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  • v8druid
    couldn't resist one of these for two quid ..... came across 'em on Ebay the other week .... just for the craic

    every duck should sport one

    and that about gets me up to date .. sort of .....

    Pam got back Saturday, late evening ... wondered WTF it was, as wasn't expecting her 'til Sunday evening ....

    yesterday got spent doing all the grass, after the rain we had friday and some tree management .... all growing like crazy ATM

    second barrow load getting dealt with

    sorted for another 5-6 days hopefully

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  • v8druid
    been a busy-ish day last tuesday ...... once Pam had departed, for Plymouth and Shem minding duties for the rest of the week, 'bout two o'clock .... Home alone ... no interruptions 'til Sunday evening

    Been getting me new Jabsco installed in the back end of the 'Drema .... bit tight in places - everywhere in fact ... bits of skin missing all over

    .... especially when I had to make an ultra quick exit, from the engine bay, when I was joined in there by the Group Leader of 633 Squadron ..... bloody hornet must've been 60mm long
    .... sounded more like a Dornier diesel, than a Wellington or Lanc. .... bloody thing has been doing fly bys all evening

    started with a sort out of the tail for the tank ....

    brass hose tail was a perfect fit over the swept hyd. hose tail and being brass was an ideal candidate for a soldering job ..... once I'd got the hose tail clean enough to get the tinman's to take to it and sweated on

    installed that and then routed me new shiny bit of 1" fuel hose down into the engine bay, to where it needed to end up to meet the pump's outlet tail

    next on the agenda was persuade the Jabsco into position to suss a fit .... took some wriggling in .....

    although it doesn't look it in there ... 's a big lump in a small space ..... marked the best location

    and dropped the belly plate ...... was hoping to find that red button ..... but no such luck

    gave me a good chance to clean out the back end of the engine bay too while i had this belly plate off ... done the other two a long time ago ... on Zeus,s ... this 'un bolts on ...... don't think it'd ever been off
    anyway, got yon plate back in position .... 4 hands would've been handy .... and realised it was time for some grub .... this went down real well with a nice soft bread roll to accompany it .....

    have had it before and REALLY rate it for a quicky .... bloody gorgeous looks as good as the pic and tastes even better .....

    so ... refueled, I set about persuading it all back in there again ..... after i'd checked out the control unit on 24 volts on the bench .....

    the red button was as I suspected .... push to break .... and's wired in parallel with the float switch .... yon relay in the box full of rubber must be a latching unit .... so needs to have a circuit 'made' in the normal position, which was a bit of a PITA ...
    but it got druidised and'll do for now 'til I can find a replacement guts for it ...... the floaty bit was working fine

    it all went back in and got bolted down, followed by an introduction of said rubber bit .....

    jeez it is tight to get yer mitts into, but got there .... routed and cable tied everything into place .......

    In the middle of refitting the float switch and me phone rings ... Simon ... " are you still up? " ..... silly Q. .... " yeh sat on the top of the 'Drema's fuel tank , re-fitting the float switch in it - it's only half nine FFS " ..... he wanted to drop by on his way home, with my laser target, he borrowed ... several years ago LOL that I'd asked him if I could 'borrow back' for a while

    so by the time he'd arrived I'd gotten tidied up for tonight ..... and was on watering duties ... daren't let Pam's plants expire on my watch ... been 28C here today ...... wiring to sort tomorrow and can give it a try
    ..... a good hour plus watering ... good job I tidied up when I did ... struggling to see the bloody plants, by the time I'd gotten around 'em all

    beautiful semi-lunar eclipse tonight when the moon came up, 'bout ten o'clock
    .... took about two plus hours to transition to the full moon we've got tonight

    Tight was not the word for this job ..... the original pump is 2/3rds the size and was mounted on a bracket, attached to the front face of the tail weight ... where that pipe tee-block has been put for the breaker valve's servo and LS line interfaces with the pumps .... bloody stupid place to put that
    ... the old pump had been left sitting on the belly plate, stuffed back out of the way .... could've made life easier, if I'd re-jigged some of the plumbing and re-located that tee-block .... but!!!!! ...... I managed

    well I sorted the wiring thurs morning .... had a bit of a senior moment when I put the float switch back in last night - the wrong way up - I blame Simon's phone call .... so although I'd actually got power at the loom connector supplying it (the original feed), it would not run .... 'til I traced the new loom back to the switch - took it back out - and realised my 'error'

    whilst I'd got all me wiring gear out i thought I'd replace the rear facing roof top lights with the new LEDs I've had sat for ages ...

    they're 'kin bright, even in daylight

    With that done, I thought i'd try the pump out, after tidying everything away ......

    she was about 1/3rd full, so in need of about 160 litres ...... bloody hell does that pump flow fuel at a hell of a rate .... once i'd gotten it wet..

    self priming, according to the paperwork for it, but was new and 'dry', 'til I decanted what it HAD managed to suck up half the pick up line .... then it was away
    did not take long at all and kept a very careful eye on the speed at which it rose up the tank.

    As Stu on CEF had said ..... the froth could've been annoying ... but stopped it a few inches short of 'full', let it settle a while and went again ... didn't dare let the autostop dictate the stop point
    ..... needs a second pair of eyes for that ..... or a remote switch button, on a wander lead, one could knock the pump off with, whilst watching the filler port ... would certainly be a good idea
    Quickest fill she's ever had .... love it

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  • v8druid
    had a bit of a challenge on the go last Sunday .... Rory ( JD450A of the CEF ) has had an issue with his towed roller and was in need of some bushes to get it mobile again .... and couldn't find any ... POP with a lathe, but, with a little lateral thinking, these will be in the post Monday

    got all set up earlier .....

    went to the genny ..... pressed the go button and ... several clicks from the control box and ...sod all .... running fine last week .... oil pressure off the scale and hadn't even turned over .... so lots of head scratching ..... very similar fault to the last occasion it pissed me off

    appeared to be going through the motions of trying ... just not doing it ?? had a good shufty around everything then checked the earths to the starter ... dropped a connection off .. cleaned it all and ........ away it went with perfectly normal oil gauge ... I'm hoping that I may well have found the culprit

    so.....I was away ....

    as said a bit of lateral thinking was needed for this .....

    Ajax lathe ......... started with this ..

    the jig saw came out for the other three

    then it needed a hole ... a 70mm one

    as a solid disc, gripping it was easy .... as a tube it was a different matter and had to get it 'just right'

    mission accomplished .... " where there's a will " - etc..... but jeez what a bloody mess .... took me an hour to clean up all the acetal swarf !!

    can report that the Ajax is a peach ..... the DRO is the bollaux, for summat like this, where repeatable centre set up was paramount ... accurate to 0.1 thou. .... gonna enjoy owning this ....... and the genny ....... started / stopped fine all afternoon

    Great to be 'driving' a machine tool again ..... and I love machining plastics .... so nice to work with ... .... no sharp, or hot bits

    all packed and ready for the PO Monday morning, after I drop Clara at nursery

    and in case the posty can't read ........

    worst - er, I mean .... best one I could find

    Sunday july 14th - wimbledon final

    well .... these two blokes on the telly've been beating the shizer out of them yellow balls since I went out to mow all the bloody grass at 14.00... an' they're still at it 4 hrs later .... don't think Pam has moved

    The Dane's decimated either side of our drive, the three passing places on the main drive and the turning area ... then me and Sparts have mowed our old drive and the lawn ....

    he was asleep on our bed when I got the Countax out the shed ... and was waiting for me at the end of the patch drive, by the time I got there

    was either here, on my lap or down on the foot boards all the way round .... and stayed there 'til I'd finished and put the Countax away again

    Gonna have to make him some sort of 'perch' / seat / bed to attach to the bonnet ..... he's alright on my lap, or the foot boards, but perched there I have to take it real slow/steady, with him up there ... and on my lap, come to think of it ... his back claws are bloody sharp .... keep his fronts clipped as he has a tendency to climb your leg, if you don't pick him up quick enough

    ....... and they're still slogging them balls about ..... tea's gonna be late tonight

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  • v8druid
    wrestled this lil sod out the tank after tea .... wanted to check functionality .....

    and sort it's leccy bits .... it's working fine ... auto level shut off for the pump at full point

    does however mean I'm either going to have to create a relay op circuit for it ...... or re-use the old control box ...

    snag with that is ... the manual stop button on it has vanished into the mists of time

    I assume that it's a press to make ... like the 'go' button is, which is one techy little button

    the cross rod/pin is 'the make' contact ...... have searched for a 'new one' ... to no avail and ......

    .....sadly the unit is one of those ...... you ain't coming in here to alter anything jobs ....

    however .......

    broke out the surgical instruments .. scalpel and locking forceps .... to reveal ....

    one relay, as suspected and a lot of bloody tough rubber sealer ..... I've sussed the circuit with a meter and all seems in order .... will give it a try tomorrow on 24Volts ..... only snag, as said, is the missing manual over ride stop button (which it looks like I'll have to create),or failing that the pump unit does have its own toggle too as a fail safe ...... see what the test run shows up... as long as the float level system is working with the auto shut off, it's not going to be any 'biggy'

    would be nice to use the original unit if poss .... it's neat

    a few mods to the bracketry, as the new pump is a bigger unit and work out just WTF I am going to put it ... doubt it's going back in where t'other one came out of .. it was tight in the engine bay and re-fueling is going to be a doddle/pleasure, rather than the faff it has been ....... Oh and route the new length of shiny, black, fuel proof hose

    so that'd been my day yesterday

    so .... friday the 12th was shot to sh1t ... again
    stood outside at quarter to eight that morning, awaiting Clara's arrival and down the drive comes Darren's bright red Veedub van FFS --- the alarm/autogate man .... ..... with yet another gate hinge/bracket problem

    he gets earlier each time ..... head in hands, with a nightmare job on his hands ..... gates again, on a pub conversion, back to a house, not far from my parents old house in Aber ....

    lots of pix and measurements and explanations, little of which made any sense, as to what he was trying to achieve .... looked like mission impossible
    so made a fuss of the little un and shot off into town with him to view it ..... whoever made and fitted the gates should hang their head in shame ... I wouldn't put my name to it ... 140 square timber 'posts' bolted to the walls so badly that they just wobbled about in all directions and some tw*t had hung a pair of 12 ft gates on these things ...
    with butt hinges ....
    they filled the opening, but with returning walls either side of them, was no room for above ground automation behind the gates, so had to be an underground jobby ...
    long story short, some trick top pivots were required to suit the below ground pivot points ....

    he'd got what he thought'd do the job 'til I pointed out the pitfalls of his proposals and we headed back to the bench to 'alter' them to suit/make it work

    extend the pins for starters

    after a bit of a 'brainstorm' ......

    ......then set about the hangers .. having altered/hacked/created one out of 'screwfix's best' making the second of the pair was a bit more fraught

    but I got there in the end ..... late in the afternoon ......

    after a two plus hour interruption at 11 for grandadding duties at Clara's sports day

    my primary school teachers never looked like these

    mostly 50 + year old spinsters

    sooooooo as said ... friday burggered from the off

    the day was gonna be mine tomorrow ... Clara'd gone off to Plymouth with her mum -- having nicked our golf for the run and I wasn't answering the phone ... to anyone

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  • v8druid
    quick little job before tea .... persuade Zebedee, I picked up yesterday up a piece of tube for anti collapse on me Jabsco suction hose ...

    he wasn't going with out a fight, so slotted an end of a piece of 10mm stainless I had , fed him onto it and wound him up to reduce his O.D. a bit, drop of lube and puuuuuuush ......

    last coil got a bit out of shape on the final foot ..... when I wound him the wrong way .... but as a method ... worked bloody great

    bit of a trim .....

    and insert one Geka

    followed by a hose tail and socket for the filter on t'other ....

    should stop the bugger sucking flat ......

    just enough time, 'fore 'the bell' , to get a thread file to the tank fitting ....

    new nut and swept fitting went on a treat, after some judicious filing

    and the new hose should clear the valve block sweet as ..... just have to 'adjust' the new elbow to accommodate an inch hose .... they didn't have a stepped fitting .... God knows what list would've been, if they had ....... i have the mod in hand .... just need to get the gas out to braze a sleeve onto the tail

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  • v8druid
    well the Sunday didn't go as planned ..... but did get a few odds and sods done between visitors
    Monday however, saw the rest of it down as far as I can get for now .....

    and a significant reduction in yon heap .....

    reckon I've used about 12t so far .. once I'd squared it back into a tidy pile again

    wed.s 10-7-19

    Squeak thought it was a great idea to roll in the stone dust .....

    he wasn't quite as pleased with himself after he'd had one of my hand brushes over him, for a few minutes trying to get him 'back to black' ... she'd have had a fit if he'd gone indoors like it

    More black stuff required now to crown the patch off and raise the levels a bit, right at the back end.

    All mowing sorted by lunchtime today and been sorting out collapsed pallets this afters, bagging a couple of buggered pallets of stone into a new bag, generally having a square up in the back corner and heading for the bottom of the pile for some slabs - proper hard pavement type slabs, to set out and bed for the boxes' new home
    man has it been bloody warm today

    had to run into town this morning, so risked getting bent over, by the local Hyd.s emporium, for a few bits ..... couldn't be arsed to run out to Raglan and needed ,em to sort out the new Jabsco pump for the 'Drema

    in the bag, amongst other things, is a long swept 45 metric hose tail I needed, to get the fill pipe past the valve chest and into the tank .... list apparently, from Parker, was 57 quid and change ..... I said "you'd better put it back mate "..... he says .... "that's before your discount" .... under 8 quid sounded a lot better dear enough still, for a fitting but a hell of a lot better than list

    been pallet sorting again, trying to access a pallet full of very hard slabs, for bearing pads for the box move....... burning several dead pallets and trans-shipping their contents onto new, much more solid pallets

    hard graft, some of it, but mission accomplished ... for now

    cut a few slabs in half ... 3' x 2's .... ready to use and selected a few that were already 'halved' from being stood on decaying pallets, for pad stones, humped the rest onto a new pallet and stuck 'em out the way for now.
    then thought i'd rough out where they'm gonna go for an hour, before tea time.

    got one possibility set out, just as 'the bell tolled' and was summoned for food ..... wasn't quite where I'd envisaged it'd end up ... so set out an 'alternate' after tea .... and may well have a few more goes yet

    jury's still out ..... see what it looked like with the 'Drema out the way in the morning . first option only gave me 12-ish feet between them and the location of the corner of me shed eventually ..... second option created another 3 plus feet on that, which was a lot better
    then see how we're looking on levels

    God knows where I am going to park some of this stuff, out the way, to get a crane in to do the move ... Russel's new machine is a bit bigger than his PPM A.T. was ... this 'un's a 6 legged Liebherr .... time he came and had a shufty.... make sure he can do what's required and I make enough space for him to do it

    day -- or best part of it shot to sh*t .... 2 hr meeting with Ken's insurers this morning, for Pam, trying to sort his various policies for the farm, vehicles, tractors, implements, stock, public liability (has three foot paths across his place) plus buildings and house. Fair play the rep was very good and it could've been a lot bigger headache
    followed by several more hours up there sorting details of traccies, kit, etc. .... Anyone any good at valuing traccies ??

    anyway... was late afternoon 'fore I got my day back ..... I've gone with the red option on the setting out for boxes .. even 'the boss' agreed it looked the best option .... so .... roughed out the centres of where the pads are going to go .....

    so's I could get them pins back out the deck, 'fore they get run over and the lines wound in ....these string wound 1 micron water filters make bloody great string lines ..... tough as and plenty on a roll

    then it was time to establish some levels .....

    gives a good dot in the daylight, but a crap line .... probably be fine in the dark .... dot was enough for what I wanted, to set a datum and packers required .... getting the dot dead on centre line on me own was a bit hit and miss but didn't take too long to sort , once I got into aiming the lil' bugger and quicker than getting Stanley out.

    levels sussed ... not three bad across the width and about where I expected it to be down the length .... dropping about 100 mil ..... shouldn't take too much sorting

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  • v8druid

    had an idea for a refinement .... will see if it'll fit tomorrow

    shed looking all shiny next morning, after its re-paint

    might finally get the gutters on that Sunday

    so .... merchants at 09.00 saturday morning ... relieved of 107 quid and change for 100M of 25mm MDPE ..... thought it was dear?? ... but needed it and wasn't gonna go trekking about looking for it ..... also found a 'new' farm supplies type place on an adjacent IE, which i'd never seen before ..... didn't dare ask what they did the MDPE rolls for

    so after 'modifying' the end of it ....

    to aid in stuffing it up the duct ..............

    it got 'stuffed' up the duct

    got within probably 3 ft of the far end in't black shed and COULD NOT get the bloody thing round the bend, where it comes up in the flloor of the black shed

    so hauled it all back out and started again from the shed end

    ..... with more success

    stuck the VA-r on along with the clamshell, that hasn't seen much action in a while

    and set about relocating some 40mm, from the heap, to where i wanted it

    got to the second gravity fed tap and had everything held in place ...... permanently

    before wrestling yon duct and the pressure fed line into it's approximate final location -- for now ...

    then it was time to make it stay put, so's I could fill past ..... enter Mr Spit's finest .... this makes holes almost as well as Mr Hilti's TE17 does

    one 19" deep, 20mm hole later and a spike sledged into it 'til it bottomed out........

    and yon plumbing/cabling was where I want it for future use

    and secured for filling over

    got this far and Pam's BIL arrived, with Pam's sister, Niece and other half ..... bugger!!

    so, combined with the fact that we were going over to Ross, to Serge's for dinner at 18.00, they put paid to any hope of further progress for the day

    reckon I was about 45% of the way round and past all the nadgery bits, so pretty plain sailing from here on, to join up with the existing run of stone, at the top end of me patch .....
    Sunday or no, a couple of hours'll see it filled tomorrow .... then bag up the excess for future use, after I've added a few bits here an' there, where needed

    Dinner in Ross was lovely and Serge was on fine form .....
    his garage (read -- small hangar),that I did the dig out for a while back is looking bloody great ..... not seen it in the daylight before, since the roller shutter doors got installed and his upper floor/storage area got's one very nice triple garage/workshop

    then it was "Time for bed, said Zebedee"

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  • v8druid
    would you bloody believe it !!! ... there's only been one other of these on ebay in months and I bought it ..... cheap enough weapon ... not as shiny/tidy as my new toy ... but been converted to single phase and as near to me as Bristol, as good as ... and a grand less

    don't usually look after I've bought summat, but had a search running for turret mills and this got sent to me two weeks ago on the 4th July

    300+ quids-worth of tooling with it .... plus a couple o' hundred quids-worth of rotary table too BTLs

    Sod's law !!!

    ok as said got a bit of catching up to do so gonna date some of these ...


    lovely sky tonight ..... been some sort of day ....

    I misguidedly said the other night the Dane was unstop-able ..... I was wrong ...... been dealing with the verge and passing places on the drive this afters ...

    Dane was happily wading through this sort of stuff and more ... some 4 ft tall .... until I found a horse feed net hiding in the undergrowth ..... that stopped her dead ..... buggered the net too

    2 mins to extricate it and away we went again, grass/undergrowth slaying in a fine fashion

    with the sun cooled down after tea, I set about starting a re-coat on this ....

    got a whole side and the door end (such as it is) done in an hour an' a half with my trusty fabricator's friend .... gonna have to mix up another batch of bit. tomorrow, to get any further ...... do all the big bits first and sort the fiddlys with a brush after

    forgot to say, a few weeks ago ...... I installed one of those snubbers i bought to deal with the induced ghost voltage in the LED flood circuit ..... worked a treat .... no more flashing LEDs


    another great sky tonight guys . ...

    good job Pam took the pix .... I didn't notice it ... had me back to it painting the shed again, after the sun'd cooled down a bit this evening, after we'd eaten .. far too warm through the day to be stood in it .... and Clara and a can of bituminous, in the same county, would not be a good idea

    latest bargains arrived this evening with the local Hermes driver ..... tripped over a guy, literally 'blowing out' a load of tooling he'd acquired, in a job lot of stuff that he couldn't use and /or didn't want ... I'd bid on and won, one bargain item and he rang me asking if I'd like some more at equally give away prices ... never look a gift horse, etc. ...

    new, they're 50 to 70 ish quid each, on the MT adapters, the collet chuck'd be more ....

    God knows what a 10-11" More & Wright mic.'d cost you and the random item on the left, is an aircraft grade 0-200 psi, variable, multi turn, pressure reg. (thought Alex (Cyberprog) on the BCEF might fancy that for his new found interest in air controlled 'toys' ) ....

    princely sum of 30 quid the lot ...... an' a tenner for Hermes .....
    I was robbed

    what would you have done??

    can never have enough tools, especially when they're that bloody cheap ....
    will save a lot of tooling changes he had loads of other stuff too, on ISO 40, but metric draw bar, so was restrained and left that lot there .....

    although I'll probably regret doing so, once I get around to making an M16 draw-bar

    Got 20 tonnes of clean 40mm arriving tomorrow, some time, courtesy of Alex

    my usual guys were saying 7-10 days delivery which in reality'd be a minimum of 14 ....

    he got it sorted in two, with one of the quarries he has an account with ......couldn't fault him .
    Must decide whether to put in that air line now, or not PDQ ....

    wanna get that drainage trench filled in , before someone gets too close to the edge in a vehicle and collapses the damned thing, or one of the cats decides to disappear up the 6" pipe ....

    have had to drag squeak away from it twice today ...
    must be a mouse in there, so stuck a spike through the end of it, to reduce the amount of wriggle room ... not even Sparts could get by that ..... would be a disaster to get one of them stuck in there

    So...... get that filled and can sort some pads for a box move, with the leccy now in situ for a relocation and speedy hook up ..... couldn't be without leccy in 'em for long

    it arrived 'bout half two the next day as promised ....

    a fair pile that ..... see what's left tomorrow afternoon
    didn't have time to play with it this afters ... had to dash into town

    Local merchants in the morning for 50M of 25mm MDPE .... persuade that up the duct (piece I had ain't quite long enough for an air line and bury it all
    spent a couple of hours that morning waiting for me truck securing the taps .... 20mm hole drilled into the deck ..... solid rock ... sledge the 20mm bar into place and hey presto ... will do fine to keep 'em in the air .... couldn't see how to put a stake in the ground with out core drilling it and this'll do the job fine

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  • v8druid
    watch this space ...... BIG catch up coming up .....soon ...... been busy as !!

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  • v8druid
    been a busy-ish sort of day .... my old alarm guy arrived this morning ... bloody early ... we'd arranged it last week, but didn't anticipate him turning up at 08.00

    needed some fabbing skills to sort out an automated gate system bracketry.
    not the first one i've done for him ... these things arrive with half the bits missing / not assembled / sorted to suit their eventual homes !!

    Pretty poor show really considering the cost of these kits.

    anyway three hours later and he's a happy chappy, with it all modified/adjusted to suit his needs.
    tells me that he and others struggle to get small fab jobs done these days, with me long out of it and no-one else to turn to locally.

    Richy the lad who used to work for me and set up on his own has apparently been tempted by a monthly pay cheque, to take a job as a maintenance engineer in a large factory of some sort and now only does what he fancies, as and when, for himself. ... Can understand the steady wage being a temptation ... the vagaries of self employment can be hard work some times

    Anyway, can see Darren being back more often, as he does a lot of these gate automations, along side his alarm systems and video surveillance work .

    with half the day shot, I turned my attentions to getting me cabling into the duct up the patch, now that a couple of rolls of cable i'd been waiting for had arrived last Friday

    went up the duct very well .... aided by a three core 20mm SWA as a pusher .... bloody heavy though, as it got further and further up the duct

    'til it eventually surfaced in the black shed ......

    sorted the tails out on the SWA and persuaded it into the junction/dis. box .... hot - couldn't be arsed to get up in the loft to isolate it,

    especially as I wasn't going to be connecting the tails, other than the earth line for now, as there's now't on t'other end ATM, 'til me boxes get moved.
    Will mean though that it's a simple task to re-establish leccy in 'em fairly quickly after they're moved !!

    also laid in two control lines... one to extend the 8 core from the house for the outside lighting control and a second to extend the LED flood supply, up from the black shed to the boxes, making them all controllable fro the house eventually --- beats groping down from there in the dark

    all done and buttoned back up for now, 'til I can get it hooked up each end

    didn't bother putting a pull line into this one, as I can't foresee wanting anything else up it ..... did consider laying in an MDPE pipe for an air line, but pretty sure it could be persuaded up there again .... need to decide whether to bother or not, though, before I get it all stoned up !!
    Reckon a 20mm would do it, but would need to go get a roll, as I don't currently have any sat ..... either that or stick with the 25 mm which i do have, plus plenty of fittings too

    excess coiled up for now ..... stone next (or an air pipe?? )

    been waiting on a new ISO 40 INT to MT4 sleeve adapter to arrive with a 5/8" x 11 draw thread ..... the one I picked up recently for next to now't is M 16, which is a PITA .... without the metric bar to match it ... must get one made up
    also got three more #3 MT sleeves arriving too ..... couldn't leave 'em there at a tenner each ... much quicker dropping the adapters out the quill and swapping for the next one than changing bits/tools.

    guy selling them, in Oxford, told me last night he used to live four miles down the road in Grosmont ..... his dad was the local vicar ... and knows the area very well ........ such a small world !!!!

    so she's now armed with a #4 MT mounted, 3/4" chuck, plus the ability to drive up to a 2" MT drill bits .. aside from all the various Clarkson cutter chucks and collet chucks I have sat, ready to use, on some of the next projects.

    would have come in well handy for Darren's lil' job this morning and saved hauling the mag drill out !!

    Genny's oil pressure gauge was playing 'silly buggers' yesterday .....

    will have to try the new sender unit, Serge gave me, in it ..... see if that cures the problem .....

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  • v8druid
    have n't had a 'decent' Happy Birthday to me prezzie for a while ... think me Goldwing was the last one ... an' no one else is gonna buy you those sort of toys ................
    unless you have 'em at gunpoint LOL
    gotta get a chassis plug fitted to the elex cabinet and wired in to take a flying lead from the genny.
    If it hadn't been threatening rain, I'd have sorted the chassis plug, 'fore it went in there .....
    would've been so much easier with it up on me bench, rather than groveling about on my knees

    had a good crawl over it and have run it, where it came from, before kicking 'em to death on the price ...
    got the distinct impression I had more idea about it than they did

    am well pleased with it .... seems to have had an easy, pampered life, is well tight everywhere ... and it's imperial ... the genny wil be running it (for now-it's convenient ) although an inverter'd cope happily with the demand ... they'm thirsty lil' sods for the leccy!!!

    this gives me all sorts of capacity, hole/shape-wise and one project that is deffo now an easier proposition, is a new hitch for the VA-r ----
    S type with a few druid mod.s .....
    it should have a lot more guts/rigidity than a Bridgeport too
    ..... I'd still have loved that Lion that I missed, with full power everywhere and in mint, barely used condition .. but this babe'll do nicely

    been having an issue with one of me G couplers lately as in it was leaking ... been trying to get the damned thing apart, with little joy, to replace the guts of it.
    these came up on ebay the other night and thought " give one a try " cheaper than the 'guts kit' too, at £6.69 .....

    very pleasantly surprised to find it works as well as, if not better than the originals I have

    the extra handle makes life a lot easier for attaching/detaching and it has three grippers in the head as opposed to the G's four ....
    put a stick and a half into the 'Drema with zero issues at all .... time will tell, but ATM ...very happy with its performance

    as for the old G coupler .... had to get the jaws into the vice to undo them .... some one taking the piss on the assembly line ...
    stripped it eventually, after extracting the jaws first and then getting hold of the centre mandrel to get it undone ....
    all cleaned up, fettled and the grippers reshaped, hopefully it'll be as good as new ....
    couldn't be arsed to swap the new Ying Tong back off the gun to try that was performing just fine

    I saw the Paris addy thing on the listing and wondered???, but looking at his other items they have a 'french flavour' ... but as far as I recall it was international shipping and had a customs ticket on it ..... didn't look to have had it's origins in Paris

    have to say, credit where due ..... it performed real well ...goes on/comes off easier and the extra handle makes handling it a doddle

    IMHDO the three grippers instead of four holds it more securely : - bigger grip area over 120 deg.s instead of the 90 degs on the G couplers I have

    was well worth the try at 7 quid

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  • v8druid
    evening all ..... though it was time for a catch up .... been busy

    well I got to go to Bristol on the 26th ..... and the 'boss' came for the ride :uupps: .... thought the birthday shopping had finished last week ....
    'twas toooooooooooo close to the Cribbs Causeway Mall ... so ended up there afterwards ... was another bloody expensive day .......

    but not as wallet slaying as the following day was

    my new Ajax AJT1 ... ISO 40 Int. spindle, stepped pulley head

    brand new Align variable power drive unit, on the X axis

    DRO on the X and Y ... older unit but nice display ... clocked it with the DTI and spot on ... even the hand wheels agreed with it

    nice clean tidy machine .... quietest head i've ever heard
    only down side was the metric M16 draw bar isn't with it, only the imperial 5/8" x 11 .... and I've got both metric and imperial tooling .... weirdest draw bar i've ever seen .. two piece thing ...... I'll have to make a metric one, 'cos Ajax want 800 quid for one . and I ain't giving 'em the pleasure of shafting me for that

    fits the space I prepped for it a treat ..... after we'd juggled the lil' bugger in

    it will do for a home for it for now .....

    Happy Birthday to me ... for this year

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  • v8druid
    Originally posted by Muz View Post
    Hell Yeah ! went to buy one for one of my eight tonners ... and thought fook it ..... i'll repair the old one
    need a lathe to repair the one I took off Muz ..... the motor spindle where the seal is has worn and won't seal ... everything else came up fine, but need to build the shaft back up and machine it back to size

    that looked an easier/quicker solution for now .... God knows what it cost originally .... it's new and never been used
    big old unit too ... probably a third bigger than what came off

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