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Druidic exploits of a various nature!!

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  • Muz
    Originally posted by v8druid View Post
    had a few decent buys lately ... 3

    oh ... and had this last week ... new fill pump for the Hydrema .. 50 l/m ...... 67 quid

    complete with non return foot valve for the pick up hose ... god knows what'd be new .... beautifully made
    Hell Yeah ! went to buy one for one of my eight tonners ... and thought fook it ..... i'll repair the old one

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  • v8druid
    had a few decent buys lately ... 30 no., ER32 collets the other day for the start bid of 28 quid .... they'm usually 6-12 quid each ... that was a lucky one

    the DV 40DIN collet chuck was a tenner --- can be anywhere between 50 and 200 quid new depending on make .. that's a Laip .. decent enough 'breed'
    aaaaand .... 32 DA180 collets, to suit that chuck I had for a fiver, the other day, for 26 quid .... bargain

    this has been the best one lately . ..... brand new .... never been used .....

    still greased and waxed

    well north of 500 quid new ... 42 quid

    oh ... and had this last week ... new fill pump for the Hydrema .. 50 l/m ...... 67 quid

    complete with non return foot valve for the pick up hose ... god knows what'd be new .... beautifully made

    Pam's 60th birthday yesterday .... wednesday was a 'shopping day' and for once there was loads she liked, loads that fitted her well and the best bit ... just about every shop we went into had a better than half price sale on so was a half price day ..... mind you some of the original prices were eye wateringly silly to start

    so she had a great day ... my wallet had a bad day .... but she had a big smile on her face though ....... result
    she came down to this at the bottom of the stairs yesterday ..

    and a few extra lil' surprise prezzies, that went down a storm .... for a change .... what do you buy the woman who has everything

    was going to go see that miller this afternoon, 'til I went down to nursery for Clara .... they carried her out with a serious temperature and I whisked her home for some TLC .... put paid to my trip out!! ..... got to get to go see it monday/tuesday and buy it, before someone else does

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  • v8druid
    At those prices for that tooling they got to be had ..... already got plenty of ISO 40 stuff, but a shell mill is summat I didn't keep .... Tom Lomax at Exc@v8 had 'em with me miller he bought off me

    if it's the right price ... it won't eat or drink and Button B is an ad. away !!

    Got a nice Ajax lined up if I can find half a day to go eyeball and pay for it

    just a bit busy ATM ... between events and Clara three days a week ...... an' it's Pam's 60th next week

    got the last few bits out of the drainage trench the other day

    just in time for it to get a good trial ..... has it ever pissed down here recently

    managed to get me duct sorted, cut to length and the rest coiled up tidy this afternoon ....

    took some wrestling back into a coil after i'd wrestled it into a straight length to tidy up the excess

    dropped in an extension for one of the water lines ... the live one ... gravity fed

    just as it started to pee down again ..... pulled the stop end off, to find an old style fitting ... so the simple swap I'd anticipated happening turned into a wet swap in all senses
    .... combined with the annoying move of filling me one rigger, wresting the end of it trying to get the fitting's insert back out ...
    bloody weather .. been dry all day ... even dry enough to get the lawn knocked down

    t'other line will be for a pumped/pressurised supply, when I get the storage tank into the black shed, plumbed in and the pump installed, to feed it ..
    hence a further need for an electric supply to the shed. ....
    it's all about levels here, when it comes to water, plumbing and planning a system. We have a limited 'head' to play with to get it here
    must remember to extend that one too
    ..... after I've lifted it all back out to clean the trench bottom again when it dries up a bit

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  • v8druid
    well didn't get to Plantworx again for another 2 years .... had a begging phone call Monday night ... could i please go help with the heated vacuum mixer again at Simon's bro.'s place ... the seal that didn't get replaced last time'd given up the unending struggle with the atmosphere and was in need of some expertise

    Now at 200 quid a throw I could sort of understand the reluctance to not change it last time, when we had it apart .... but ....
    had it apart and ready to re-asemble just after lunch ... then fought for two hours with this bloody fragile carbon ring seal trying to get it back in to its housing ...

    persuading it into those three O rings is some feat .... especially when i discover that the seal is 0.5mm too big ... off the shelf, all they had were these half mil. oversize seals .. 4-6 weeks lead time on one the correct size .... so had a fettle of the old one ....

    got it looking half about and it was 18.00 was gonna have to be a tomorrow job .. the day I'd planned to go with Alex to the show
    ... I was up for a job and knock, but Simon'd got summat planned for the evening and was already running late ... so that was the end of my plans for Wednesday
    re-fitted the 'fettled' old one the following morning --- the loss of that half mil made all the difference and it went in a lot sweeter than t'other one that we'd spent two odd hours wrestling with the afternoon before and failing to get past the third O ring quite HTF we'd managed to get the other one in previously, on the last strip down is still a mystery as working the dim.s there physically was not enough room in the recess for all that rubber to be displaced/compressed

    anyway .... it all went back together .... eventually and ran the old girl up ..... achieved 75% efficiency -- slight air leak but the vac. pump held its own and is likely to improve with a bit of use .... it'd get 'em out the tish with their production schedule for a week or so, 'praps more.

    ordered up a couple of 130 mm lumps of 90 mm dia. carbon rod and lined up a guy locally to machine some new ones to the right diameter, when the stock arrives ... plus a couple of improvement mod.s to the design, (oh for a lathe of me own) ..... so'll probably be back there again next week for round three

    Carbon stock arrived yesterday and went off to be machined in the afternoon ... hopefully have some seals back mid week, next week

    followed this bloke up to Simon's bro's the other day .... God knows what was keeping half of it on there

    and sticking out in either direction left and right ... be surprised if he didn't have half of it off up the lanes !!!

    picked up a nice ISO 40 cutter / collet chuck the other day off fleabay for a fiver a piece

    the face cutter probably be 150 quid new ..... got 33 DA collets coming shortly ..... for 28 quid .... steal !!

    and a few more pix of the Old church up at Cwmyoy for you all .....

    crooked is one descriptor

    bloody miraculous it's still standing really

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  • v8druid
    it's been 'some' week .... a lot to get sorted and done .... a lot already sorted

    in between appointments and phone calls, I've 'relaxed' finishing off the second area that needed some additional soil ... extending a 'flower bed' and raising the ground level a bit here, to channel run off when it pees down, away from our septic, which has been known to get flooded occasionally, when the monsoon style rain we seem to have been subject to now and again, has swamped the field above and our lawn

    I'd raised the GL here a while ago, but not far enough 'up' the run of the lawn, so has been an opportunity to increase the area of it.
    no sooner gt it all topped off and graded, when Squeak came tearing down the lawn, raced around it all, dug a few holes and legged it with my cursing ringing in his ears lil' bugger!!!

    Up at the church yesterday, checking out the 'space' for Ken, next to his sister ... gonna be tight ...... been a while since I was last there and had forgotten just what a 'crooked' old place it is .... built on a bit of a landslip, centuries ago ... and has moved a lot over time ...

    the flying buttresses, that have been there as long as I've known it, keep the tower 'put'
    pix do not do the lean justice ... has to really be seen to appreciate the degree of lean and of the twist down the entire length of the old place ... the other end leans and twists in the opposite direction .... significantly .. and the whole place bows like it has a broken back .... a testament to the builders, that it still stands at all .... the end in the pix above must've sunk 2-3ft, judging by the size of the very low door way inside into the tower and its cockeyed shape

    one of the guys on another forum asked if I was taking the 'Drema up to dig the grave ?? I'd struggle to get the Fleming in to where the hole's gotta be ....

    beside from the road up to the church ... the 'Drema'd widen the lane as it went up, ... with the blade down - or up

    Les the local grave digger (who incidentally suffers with a very similar genetic blood disorder as me ) runs a 2 t Kub ..... thinking of ringing him to see when he's going up there to dig it ...... I wanna see HTF he gets his Kub in there

    the funeral director struggles to get the hearse up there .... and his limo.s are out of the question .... we all choose the smallest cars available to us ... and pile in ...... the P38'll not be in use for sure

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  • v8druid
    was a very long day yesterday .... ended about 04.30 this morning after being called back to the hospice at 18.00 ..... we lost Ken at 02.10
    I've been on screen saver all day !!

    was relatively quick, painless and peacefully in his sleep .... a shame the same could not be said of the ten year run up to it
    it was a relief for them both TBH ..
    his bro. did well, to enable him to stay at home for so long, but he was exhausted and Ken's quality of life was not great
    he said to Pam last Friday, he'd had enough! .... went from a horse of a guy to a frail shell in days .... just gave in to the inevitable and stopped fighting it.
    as the saying goes .... "life's a bitch ....... ....etc."

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  • v8druid
    well had the Birthday boy for a celebratory cup o' tea this afternoon big 3-1 .. half my age
    .... None other than Ruben himself of the BCEF fame, with his lovely lady ... Lost in the Welsh hills .... again

    - Only a few months since they called in last

    -- text -- "what's yer post code again mate"
    .... great to see them both ....

    missed Pam,
    who'd just departed for Plymouth with her daughter and Clara, supposedly to visit Shem and Co.

    ..... apparently she was a tad confused when Vicki went sailing past the Plymouth turn, at Okehampton

    ...... heading for a Birthday surprise week of 'pampering' at a secret Cornish location, with her kids and theirs

    ... shocked was the best description I think
    .. did tell her to pack more clothes this morning - "never know what the weather's gonna do Pam"

    on the phone earlier, when they got there .. "did you know about this??? " ... " who me -- nah "

    ........ sadly someone's gotta 'hold the fort' , look after the mogs and maybe/almost certainly, take 'that' phone call

    .... might get down there for a day or so perhaps
    ... we'll see
    best kept secret, so far, this decade

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  • v8druid
    Unloaded bucket no 7 today .... just about creased me .... been bloody warm here all day
    then proceeded to fill no 8 .....

    down as far as the pipes which were originally just lying in a trench ---- 'bout 5 years ago and which had mysteriously back filled itself

    then came at 'em from the other end taking the top off in scrapes, which went well 'til I found the duct about 6" higher than the rest , which wasn't helpful to its survival .
    ... water pipes did though as one of 'em is 'live' and cut the bloody duct off out the way ....
    like wrestling giant spaghetti with that roll of 80mm duct .... and has gone quite brittle

    ran out of room in the 7 footer for the last little bit .... should've grabbed the 3 foot Geith and filled that ..... but didn't think of it, at the time.
    last lil' bit was a hand job to clear around the far end, which i did after tea .
    ... and dropped the plumbing into spot after clearing all around it to get it low enough ..... bloody ground was hard !!

    shit pic .... light was starting to go
    got a joiner somewhere for the ducting ... otherwise, if I can't find it .. according to my vernier, down pipe is gonna make a decent fitting joint
    need some stone next, after i've gotten that last bit of spoil out the trench ...... and emptied bucket no 8

    one to make you smile ....... we can never make the bed here in the mornings ..... 'til these lil' buggers vacate it, around lunchtime

    and yes Squeak is actually that big . .... he's a lump of a cat !! just over 17 lb last time I weighed him

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  • v8druid
    Originally posted by AndrewMawson View Post
    Druid, I don't declare my hand on eBay until 5 seconds before the end. I use Auction Sniper and have done now for several years, not only do I not get run up like you did on the Bridgeport but I don't get carried away either :)
    TBH Andrew 3 seconds is my usual bid point, with all I'm willing to give ..... have the bid loaded on one page and watch on another .... this time i wasn't overly bothered about whether i got it or not - convenient though it was, it wasn't what I really wanted and was testing the interest, sort of.
    Hasn't re-appeared so may well have been a genuine bidder ..... I do not like these private listing auctions.

    Like you, normally the first time my 'face' appears on a listing is when I hit the 3 second bid and either win or lose it. I always use an odd figure .... have won a lot of stuff 'cos i'd added the odd 11 or 17p to a bid - like £111.17 or £1002.11
    Makes a big difference usually about winning or losing an item .

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  • AndrewMawson
    Druid, I don't declare my hand on eBay until 5 seconds before the end. I use Auction Sniper and have done now for several years, not only do I not get run up like you did on the Bridgeport but I don't get carried away either :)

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  • v8druid
    for the first time ever, yesterday, I had to drop a union off on the VA-r to make a connection to the dipper ... ]mental note to self---- don't leave it parked directly in the midday sun .... no way were the FF QCs gonna budge .... one to remember, ... even though I always drop the pressure off the lines, before disconnecting it, but it was so warm yesterday the VA-r was very hot to the touch, after sitting in the sun for a couple of hours

    Bucketful no six went down yesterday .... don't often see one of these out yer kitchen window

    less walking, with the barrows, from this point for a.n.other location needing some dirt ..... got the 'lawn extension' topped off with some 'riddled' stuff ....

    took me bloody ages, but worth the effort ... all I have to do now is have stern words with the cats .. stop 'em digging it back up

    these guys suddenly appeared from behind the treeline in quick succession ..... only just managed to get me phone out to catch the last one as he sped away ...

    chasing his mates who'd been over a few seconds earlier

    not quite 'nap of the earth', but they weren't far off it and when they passed Pam, up at her cuz's place a few seconds later, up the valley they were heading up, she was above them, looking down on 'em

    had two of these Ospreys come over on the same route yesterday, playing 'silly buggers' with the deck - they were bloody low ... too slow with the phone yesterday for a pic

    didn't know they folded up like that
    have had Chinooks over the house before now, so low you'd think they were gonna land on the lawn ..... seem to use our roof ridge as a reference for NOE flying .. them and the Herc.s

    Unusual to see the patch devoid of a big yeller fing

    was supposed to be doin' the last twenty feet of me drainage channel today, -- needed to avoid hitting me 70mm cable ducting and two water pipes already in there part way up the patch ... (can just see the duct coil, bottom right, above) ... or I will be PO-ed .... then I'd better get on to me stone man for an eight wheeler's worth and get it filled back up

    that was yesterday's plan

    didn't happen that way today though .... been a looong day.

    Pam's oldest cuz, who's been real unwell for several weeks, following yet more treatment for cancer, has not had a good day.
    Although his brother has been doing his best to care for him, together with a lot of input and visits from pam and I ... plus the attentions of the local district nurses and carers from one of the cancer support charities, decided today that he needed to go into a hospice for more intensive care .... and to give his brother, et al some relief from the responsibilities of it all. Sorting that today has been pretty intense, but we managed it and he now has 24/7 care ... and his bro. who is mid 70s can have some rest, physically at least.
    TBH I can't see Ken coming home again sadly.

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  • v8druid

    view off the top of a box
    'Sposed to have been dry again on the saturday and TBF, didn't had a lot last friday, so yon channel got extended some more after I'd found some stone to edge yon lawn extension with, ready to finish that edge off with a bit more soil. ... got a home for anything left over too, so I can get the channel finished off down to join my drainage system just to the left of the black shed ...

    a.n.other unusual view of that,.... off a box top

    had a gander an' was still top bid, on the miller, with a way to go ...... hmmm! .... interesting ... someone else ran me up pretty swiftly earlier, but well below where I'd go to on it .... and if it went it went .... if it came it'd make a stop gap for now

    Ebay really pisses me off ..... looked at the bidding history ... I was top bid and it was the same as a.n.other bidder, but mine was the earlier auto bid, so I was top bid ..... upped the limit a few quid and bugger me ALTHOUGH I am top bid the bastards increased the top bid, which was mine anyway .. did however mean anyone else was gonna have to top that amount ... plus my upper max. ....... then I was out I thought .... 'bout where I valued it, for summat that doesn't really tick all the boxes for me

    Well I was out ...... if anyone fancied a tidy bridgeport, I'd eyeballed it and it's tidy with a reasonable tooling cab too .... taper just wasn't what I wanted, at R8 .... drilling much more than 20 mm'll load it significantly ... bloody good miller though

    this came up early saturday .... no idea 'who's' it was ... never seen one like it before .... looks to be #3 MT taper, from the extra pix the seller sent me .... 'twas a bit of a beast for 3MT .... old, but SOLID

    was In Stafford and a grand to own it ..... hell of a 'ram' on it

    looked like a scrappy/recycler's yard ..
    Clarkson autolock collet chuck, but no drive keys so not ISO30 ... only leaves MT .... which was a lot more common decades ago .... which is what this looks to be ....
    guessing 50s/early 60s looking at it, 'praps older ....... it was bloody solid and could even be 4MT looking at the pic .... never seen a 4 though, usually 2 or 3

    as for yon Bridgeport .... of the opinion I was run up about 500+, quid from where I jumped in at 700 quid ....
    whoever was doing the running for him, ended up with it, when I left him to it at £1270 .....
    I'd either get a phone call saying the bidder has dropped out or he'd relist it ....

    watched and bid on too many ebay auctions not to be able to spot when I'm being played/run up ..
    and have to admit to having done it a few times myself for friends .... the art is knowing when to stop

    so .... back to the 'gardening'
    having gotten the soil as far as I could with 4 bucketfuls = 60 barrow loads, I needed some edge retention .... enter one yankee crossing sleeper 10 ft x 12" x 7" ... and bloody heavy .... had to crank up the 'Drema to extricate it from a pile of stuff.

    having gotten it onto a sack truck and down the patch ...... I was knackered so recruited the wheel barrow for the final 60% of the journey

    was fine 'til i hit these .......

    and it made a break for freedom .... only just kept up with it !!!!!

    anyway .... wrestled it into place, sussed it for size and then bedded it onto a good stiff mortar mix .....

    in anticipation of bucket no 5's contents .....

    yon drainage channel was progressing quietly ....

    .... takes time to dig it on the angle, get it into the 7 footer, drop the VA-r off ... move said 7 footer down to be emptied ....
    barrow it all to spot and then start all over again, once i've gotten the VA-r back on !!! 7 th time that day, on and off ...

    no 6 sat waiting it's turn on the patch wed.s afternoon ...

    Pam's keep fit/circuits night so she disappeared at 4.30 and i spent an hour re-shuffling a few pallets
    ... again and a couple of buckets ...
    that Hill's jaw gripped and picked this up no sweat ..

    then it was time for yet more mowing ....
    did the side of the drive Tuesday night - lawn again wed.s night and swept the previous nights mowings from the Dane, off the side of the drive with the Countax's sweeper / collector

    finished just as Pam returned in time for a late tea.

    lawn extension looking OK ... now to suss the last bit of it

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  • v8druid
    really hoped this was as tidy as it looked in the ad's pix ....
    only down side was it was R8 spindle and I would have preferred an ISO 40 Int. ....
    however .... there was a very good selection of R8 tooling and holders with it, so .... we'd see ?

    Hoped the lathe behind it might also be up for grabs ... looked suspiciously like a Colchester Mastiff ..... which is top of my shortlist for lathes

    slotting head on this too .....

    a selection of some of the tooling/holders

    I felt like i should know this bloke, who had it, but couldn't put a face to the name ???
    we'd see the next day, hopefully

    Well last Thursday morning I decided before getting much further with the soiling and blending in that the one small 'rock' that i was forever avoiding with the mower ought to come out the ground, as I was not gonna have enough cover over it ...... 'rock' be ****ed ... !!!!!

    was half a road .....

    with no chance of getting mechanical handling anywhere near it
    .... it had to have it .... with a sledge

    lot of the smaller stuff went back in there ... had to get filled with summat ... the bigger stuff's retaining a lot of it at the end .... and is nicely buried too. Would like to meet the tw*t that buried that lump of road there ..... if they'd only gotten it flatter ..... anyway
    .... it''s coming along, after yet another bucket load yesterday afternoon ..... after I'd recovered from wielding said sledge ... 'spirit's willing, but yon flesh ain't what it used to be'

    find some suitable stone to finish off/cap what's retaining the far end and ''Bob's yer uncle''
    .... bit more lawn to mow
    .. after it's settled and either been seeded or turfed

    obviously the guy with the miller weren't available that day -- hence the tango with the tarmac ..... but he was friday morning ..... if I really wanted a Bridgy, this 'un'd do very nicely .... that said ..... I was high bidder on it ATM, but expected it to go for a lot more, unless I was intended to have it
    .... if it dropped in my lap, it'd do for now, 'til I can lay hands on summat better, with a 40mm quill ..... it'd be bought at a level that'd sell on nicely, or not get had
    ... I had a figure at which I was out and know what they make for a move on, if it landed. ..... still gutted about last year's near miss with the Ajaxs and that Lion a few weeks ago .... summat'll pop up ....

    had been inquiring after a very tidy Semco, 'til I realised it didn't tilt/nod and the turret didn't swivel .... guy had taken some very carefully composed pix - dealer who'd probably dropped one, when he acquired it ... very nice, but essentially just a vertical miller, with a ram head.
    ...... lawn massacred yet again yesterday evening ..... before it rained Friday

    .... jury's still out on that one ?

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  • v8druid

    new dumper's not as mobile as they usually are .... and with 70mm pins doesn't fit under the VA-r ... bit of a PITA, when I needed to shift it ....
    so gave this a try

    worked well ...

    and relocated it a treat ..... some grip on that jaw !!!

    dropped the VA-r off for the second time and .... no 2 en route .......

    even if I could pick up the 7 footer with the VA-r .... a tonne plus of bucket and half a tonne of VA-r would be pushing it a bit, where it was going and not really enough room to get it all down in there !!!

    as usual the co-pilot was 'in residence' ..... another PITA when you want to move .. have to make sure I know where he is ... daft enough to lie under my wheels ... getting old, love him and losing the plot a bit !!

    trundled down to the closest point to its destination for a further 'unload'

    and dropped it in ready for the hard part .....

    15 barrows in that second load .... thirty in total that day .... broke a bit of a sweat in the afternoon sun !!

    especially sorting this end ....

    this edge has pee-ed me off since we've been here ....
    was the builders dumping ground ...
    last bit to level off and they buried all sorts of crap in there ....

    well I use the term buried very loosely ...
    sticking out is more like it.

    to date i'd had a large barbecue, a barrow body and frame, loads of bits of old sleeper, a bed frame and God knows what else out of there !!

    I'd now got it to the stage it was re-fillable .... getting the fill there had been an issue, 'til I'd hit on the 7 foot bucket idea and it's worked well

    two bucket loads and Pam had had enough ....

    and it was tea time !!

    so adjourned for the day ..... after putting it all away .....

    but not before the VA-r went back on for the third time, ready for the morning's continuation .....

    left his parking plate on for the night .... God knows where i was gonna be dropping it off first, next morning !!

    rounded the day off after tea with a good burn up .... dead pallets, too rotten to get stuck in the wood shed/firewood pile .....

    burnt remarkably well considering how knackered a lot of it was ... now't left the following morning !!

    no. 3 away .....

    and getting there ......

    there was another filled 7 footer sat on the patch that night, ready for the morrow, but it'd have to wait 'til later in the day .... Pam was off to see Ken & Doug (her elderly cuz,s) in the morning and I was hoping to go eyeball a milling machine ... in Abergavenny !!
    Not exactly what i really wanted, but was very tidy, well tooled, viewable under power and was only 8 miles away ... life's a compromise !!

    the channel was coming along nicely ....

    ready for a load of clean 40mm to fill it back up with, accompanying a cable duct at the back of the channel .... which i mustn't forget to put in first !!!

    BUT ..... there was a well stuffed bucket awaiting our attention first .... hopefully the last one !!! ..... 45 barrow loads to date .... circa 3+ tonnes .... plus the next day's heaped 7 footer

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  • v8druid

    hopefully ain't going to need these again for a while ... told this week that the machine has never run so, well since they've had it (bought new) and holds serious vacuum ...... result !!

    Had Clara here a lot week 'fore last and for a sleepover on the Saturday night ... she loves to stay here .... digger time Saturday, before her tea .... dumper, jake, dumper again then the duck to finish off ... "shut the door grand dad"

    Sunday started at 05.27 !!!!! when Clara woke up and started again ...
    mental note to self .. put her to bed MUCH later next time -- after ten hours kip she's like the energiser bunny on NOS (nitrous oxide)

    Beautiful clear morning here on the Sunday ....

    best one this year I think

    waiting for Clara's dad to arrive to collect her and down the drive comes a strange car ..... and out gets John Jasper ..... used to own and farm Werngounsel in the '70s, before emigrating to Oz in 1980.
    he's been here a few times when he's over to see his mum, who's pushing 90 odd ... didn't think he'd be coming again, two years ago .. was great to see him again

    over with his grand daughter ....... and her hubby!! all feeling the cold, despite it being quite pleasant Sunday.

    Sunday afternoon got taken up with some emergency repairs for Alex, who'd found some cracks in his S type hitch, when refitting his newly re-furbished tilty last week

    job done and home just in time for tea .. or I'd have been in trubble

    massacred the lawn on the Sunday evening .. again !! ...

    starting to get back into shape at last.... and looks like it's been cut, rather than the so so look it's had so far this year.

    Middle of me hamster juice (treatment) Monday morning and Pam says "there's a lorry on the drive" !! .... looked out the window and it's me scrappy, who's been coming to me for decades ...

    after seeing me 'plumbed up', said he'd call back later as I had some stuff for him

    returned late afternoon, stuck it all on and having a chat . " have you got a changeover valve kicking about Gra? "

    oil pissing out of his diverter valve .... swaps his feed from tip to hiab ...

    " fraid not mate, but can get you one in a few days"

    arrived on the wednesday ..... 3/4" BSP ordered ... 1/2" arrived FFS !!!

    their store man needs a course in thread recognition ... never gets it right first time !!

    Replacement here thursday ... guy on the phone most apologetic ... especially as the size is cast into the body on the valves

    had a real score when this arrived the following Monday .....

    brand new and a quarter of new price .... good old Ebay

    Posty interrupted getting the VA-r onto the 'Drema, for some pallet shuffling, with the forks, so's I could get at the edge of the patch that needed the drainage ditch clearing ready for some clean 40mm

    left it on for the night, ready for some bucket action Tuesday

    digging round corners ..... nightmare without a VA-r !!

    meet me new dumper .......

    needed to get this lot as close as poss. to where we wanted it, so's the barrowing wasn't too much of a challenge !!

    one down .... 'nother one to fill ....

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