complete with obligatory black cat/co-pilot

and here's one off the patio last night ... this takes off regularly from down there

The red thing in the middle

Text last night at 11:30 ..... the local had been and paid for the Lion

don't come along like that very often

email from the seller today to say - thanks for the interest and " Spoke to the original importer told me they were made in Taiwan he imported over 300 and only had call outs to 20"
so back to trawling again 

Had yet another day on the Vac mixer ... actually doing what i'd gone to do yesterday .... good progress today

clever bearings these ... split bodies and cages

the guts of the beast

the motivator ..... a good half a tonne of drive unit

got it back in spot

and shimmed up/aligned ..... perfectly to 0.5 thou


buttoning down the hatches ready for a test run

worked a treat, ran like a watch and held vacuum beautifully

just got a car full of tools to unload tomorrow

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