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Druidic exploits of a various nature!!

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  • v8druid
    someone winge-ed the other day, that I never take any pix from this angle .... so just for them ......

    complete with obligatory black cat/co-pilot

    and here's one off the patio last night ... this takes off regularly from down there

    The red thing in the middle

    Text last night at 11:30 ..... the local had been and paid for the Lion ..... hardly surprising .. want his arse kicking if he hadn't
    don't come along like that very often

    email from the seller today to say - thanks for the interest and " Spoke to the original importer told me they were made in Taiwan he imported over 300 and only had call outs to 20"
    so back to trawling again .... have another make/model in mind ....... or another lion, praps ... the Taiwanese Bridgeport copies (some on steroids) were all pretty solid tools

    Had yet another day on the Vac mixer ... actually doing what i'd gone to do yesterday .... good progress today

    clever bearings these ... split bodies and cages .... well handy dealing with 3" dia. shafts that need to be aligned to the thou.

    the guts of the beast

    the motivator ..... a good half a tonne of drive unit

    got it back in spot

    and shimmed up/aligned ..... perfectly to 0.5 thou .... do me ... blind man be glad to see that half thou


    buttoning down the hatches ready for a test run

    worked a treat, ran like a watch and held vacuum beautifully
    just got a car full of tools to unload tomorrow

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  • v8druid

    Did I want a job as maintenance engineer ...... er ... no ta .... they break stuff faster than it can be fixed apparently

    these arrived Saturday ......

    and got tailed ready to install

    spent a bit of time yesterday afternoon making some space in a box .........

    (the bench'll need some forks to assist it out the door with its current 'occupants', so's I can relocate them too .. the area is bigger than it looks in the pix and said m/c'll fit fine)

    .ready for a Lion ..... it'd re-appeared on an auction listing this time 500 quid cheaper than the BIN listing previously Guy had gotten back to me with the news that it was deffo an ISO 40 int quill taper and I'd said I'd have it ....
    Call later in the day to say he'd got someone local wanted to come view it too ..... "would he hold it for me if I sent him a 10% deposit, direct transfer now ?? "
    er... he'd said he could come look at

    Spoke to the seller late tuesday night... had the local been?
    he had, but didn't leave any deposit and wanted to come back wednesday with his biz partner first ..... " so you still won't take my deposit and I collect it Friday "? NOPE

    Hadn't heard from him wednesday but he'd ended the listing, so either the local'd had it ... Or I'dget a call this morning for my deposit .??? Hmmm!! so it was fingers crossed ...... one sweet machine .... especially for £2k

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  • v8druid
    looked at ebay Monday night Lion listing had ended assumed someone'd had a bargain chap who had it couldn't tell me if it was ISO 40 Int. spindle, or one of the other tapers or morse even ?.... didn't seem to know much about it at all ..... wanted 40 int. as I have plenty of tooling ..... if he could've said for sure, I'd have took a chance, and hit BIN, when I first saw it, as the listing said it could be run up before collection

    guess where I was yesterday ?

    JD agents ... £136 .... yanny dealer 78 quid .... JD really do take the piss

    and guess who didn't snap the short bolt holding this on, trying to fit the new one
    What's left outside the pump, suitably modified as a guide to centre up the drill, to try and get t'other bit back out

    bloody nightmare location to get at ..... job for tomorrow sometime ... after we get the heated vac mixer re-assembled, which is what I went there for this morning.
    hadn't been there 5 minutes and the maintenance guy at Simon's brother's factory was on the phone ... could he have some help with an auger feed. New auger flight had arrived and could not see HTF to fit it .... to replace a recently deceased flight

    never having seen this thing before, let alone assembled I was scratching my head for a bit

    specially as it seemed about 18" too bloody long Having learnt that the predecessor had been slung in the skip, we then spent half an hour looking for it ... well 2 minutes to find 95% of it and the rest looking for the tail that'd snapped off, necessitating a new one

    once I could see it I'd a better idea of how the new one ought to look and the bit that looked too long weren't far off ....
    ten minutes measuring up the drive system, which was still 15 ft above the factory floor and still wired in, Id sussed that things weren't as bad as they seemed ... the drive end was right ... but the flight was too long over all

    so assembled the business end ....

    to suss the issue at t'other end ....

    bit of judicious hack sawing and removed this bit

    adjusted the 'new end' for the spigot to fit and made said spigot fit the flight tube

    end refitted ....

    and job sorted ..... whilst the maintenance guy and Simon were still pondering HTF I'd arrived at the 230mm that had to come off ... before we'd actually re-assembled it (I'd worked it at 235 mil - but was close enough)

    left the maintenance guy and jis side kick to hump this back into spot and fit the hoppers .... we had a date with a vac mixer and the day was disappearing quick

    beautiful building this is all in ... prob.s about 2/3 of an acre of concrete with a lid on .... the guys who laid the concrete achieved a near mirror surface on it apparently .... then the guys who came to paint it, said "way too smooth" and scarified the bloody lot .. badly ..... it is some shed !!

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  • v8druid
    well yesterday morning got destroyed by a 'town expedition' for supplies for a birthday meal today for Vicki and her hubby ... both 33 this week within 2 days of each other ....
    and very nice it was too earlier this evening

    this was yesterday morning .... thought it was smoke to start with, but mist hanging in a shallow valley the other side of that ridge

    yesterday afternoon .... or what was left of it sorted the grass out for a.n.other week - or less - depending on the rain/sun levels for the next few days.

    couldn't believe what I had off it for a few days growth

    front lawn done as well .... and looking good / shaping up

    today's been a bitsa ... bits of this and bits of that ....

    been nagged for weeks to make a couple of seat basaes for some old chairs Pam's got it in her head to repaint and upholster ..

    job done

    back in my favorite place this morning, altering the catenary supply for the boxes ...
    had two spare cores so decided to double them up for a better delivery of lecktrickery

    in and out of there three times, by the time i'd turned it off altered the far end , altered this end, ......
    then again to turn it back on after forgetting to do so after I'd altered this end ... Oooops !!

    been trying to develop the enthusiasm to break into a trunking in the box to fit this for ages ....

    in the wiring mood so thought I'd sort this one too, whilst I had the inclination ..
    be handy to have some leccy in that corner of the patch, without having to trail a looong lead out

    day seems to disappear quick on the bitsas

    and then it was time for the main event .... a birthday tea

    and so the munchies got had ... followed by the usual obligatory ceremonials .... three times for a certain lil' one

    take two .... I missed the first one LOL

    take three

    job done

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  • v8druid
    Originally posted by v8druid View Post
    LOL ... now don't wind me up mate ..... ......could just do with the facilities that a turret'd give me for all sorts ... including bits of shed ..... like that 1ph MIG ... been umming and ah-ing for ages about acquiring summat suitable and then wondered WTF I'd pissed about, after the event ... would make life knocking stuff out, so much easier and such a versatile bit of kit
    it'll fit ... m/c is 2400mm ... I've got 2450 mm

    Originally posted by Wazza View Post
    Didnt know you had built the shed yet , I must have missed something

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  • v8druid
    Originally posted by Wazza View Post
    Didnt know you had built the shed yet , I must have missed something
    LOL ... now don't wind me up mate ..... ......could just do with the facilities that a turret'd give me for all sorts ... including bits of shed ..... like that 1ph MIG ... been umming and ah-ing for ages about acquiring summat suitable and then wondered WTF I'd pissed about, after the event ... would make life knocking stuff out, so much easier and such a versatile bit of kit

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  • Wazza
    Originally posted by v8druid View Post
    Could always cut a hole in a roof and extend it up a bit for now LOL
    Didnt know you had built the shed yet , I must have missed something

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  • v8druid
    Originally posted by Mattir View Post

    the Lion might be made in Bulgaria as there are lathes with the same brand. Based on what I read on one US forum, it is solid stuff.
    cheers Mat ..... I'll see if that leads me anywhere with their millers .... I have seen Lion brand lathes about
    Originally posted by AndrewMawson View Post
    The Kondia has far stouter power feeds on all axis. Those Align units in the Lion are OK but not very solid, I have one on my current Bridgeport and have had them on previous ones. The
    Kondia ones look as though they might be oil filled which is a good thing.
    Yeh the Kondia look to be OE drives Andrew ..... regrettably it's only an ISO30 quill I discovered last night .... really want a 40, which the Lion is ... got plenty of 40 int. tooling which I kept .... My old miller that Tom at Exc@v8 bought off me was ISO50 so he got given a LOT of tooling with it
    At 2.4m tall the Lion may present issues ATM for headroom ... need a measure up ... Kondia is only 2.14m ..... shouldn't be a reason for selection though ... it's gonna have to fit in a box for now, but could really do with the facilities a turret'd provide .
    Could always cut a hole in a roof and extend it up a bit for now LOL

    re the Align units .... there are an awful lot of them about on machines so hopefully will do the job, and I'm not exactly looking for a 'production' machine , but take your point

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  • AndrewMawson
    The Kondia has far stouter power feeds on all axis. Those Align units in the Lion are OK but not very solid, I have one on my current Bridgeport and have had them on previous ones. The
    Kondia ones look as though they might be oil filled which is a good thing.

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  • Mattir

    the Lion might be made in Bulgaria as there are lathes with the same brand. Based on what I read on one US forum, it is solid stuff.

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  • v8druid
    right gentlemen (and ladies if we have any) .... get yer brain cells out of storage ... does anyone know where Lion milling machines hail from ... damned if I can remember and drawing a blank on google .... quite fancy this 4VS .

    it's this, or a tidy-ish Kondia FV1 .... both with XYZ power feeds ..... still regretting missing those Ajax last year the Kondias are Spanish and have a decent rep. ..... some folks prefer 'em to a Bridgeport - heavier built, 40 INT taper and more daylight

    unless I can turn up some horror stories on the Lion, I'm more inclined to that ..... dearer, but looks to have had a very easy life

    Never seen one of these 'in the metal'
    plenty of Kondias though

    soooooo .... anyone care to share

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  • v8druid
    Had a busy day with me mate yesterday ...... on the techy stuff

    re-aligning and shimming this ready for re-assembly .....

    defeated in the late afternoon by some O rings that did not wanna fit/stay put, no matter how lubed they were or how hard we tried ... a mod is required spent well over two hours trying ...... and had to throw in the towel .... the maths just did not add up .. pint pot, won't take a quart

    one of the groundsmen at Simon's brother's place came dashing in late afternoon .... could we look at the Gaiter ... summat had just gone bang an' he couldn't turn it off ....

    never seen a stop solenoid coil quite so comprehensively self-destruct before .... end cap clean off it and spewed it's contents well and truly out ..... think it may need a replacement ..... had to stifle the Yanny motor to kill it

    'Snubbers' didn't turn up with the posty today, so it got a 10W bulb wired across the L & N very close to the LED unit ... tha's killed the phantoms ...
    amazed at the amount of light in the shed from the dim glow when the LEDs are on .. enough to navigate by, in there ... sod all when they're off though ..... the Ghosts may be producing voltage, but not enough current to make the filament glow even slightly

    It'll do for now 'til the trick bits turn up and proved the issue/cure

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  • v8druid
    Originally posted by AndrewMawson View Post
    Trouble is that anything you put across to discharge the phantom voltage will have to take full mains when the light is on intentionally unless you add complicated switching to take it out of circuit. I would have to be a resistor as it's the wires capacitance that causing the problem. Our stairs light glows dimly when it's supposed to be off for the same reason, but I just live with it as it's handy when the grandchildren come to stay!
    a dim glow would be tolerable TBH .... it's the flashing every 3 seconds that i can't tolerate ..... aside from the annoyance of it and the cause .... triggering the unit like that is going to drastically reduce its life span

    the 'snubber' units are rated at 300V and designed to run in parallel with the load, so should be fine
    Also been told that an incandescent lamp in parallel will sort to issue too

    Gonna give a 10W bulb a try in circuit later and see if it cures the issue .... should in theory ground the phantom voltage to neutral through the bulb filament .... but you're then running a.n.other bulb when the LEDs are in operation

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  • AndrewMawson
    Trouble is that anything you put across to discharge the phantom voltage will have to take full mains when the light is on intentionally unless you add complicated switching to take it out of circuit. I would have to be a resistor as it's the wires capacitance that causing the problem. Our stairs light glows dimly when it's supposed to be off for the same reason, but I just live with it as it's handy when the grandchildren come to stay!

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  • v8druid
    OK ... on the right track ..... it's called Ghost or Phantom voltage ....
    " Ghost voltages can be caused when energized circuits and non energized wiring are located in close proximity to each other, such as in the same conduit or raceway. ... The meter is actually measuring voltage coupled into the disconnected conductor. "

    ... the longer the run, the worse it is

    trying to find a method of eliminating them has proved a lot more difficult on Google .... Any ideas chaps?? ... capacitor (or resisitor?) across the LED connections to suppress that ghost voltage and stop the LED tripping/firing (flashing) ??

    can't seem to find any 'proprietary' ghost voltage 'slayers' on google

    been rummaging me stores this evening for suitable relays for a variation on the control circuits .... got 24V, 110V and 240V on 11 pin with plenty of bases for an install ....

    might see if the ghost voltage'll trigger a 240V relay at all .... will save transforming the voltage down to 24V for the control circuit, if it doesn't and simplify the install .... even got some DIN rail relay bases that'd go in the consumer unit

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