It’s been absolutely bloody wild here for a good 36+ hours now
and got little done today !!
Gathered up a few odds and sods that had ‘escaped’ from where they’d been parked and secured ‘em ....... then warmed the ‘Drema up, to lift a ‘straight edge’ out from where it was sat and chuck it on the bench.

Then picked the beam off the bench .......

Gave a bit of a try and seems to work pretty well ...... will be even better with a bit more ‘stuff’ to shove about .... and a roller on the back end

On the roller front ..... having measured up the two ‘volunteers’ they were different diameters
..... which was bloody annoying ..... 4mms of annoying!!!
So went in search of the various other ‘remnants’ of previous ‘victims’ and sussed whether they’d make up the 101 inches required to make it with
....... just was the verdict!!
So hauled them out and dumped them in the straight edge to see how they looked.

Still a slight discrepancy between them all, but live-able with I think!
As I said, it’s been seriously wild here and I’ve been blown off my feet a couple of times today
!!!!! Remarkable eh ..... have really had to brace against the wind at times and trying to do anything requiring any finesse, or steady hand’s been real up hill
.... anyway .... the last gust that got me, put me on my arse
...... in a very large muddy puddle and that was enough action for me for one day!! 
Packed up, locked up, went and stripped and jumped in an early shower .... sod it.
Getting too bloody old for playin’ in puddles ..... getting rained on I can live with .... bog snorkelling’s a wetting too far !!
......... and no .... there’s no pix !!

Gathered up a few odds and sods that had ‘escaped’ from where they’d been parked and secured ‘em ....... then warmed the ‘Drema up, to lift a ‘straight edge’ out from where it was sat and chuck it on the bench.

Then picked the beam off the bench .......

Gave a bit of a try and seems to work pretty well ...... will be even better with a bit more ‘stuff’ to shove about .... and a roller on the back end

On the roller front ..... having measured up the two ‘volunteers’ they were different diameters

So went in search of the various other ‘remnants’ of previous ‘victims’ and sussed whether they’d make up the 101 inches required to make it with

So hauled them out and dumped them in the straight edge to see how they looked.

Still a slight discrepancy between them all, but live-able with I think!

As I said, it’s been seriously wild here and I’ve been blown off my feet a couple of times today

Packed up, locked up, went and stripped and jumped in an early shower .... sod it.
