here's the drg from the parts book and the key ..... in German

Been a while doing a cover to cover on the op. manual. There is no mention of a suction strainer, or the maintenance there of .. anywhere ... the return filter gets a mention in the service interval section and is a replaceable item, but no numbers for it.
I'll take the filler plate off as Tim suggested 'elsewhere' and have a shufty, but supposed to be pissy wet tomorrow
there's also a smaller washable filter under the cab floor and looks like it's on the supply to the servo pressure line ... called a ''pressure filter element'' by the book and looking at the so so diagram of it, it's located on the end of the servo/solenoid manifold.
so let's see what I can turn up with the number on the end cap.

Been a while doing a cover to cover on the op. manual. There is no mention of a suction strainer, or the maintenance there of .. anywhere ... the return filter gets a mention in the service interval section and is a replaceable item, but no numbers for it.
I'll take the filler plate off as Tim suggested 'elsewhere' and have a shufty, but supposed to be pissy wet tomorrow
there's also a smaller washable filter under the cab floor and looks like it's on the supply to the servo pressure line ... called a ''pressure filter element'' by the book and looking at the so so diagram of it, it's located on the end of the servo/solenoid manifold.
so let's see what I can turn up with the number on the end cap.
