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Druidic exploits of a various nature!!
came down yesterday morning to seven of these lil' bar stewards ... on the lawn
bugger me if there wasn't eight of the damned things this morning,after herding them back into their field, yesterday
If they're there tomorrow, the bander comes out and I'll band 'em up in bundles of four.... and see how agile the lil' feckers are banded together
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not a lot done of late ...
MOT man gave the P38 a new ticket.... but wanted me to change the rubber boots on the front swivels, which're admittedly, a tad the worse for age, as an advisory
.... joints were fine, but ........
If I'm gonna have to split them to do said boots, they'm getting new joints toodamned near as much work anyway ... so they arrived last week ...
job for a nice, dry .... much warmer day, ... or two, perhaps
I may also owe ppl, who've suffered the shit weather last week, an apology ... 's Pam's fault it rained after nigh on 10 relatively dry days, to start the year with.
got seconded (read - press ganged) into the best part of the day down at Pam's daughter's Friday, 'fore last, dismantling and removing her 'Princess bed ', that I'd made for her, maybe 18+ years ago ...
this, combined with a couple of hours atop a double ladder, clearing the moss off of her roof, did my iffy shoulder the power of good ...... NOT
The hour plus I spent at the local tip after, trying to donate them said mattress and a.n.other single one, plus misc. crap and a dead fridge did not help my health and temper either.
They keep changing the bloody goal posts .....not so long ago one had to get a permit to take any trailer bigger than six foot long down there .... I don't possess one..... then they announced in the local rag that they'd scrapped the size restrictions altogether .... get there and bugger me, if they hadn't re-intro-ed the six foot ruling ...... .... we had 'words'
..... followed by more, on't phone to the local council offices, about their lack of continuity with their regime and which side of their gates would they like me to park these bloody mattresses, etc.
suffice to say, I left there without them....... between me and Pam's daughter, we pay well over four grand a year in council tax ... think we've paid enough, for the odd tip run
Not feeling great the following day, but had Pam mythering to get her gates out, so's she could give 'em a coat of paint..... despite warnings from me about the weather .... but I gave up arguing
well it stayed dry, long enough for the paint to dry, anyway, just .... on the one side she'd gotten done ...... so, as said, it's her fault it's pissed down all this last week ....... even snowed like hell here Sunday .... thought we were in for a good dump... but then it got rained on
and rained on and rained on .... you get the picture
..... forecast says dry tomorrow ...... we'll see
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its a 4 wheel drive and 1989 project 7
its a 4 wheel drive and 1989 project 7
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Originally posted by jetwarbird View PostQUOTE]
hey I have a jcb 3cx white cab any body know where to purchase a left front hub assyblack or grey cab ..... white cab is a new one on me ?
Ken Barber, the Pluds, Whitebrook ... breaks Jakes
what year is it and 2 or 4 wheel drive ???
And welcome to the P&C Boyo
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hey I have a jcb 3cx white cab any body know where to purchase a left front hub assy
hey I have a jcb 3cx white cab any body know where to purchase a left front hub assy
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A n other Q. ...... anyone suggest a source for a replacement coil for a 6 x 2 diverter valve I have ... currently has a 12V one and want a 24V?
sod's law, as usual .... got quite a few different coils, but bugger all that matches, dimensionally
19mm / 3/4" bore - 57mm / 2.25" length - 46mm OD ...... It's an Italian valve ... will have a look for the name on it ... did post it here some time ago
Got a lil' project that I need it for and seems a bit daft to fork out 100+ quid for a new 6 x 2, if I I can get a suitable coil for this one..... not been able to come up with anything from Google as yet
.... The guys in Raglan'd probably be able to source me one perhaps .... did well on new coils for the Rexroth solenoid Valves on't 'Drema a few months back
Bits for this lil' project, should start arriving shortly
like this yesterday morning
watch this space as they say
will almost certainly be seeing one of the guys who owns the boundary line shortly, as some bastard broke into their barn last night..... and nicked the girl who rents it's horse box.
didn't get far though !!!!!... yon 'donkey box' was awaiting some attention to the brakes and the nearside wheels were locked on .... can see the wheel marks all the way up the drive ....
on a rim by this point BTLs
... the muppets managed to drag it another two miles,before, I'd guess, the tyres let go, going down a 'proper hill' ..
I'd surmise the tail started wagging the dog, dog dived into the verge and hedge, rolled and yon box detached itself,passed 'em and came to a halt facing the way it'd come from LOL
....upright !!
I assume the low life scroats must've then torched the Freelander, lying on its side and buggered off... hedge is well ****ed !!!!!!!
FB reported sighting at around seven this morning of said truck burnt to a crisp, Pam passed it about 09.00, broadside in the road, with the 'donkey box' parked neatly in front of it, facing the wrong way and by the time she returned at 10.30 plod had arrived and it was being removed.....Must've burnt out of its own accord, 'cos the brigade hadn't been out to it.
when she returned home and told me about it, I'd looked up the drive to see the box, usually beside the barn, gone and rang the girl who's box it is, to see if she was OK,thinking it might've been her four by on its side
.... she was fine ... apart from being one box short
... and so the day has proceeded from there .....
been to MOT the P38 lunchtime, so not been 'involved' any further 'til I got back and we found a gert hole in't back of the barn wall,but sod all missing
.... as far as the box's owner could tell, amongst the carnage that passes for her collection of horsey tack
Only disappointment really was no toasted scroats in the Freelander...... at least the girl'll get her box back ...... eventually, when plod has finished with it!!
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New year greetings from Druid central.... not had a great deal to say of late here
... it's come and gone
.. weather's been kind AND dry
Got me MRI results Christmas eve on me shoulder .... torn ligaments and tendons... dunno how?
.... but bloody uncomfortable and been trying to rest it as much as possible [which apparently is 'the thing to do'], but trying to explain to Clara why 'grand dad' ain't keen on picking her up is 'uphill'
Ran the genny up one day in the week, for a good hour, to give it a charge and warm it up ..... put a few of Pam's swallows over the belt grinder whilst it was running .... only another 15 to go
kept an eye on the gauges as it was running .... and about half an hour in, the oil pressure started floating about, from it's normal 50-ish PSI all the way up to here
floating mostly around this ....
and back to 50 ????... spoke with Serge, me genny mate and he confirmed my thoughts ... faulty sender....'sbeen fine 'til now
and might also account for the issues I had with it a few months ago.
He turned up Saturday morning with a new one to try, minutes before Simon [the guy Mog bought the urban artic off a while ago] did ... with Alex hot on his heels .... bit of a gathering ... don't see anyone for ages then three turn up
after a spot of coffee / tea quaffing,we adjourned to the patch and the genny in particular .... Alex measured up his riddler, whilst Serge and I fannied about with yon sender ... after two failed 'new one' fits, we stuck the old one back in and it performed fine .... so left it run to warm up, whilst Alex demo-ed his new drone to us all .......
VERY impressive ---
on all counts .. amazing control on it, steady as a rock and fabulous pix ....
so courtesy of Alex, I can give you a few better pix than posted (courtesy of Bing),a while back .....
Alex also came up with a very interesting suggestion yesterday evening, after I'd had these arrive in my inbox ..... have a chat with the guys who own the fields around us and see if they'd be up for a bit of a boundary straighten up session.... summat like this
red line is the toe of the batter ... yellow the top .... would make a hell of a difference to me patch AND shed location ... only a quick approximation last night, but does give me an interesting possibility... that hedge line is well past its sell by ... nice new fence and hedge line for them and a 'bit of a sweetener' ..... that area is unusable currently anyway .... just scrub
I need to be having a conversation ... soon
as for the genny and its oil gauge .. ran sweet as a nut and steady as a rock at 50-ish PSI for a good two hours ... go figure ???
anyone recognise yon sender ??? .... would like to track down a spare ..... as it won't start with a faulty unit and can guarantee, if sod has anything to do with it, it'll fail when I most want to use it
It's an Iveco ... triple lunger ..... can't see any signs of it being adjustable and it's a sender unit driving the pressure gauge .... I don't have a low pressure oil light at all, but the beast'll shut down with a low pressure scenario
I'd guess at a VDO unit
will have to have a search on't 'net
It ran fine for two hours though Saturday, rock steady at 50 PSI ? ODD !!
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so......the boss has had a change of plans .. again!!...... therefore so have I
apparently it's going to be much more conducive to site me new shed where me boxes are !!..... and'll give me an enclosed (out of sight) 'yard' behind it, up where everything is sat currently ....... aside from the logistical dilemma of shifting three loaded boxes to a new location, off to the one side, where the rock got dug out, it does make a lot of sense. (I've had the conversation with me crane man a while back, when she first started muttering about it)
aiming for a 40'W x 45'L building so essentially a similar foot print to that already occupied by me boxes, but wider and slightly longer, with the solid pine end facing the house and the 'open'/door end facing the 'yard' / N. East, which'll keep 95% of the weather off the 'open' end, much as the box doors are currently ... and'll allow for 'expansion' (another bay - or two ) at a later date if required
bit of a rough aerial view and lay out below for yers
that's why that end of the patch is getting a concerted effort at creating a 'good' hardstand area
obviously all very approximate !!
boxes are gonna have to remain, until said shed is able to accommodate their contents
She'd got me pondering it a couple of mornings ago,so, as it'd actually not rained in several hours and had been blowing a hooley, Saturday, the ground was pretty dry, got the tape out and had a bit of a suss of this and a few other possible options ? ..... [hopefully you can see the marks ?] .... and make a bit of sense from the above.... really need to borrow a drone for half an hour ..... one going cheap up Gatwick way --- apparently !!
need to get up in the air a bit really
thought it was gonna be a 'net-less Crimbo for me monday morning... turned old faithful off sunday night and unplugged it to clear the RAM .....It did not wanna turn on / reboot next morning
dismantled it from it's hidey hole under me desk .... de-paneled it ... gave it some compressed air - outside I may add, having just hoovered the house, that morning ...... and having had a damned good look at its onny/offy thingy, decided that was the fault.
So left the front fascia off, so's I can get at said button directly .....
gave the Dyson its monthly blast out, whilst I had the compressor full of air, then re-installed the ol' girl in spot, beside me leg ..... powered up and pressed go .... hey presto I was back !!..... anxious moment though ....
dread doing the upgrade thingy, as a lot of you will already know !!
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ain't had a lot to say lately... been too piggin' wet to do a lot
...... at some point it must've been dry enough for the odd hour to drill this ....
.... lump of oak for a mantle shelf for the step-daughter's house ..... had to be perfectly square ....
and a dead 12mm hole for these ......
interesting fitting.... with an offset for leveling up with ... assuming one gets the holes in the wall on centres and square too
.... I did, but not before finding a lump of steel right where the one had to go, about 50mm into the masonry .... took some getting through with a 10mm .... was 12mm thick !! f**k knows what it was doing in there
anyway .... yon mantle is gonna need a 'kin big crow bar to get it back off the wall.... forgot a pic
we did get two whole hours rain free, yesterday morning and as everything is absolutely saturated, thought it'd be a fair use of the time to run the roller over the patch as it's all had such a wetting..... managed to get over damned near everything accessible, 'fore it pee-ed down again and it went down pretty well - yet again
got the odd small puddle in a few depressions, beside the 'Drema (that you can't see there) but on the whole it ain't bad and drains really well.
can see the water from the perimeter channel literally running into the far end of the main centre drain and disappearing nicely.
more black stuff and a load of clean 40mm required in the new year ... get the channels filled and topped up to a level and then black up to the finish level. Gonna have to re-locate a load of stuff out the way (somewhere???) to get that far end all sorted to one finished level
Also need to find a home for those two bloody rocks
these two have become total carpet potatoes - aside from the odd two minute scurry outside, they're perfectly content to chill and let it rain
don't think they'll be suffering cabin fever anytime soon
when it's not been peeing down .... we've had the odd 'good frost'
..... but followed a few hours later by yet more wet stuff... very strange weather
.... blowing like hell tonight, but dry for a change and very mild
... wouldn't believe it was the shortest day today, by the temperature tonight
at least the remnants of this lot have all disappeared elsewhere... but not before I'd picked up a fair few of them
hopefully that's the lot for this season !!
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well after an extensive questioning of the seller and a comprehensive set of pix getting poured over... yon 'Drema got discounted ... stood too long and too much required to get it back up to a usable/serviceable condition
..... so the second choice option got explored a bit further
a deal struck and it will hopefully land in the UK just before or just after Crimbo
8 years younger.... bit bigger in the arse than the 1500, but looks a hell of a nice tool
can't wait to go take a look at her
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Originally posted by ianoz View PostLooks like one very happy Miss 3 on the swing set .
Last photo , the 'Drema looks like it is parked up in the weeds .LOL
that's the 'Drema in Sweden .... had a huge batch of pix arrive Sunday .... it may be staying where it is, unless the seller drops the price, to reflect what needs addressing with it.
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Looks like one very happy Miss 3 on the swing set .
Last photo , the 'Drema looks like it is parked up in the weeds .LOL
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'twere a busy weekend last weekend .... lil miss had her third birthday Saturday .... the swing (despite being in place for several days hadn't been noticed) and she had a great surprise to find her very own ....
was a bit of a hit
A lot of the day spent at her favorite farm park later on,. with her furry friends .....
and lots of soft play toys for her and lil' cuzzin Shem ...
followed by a bash down the village hall, on the Sunday for her 'pals', with one of granny's 'specials' as centre piece ...
Pam and I have spent the rest of the week trying to recover...... but thwarted by a hectic week ....
An old friend....guy who came with me when I bought the 'Drema in Norwich and spent a lot of his time helping me clearing my old workshop, got out of bed Monday and promptly had a stroke.... not good
.... so been back and fore with his missus to see him at a specialist unit 30 miles away.
Then had a friend from another forum spend Thursday morning with me, drooling over and getting to know the subtleties of 'Drema ownership and seeing just what she'd do..... and seeing what she'll do
.... he wants one and we've found a suitable candidate in Sweden, he's in the process of negotiating on and planning a trip home for it
Plus of course ... the usual Clara duties 3 days this week......... so been a far from recuperative week
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busy on the bench this afternoon ....... painting ....
side 1 of #2 gate ........ when Squeak arrived with a gift .....
his way of telling me it was time for his tea..... his body clock is completely shot with the clocks going back an hour
just about got side 2 done before the light gave out and had to turn the flood lights on...... God knows what it'll look like in the daylight
.... good job it's only HBZP primer
Both gates in a box, in the dry .... reckon it'll be frosty tonight... my feet were bloody frozen, by the time I'd finished, but at least the wind that'd been drying the primer on the brush and trying to take my ears off, all afternoon had dropped
A decision on a colour has been made ....... sort of..... provisionally, at least
.... we'll see
... might change yet,
but at least they'm now primed,
so the possible 'Hammerite' choice, that was being mooted, has had it
... won't take on top of primer
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