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sure with Brexit it will all be 5/8" or 11/16"............................................... ...................
Well I still got all me spanners, sockets, etc. .... af and whitworth .... no sweat ... got a lot more o' them than these new fangled metric things.................... still work in Thou.s anyway and can spot BSW/BSF/UNC/UNF at 30 yards
when I put it together it had captures for M10 bolts ... in the UK they'm a 17mm AF head. Bolts in the swing kit were M10 with continental 16mm AF heads .... guess what didn't happen in their capture holes ..... they weren't and just spun Good job I had some M10 x 55s to replace 'em with Seems odd with all the ISO sh1t that Euro M10s are 16mm AF heads, yet nuts are 17mm AF
... have a lot on the 'Drema that'd 16/17mm combinations
sure with Brexit it will all be 5/8" or 11/16"............................................... ...................
rudely awoken at 7.30 by me phone this morning .... me drug delivery driver lost one day we'll have someone turn up who's actually been here before !!
so a slightly earlier start than usual (I am retired, after all ) ....When it had stopped precipitating, 'bout 10.30, had a lil' project to sort. Clara's birthday Saturday coming, and we've not got her until Friday afternoon this week - unusually, so had some time to get this together for her.
had considered making one, but couldn't for the price of this .... and having the dry time to do it. pretty good kit, but yer average Joe'd struggle getting it together, especially with some of the issues encountered and some pretty crap 'destructions' to follow
when I put it together it had captures for M10 bolts ... in the UK they'm a 17mm AF head. Bolts in the swing kit were M10 with continental 16mm AF heads .... guess what didn't happen in their capture holes ..... they weren't and just spun Good job I had some M10 x 55s to replace 'em with Seems odd with all the ISO sh1t that Euro M10s are 16mm AF heads, yet nuts are 17mm AF
... have a lot on the 'Drema that're 16/17mm combinations
hopefully it'll have the desired effect, when she next arrives ......
She loves the swings at the play area, next to her nursery school, down in the village .... one of her own ought to go down a storm - we hope
The baby seat's for little Shem, who'll be here, from Plymouth, this weekend, for her birthday, but have a.n.other std seat for when he's grown a bit
Gonna have to bungee him to the glider though, for now ... super glue might be a bit drastic
spent a few hours after, collecting bloody leaves and bits of tree, after all the bloody rain and winds, these last few days ........ forgot to pop the bonnet on't 'Drema for a hose suss though ......Manyana
My guess is four magnetic reed switches embedded in it connected to the four way connector. Each spaced down the travel A dash switch determines which reed switch is active and the solenoid valve advances the piston until that particular switch is activated.
that makes a lot of sense Andrew like a crude proportional valve ...... will see about the plumbing routing tomorrow .... 'sposed to be a better day and suss what, comes from/goes where ??
seemed odd that a 14m long one was 6.5k yet a 21m one was only another 700 quid????? you know who'd have a fit if one o' they appeared over a weekend .... green of course
My guess is four magnetic reed switches embedded in it connected to the four way connector. Each spaced down the travel A dash switch determines which reed switch is active and the solenoid valve advances the piston until that particular switch is activated.
this is the valve that controls the 'Drema's throttle .. this ain't mine but is identical off another Hydrema.
I have five levels of 'volume ' ..... Idle 1000rpm, standby 1400 rpm, low 1800 rpm, medium 2000 rpm and high 2300 rpm, all button controlled.
she auto idles after 10 seconds inactivity and I pre-select what 'volume ' I need on start up (or at any time I like after that)
if you can't make it out on the pic ..top pipe is labelled L and the port below it is labelled P
I'm guessing the 'goldy' coloured bit next to L is a solenoid and there're 4 wires going into the other bit from the multi plug ... as far as I recall and can see here
Anyone ever seen one of these before, or got any ideas how it works ???? .... it basically varies the stroke of what must be a cylinder which pushes the throttle cable and opens the injector pump up to give it the beans
I surmise that P bleeds pressure as required, from the LS line, when it senses a demand for 'action'
(I'll have to see if I can see WTF it comes from on mine),which is in no where near as convenient a position, to examine (tucked down/under/beside the Deutz's sump),as this one is - hence grabbing the pic ....
but quite how much travel to give the throttle must be determined by those wires, which presumably are the four separate switches on the dash - SB, L, M & H
also guessing the 'goldy' coloured item is responsible for dumping said pressure for auto idle to occur ??
Some kind of proportional stepper solenoid perhaps?
If this ever goes wrong it's gonna get a cable - end of, but would be nice to know HTF it works and whether anyone has any idea WTF this 'valve' is called ???
plus of course how it functions
Given a DXF of the bird that's a ten minute job on my CNC plasma table, but you probably didn't want to hear that!
Aye ... I know Boyo ..... would've been a lot quicker and cleaner on me old magic eye too ... but neither of them are sat on me patch and you know what it's like when they want summat
held on with bulldog clips .... for now
going to take a few hours fettling, before I can get them welded in situ .... and dare say the 'design' may well change before then !!
also need to get the gates painted too .... if a colour can ever be selected!!
well I got it made .... may have to make a MkII version yet ..... I can handle it no prob.s .... SWMBO, isn't as adept ...... yet !!
works well and resists the wind just great ... been a tad blowy here today !!
'The Boss' has been sussing 'the next phase' .....
for which I had to spend a couple of hours digging out a sheet of stainless ......
which was behind rather a lot and buried at the bottom of a heap ....
did find a few sheets I'd forgotten I had in the process though !!
Left a lot of it spread about for now .... as it decided to piddle down this afters !!
the cats have had a real hard day ..... no sooner we were out of bed and they'd settled down for some serious R&R .....
....... before we could even make it !!
they bravely struggled through the day, in a similar vein, until eventually collapsing, exhausted, in front of the wood burner, this evening, as Pam had succumbed to her primeval desire for fire
this was their secondary, or 'fall back' position, having cooked their furry bums, directly in front of it for half an hour !!
summoned up the enthusiasm to give no. 2 some 'treatment' yesterday afternoon
and got it back to where I started with it .... flat !!
had hoped Peter'd be in work yesterday, so's I could go get some flat to finish off the catch mechanism ... but no response..... so hung 'em anyway
cured the funny whining noise .....
for now anyway !!!!
Been a very long day today with a little person's 'arrival' at 08.00 this morning ... 12hr+ shift on 'Clara watch' ... not long been picked up by her dad !!
So sod all achieved today, other than a trip to see Pete, after he rang me first thing to say he'd be in for a couple of hours, before returning to his wife in hospital
.... she unexpectedly had her Op. Monday, having gone in for the pre-op assesments, they kept her in and did it, there and then!! hence no replies to his phone all week.
She's doing well, considering
He's also a lot happier/less stressed, now the problem has been addressed and progress is being made, understandably.
so I came home with some 40 x 6mm flat for me gate latch ... for tomorrow's lil' job ....as said though, today's been a Clara day ... and some !!!
not been up to a lot yesterday ... didn't feel great to start the day .... get a reaction to me 'Hamster Juice' some weeks ...me spleen was not happy and I have learnt when not to push my luck
sat having me toast and there's this ungodly noise from the utility .... dashed in, to be met by the washing m/c coming at me
... further progress hampered, by the pipes tethering the bugger to the wall
grabbed and wrestled it back into spot, fighting the duvet trying to escape through the side of said washer!! ... on full spin FFS
.... didn't help the bodily state, one bit
....... really put the tin hat on doing a lot Tuesday
.... squeak got cursed ... he's the cause of said duvet being in there, having 'dismantled' a large mouse on the bed, at some point in time in the day, which Pam found at bedtime
Couple more pain killers and resolved that the day was gonna be an easy day/total right off.
Had the little one coming for an early Halloween tea and 'accouterments ', etc. (great grand-parental visit for her, tonight) and had been tasked with finishing off Pam's 'pumpkin creation' for Clara, which wasn't the most strenuous of tasks .
she'd been to an even earlier local kiddy's Halloween party Monday, with her mum and hadn't wanted to get all 'scarified' for it ... she chose to go as Cinderella .... LOL ..... Kids !!
and arrived as Cinders again yesterday evening ..... came last year as 'a cat' !!
complete with a 'tie tail'
last year's 'joint efforts' on the pumpkin front ... Pam had drawn it ... guess who had to hack it out ... without errors!!
and this years ......
I was impressed with the level of detail Pam'd managed to achieve ...... which made it all the harder sculpting/scooping enough of the flesh out to let the light through.
As usual, Clara loved it
Was enough manual labour for yesterday ..... gate was still where I left it ....thought I might go take a look at it later .... whether anything got done with it was another question ... still was not right this morning!!
Is it just going to appear one day, or are the local council going to get the opportunity to be awkward?
well ........ until Pam let rip into next doors, with some home truths, about what a pair of detestable t**ts they are, after they royally pissed us off ..... I had been considering it ...... but it's going to have to be the latter now, I'm afraid .... still considering the 28 day notice scheme though
so .... sun shining, but bloody cold this morning ..... second gate had to have it
had to have an extra hold down on this one ... TBH could've done with it on the first one, but packed to suit instead ....
I cut all the infill at the weekend and a few other bits needed,
so was just a case of getting it all set out and welded in ...
all the backs stitched in and cooling off, ready to flip it over ......
..... and get it fully consolidated
also managed to get the latch partially made up .....
with some judicious 1mm disc-ing
and the retainer in position ....
then realised ........ after a lot of searching, that I'd not got any 40 x 6 flat to finish it off with ... annoyingly ....... everything but!!
rang me mate Pete, to go get a bit, but his wife is very unwell ATM and I'd guess he hadn't gone in today, as no answer.
I've offered to 'hold the fort' for him on several occasions, but he tends to try to work around the problems, if he can, but I'd be happy to help the guy out.
His wife's been diagnosed with bowel cancer and in for an op. on the 5th, so may have gone for her pre-op. meeting and tests today ... but thought it was tomorrow?
We've known each other a looong time
.... since schooldays in fact and long before we were 'sort of' competitors, although we were far enough apart, not to encroach on each other's turf and often did little jobs for each other.
I have a lot of time for Peter ..... always been good friends
The flat bar'll wait, but would've been nice to have gotten it done, while I had the Caddy out
left it sat clamped firmly to the bench this afternoon ......
chilling !! ... treatment day, so early bath ..... it was cold by the time I'd packed up, but it'll have to wait 'til the morning ...... can guarantee it's going to need 'the treatment' when them clamps come off ..... again !!!
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