slung three down onto the drive and took one down with me ...

then slung the rest down .....

bag lifter is so easy and quick ...and 'Pam friendly' ... POP to use

three and a half bags later ... and two hours of in/out - up/down in that bloody wood shed .... remembering to duck every time - almost!!

get a few more in there yet, I reckon ..... after a bit more of a square up and losing the last half bag already down there ................... and my feet have recovered

losing the bags, from up top, made me some space to relocate some of me pallet pile and the third wood box, which've all been sat on the new flat area

and got this all cleared, ready for some black stuff and 40mm

when it eventually arrives!! .... the black stuff guys are real busy ATM

Also lifted me band saw out into a more usable spot .... got a few jobs for it shortly and had yet another small reshuffle of a few items, while I was at it

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