and been finding plenty more rocks .... in all shapes and sizes....

including one large boulder, which has obviously come out of the boulder field at some point in the past

t'were a bit of a lump .....

..... on the forks !!

but makes a good fork rest .....

have been ripping out some of the rock bed, Thursday afternoon and Friday morning ....

the bigger lumps have been taking free fall lessons ..... and coming apart nicely

as you can see from the first pic .... we've had a few 'showers' the last few days ..... 'kin monsoon type showers

Just before one of said 'showers' Friday lunchtime I was ripping into it when I suddenly thought .... "I can smell plantohyd!" .... usually means one thing

jumped out .... looked under her ... sod all .... walked around her to see a small fountain down in the turntable region ... back in and off PDQ !!

I could smell it and sure as hell see it, but was f***ed if I could see exactly where it was originating from

OK .. nailed to approx. region it was spraying from, but COULD NOT see exactly WTF it was spurting from ..... had to be a pipe from the two engine mounted pumps for the servos and the brakes/steering as it was continuous.

delved through 3 layers of pipes, looking, but again now't obvious ...... finally having tied up two layers to get a look at the third 'layer' I still had to run her up another twice to isolate the culprit

Brake / steering pump pressure line to the pedal and orbital ..... under the sump, through the off side, side frame, across the turntable with 5 others, into a rat's nest of servo pipes, etc., exiting through the nearside, side frame, under the cab, then full length to the front of the cab floor and to the brake pedal .... f**k!!!!

remember my 'note to self' ... not so long back .... well she'd chosen to play silly buggers, cross chassis!!!!

good job I'm relatively slim and slender, 'cos I've had to squeeze into some pretty tight gaps/spaces, to get at the lil' sod.

reckon this must be one of those 'first fit' pipes when they build 'em .... unreal location for the union .... "HTF am I going to get a spanner in there" after finally tracing the route of the exact pipe ?????
lying there, staring at this in disbelief and noticed the head light next to it .. aha!!!!!

light out and there it was .... still pretty tight but suddenly a whole lot more accessible and visible .....

eventually got this 12' pipe off about 6.15 Friday night .... ready for a trip to Raglan Saturday morning!!!

spent the rest of the evening after tea .... cleaning the turntable out of all the accumulated crap ....

hoovers are wonderful weapons for nigh on inaccessible shite

and no that's not Pam's best hoover .... tha's my 'dirty' one usually reserved for boiler servicing ..... it did well last night coping with God knows what, altogether!!!
In Raglan ready for opening at 9.00 yesterday morning .... hose made, two drums of hyd. for Alex, while I was there, in't car and back by ten, in time for Serge's arrival at 10.30.

as said Genny partially serviced, Pam and Serge's other half went off for a walk, whilst we sorted that and set the world to rights .... followed by a leisurely lunch in the sun and joined, just in the nick of time, for a share, by Alex, who'd called by to collect his oil !

Serge and Jane had to shoot off after lunch ... 'bout three and I set to, getting the pipe back into spot on't 'Drema, assisted by Mr Playle, feeding it in, as I threaded it into some very silly/tight/bloody stupid locations

my right arm has paid the price!!!!! Some bloody sharp bits under there !!!

got bruises everywhere and some very sore ribs, from hanging off the bonnet, delving into the turntable, getting the buggered one out and new one back in.
Arms could've done with being 6" longer!!

would've been a hell of a lot slower going back in without Alex's assistance yesterday!!

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