rock 'pavement' layer separates real easy

it's coming ... that mud-stone layer is going to take some ripping out

.... the forks are me spare 4 ton set !!
According to Google ..... there's circa 2.4t on there ...... managed an hour or two Saturday, after sorting everything else

can well believe it .... 'tis bloody heavy !!!

stashed it out the way for now .... regretting giving away me roll of pallet wrap !!

then peeled up a bit more for palletising .....

..... the easy way !!

suddenly looking a lot bigger with that 'pavement' ripped up a bit

not a lot did today though, after a morning's running around sorting bits for Vicki's car and some/a lot of the afternoon attaching 'em.
Easiest set of pads I've ever fitted ... really neat set up !!

did manage to get to Raglan, as a last call, just before they shut at lunchtime, to pick up me coils .... looked good ... get one on Sunday.
Also managed to have a stop of at Barnesy's 'digger emporium', to eyeball a machine for a mate, on the way back and actually caught up with the man himself, for a change ... and managed to tie him down to a time to go take a look see what he's got in the way of 4 in 1s .... several to choose from apparently !!

One of the lads on CEF reckons that pallet of stone is worth circa 300 quid ..... any one else care to proffer an opinion / valuation

Gonna have a few .
got to be 6-8 pallets-worth there .... and more, ... if I went looking for it ..... all good for the toy fund

And there yer have it .... damned near up to date

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