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Glad to see your still going strong druid! Sadly I'm too occupied to contribute to the forum, but I still lurk from time to time. Just wanted you to know that people keep tabs on you
LOL nice to hear from you Boyo .... was wondering if you'd been kidnapped by aliens
looks like I got some catching up to do in here too .... gonna have to be a dated set of posts again BTLs .... amazed it's two weeks since I was last here !!
Glad to see your still going strong druid! Sadly I'm too occupied to contribute to the forum, but I still lurk from time to time. Just wanted you to know that people keep tabs on you ;)
been back to see the 1.5t Ovlov this evening, having had a lot of thoughts about the issues it's displaying and discussions with a few folk.
Having reached the conclusion, in my mind that, the pump was just not able to dump to tank and was therefore stalling the motor, due to not being able to blow the MRV, I went back for a.n.other shufty.
MRV locknut was 'loose' ... running it was still producing 140bar max but stalling the motor if held against a dead end .... so backed the MRV out gently, until it just started to dump and stopped stalling. Clock reading a gnats under the 140 bar. locked the MRV off and gave it a try.
tracks great, operates great, will pick itself off the deck with no issues, with the blade, boom and/or both together. in a word, appears to perform as it should.
The 140 bar although lower than should be is obviously all the pump can muster .... probably a tad tired ..... but it can now dump to tank, instead of trying to force oil against a brick wall at end of strokes, etc.
Johns gonna give it some work over the weekend and see how it performs, ... but it's looking favorable ...... let's hope it's sorted
think someone's been trying to get more out of it than it's actually capable of
forgot to say ......
came back from the flower place lunchtime, coming down the drive past our neighbour's (at the top of the drive) field and...
their donkey was shaking summat white, which I thought was a placcy bag, 'til he lifted his head.
I could see he'd gotten hold of one of their big white ducks by the scruff and was shaking the hell out of this bird .... like a rag doll!!!!
Stopped and legged it across the field shouting at Henry to drop the bloody thing.
Wasn't until I got so close to him to give him a whack on the nose that he let go .... before he got a slap!!
The duck staggered off at a rate of knots, heading for sanctuary, t'other side of a gate, with me trying to restrain this lunatic donkey, from pursuing it.
he's normally a very placid fella ... reckon yon duck must've pissed him off.
No way could this duck have stuck much more treatment, without having its neck broken!!!!!
Never seen anything like it before ..... anyone else ??
I'm told a donkey will give a dog straying into its field/territory, a bloody good kicking and could even kill it !!!!!
Spent a large part of the day yesterday cleaning me new toy, removing the spilled fuel from its trip to Druid central and inspecting/addressing some of the panel problems ...
at least sussing them and getting them ready for further action.
new corner needs fabbing and splicing into the worst one
the rest of it is a stop the rot and treat to some fresh shiny stuff
had one door stuck shut with a seized hinge ..... managed to jack it up a tad to free it and off it came ..
good clean on the pins, plenty of lube and working a treat .. they've all got grease nipples, which is handy
Looking even better for a good swab out.....
and then it poxy rained on us !!!!
Alex brought me another one of these yesterday evening....
Squeak giving it the once over ......
Not been the greatest of days here today .. on/off wet stuff .... got collared by 'the boss' for a trip over to our local 'plant emporium' ...
only a little family run jobbie ...... found this lurking in a shed .....
Looked like fun!!!!!
Sat having me tea tonight .... phone beeps .... text from me wood man .... "you up for a load?"
Be rude to turn him down!!
It'll keep me occupied whilst the ground dries out again!!
When I got my Agrecko 100 Kva Genny years ago, not only did it not generate, but the enclosure was heavily rusted. Not generating was merely that some plonker had turned the field coil excitation right down to zero!
I built a crane over it from stacked 45 gallon drums and scaffold tube and lifted the entire enclosure off, cut off and replaced the lower 18" and relined it with amazingly expensive sound deadening.
Like yours it had been a standby and had very low hours. Six pot Ford industrial engine with turbo. Flogged it when we moved here as I have three phase on tap :)
Rain stopped yesterday afternoon after a hell of a morning .... and the rest of the day was really 'muggy' out there ..... let's hope that's it for a week or more .... gonna take that long to dry out again here !!!! Forecast looks fair, but may have another dowsing Wednesday night
Think I might find plenty to do though, whilst it dries ..... AGAIN!!!!!!
Serge came round today, lunch time and after we'd adjourned to a 'local hostelry' for some scran, we've been busy with me new toy
Having given the genny the once over, once we got back, we ran her up for 35 minutes.
No leaks, knocks, squeaks, weird noises ... nada; perfect temp. and oil pressure and steady, once warmed up
RPM spot on and producing leccy nicely, according to my meter and the on board clocks.
he said the back end on them is a very flexible unit, that can have a lot done to it, to fine tune it for all sorts of out puts, up to 500V
Serge had a couple of dozen of these in a depot he used to manage in Grays, Essex, before returning to this neck of the woods for a less stressed life.
Cummins built units. Rates them highly for longevity and reliability.
Apparently this one even has a modem built into it for remote telemetry control
Should do about 3ltr/hr under load ... less with what I'm likely to use it for
It's been officially declared a bargain and a great buy, by the man who knows them inside out !!
much like the one in the 80s by the sound of it ..... that went on from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. and strangely there was very little cloud about that night ...... only really high, wispy stuff ..... was truly spectacular.
was told earlier that the strike count for the last 24 hrs, in the UK, was up over 60,000 , from the 15,000 in four hours, in that news link I put up earlier ....... bloody hell
I know which of the two pix you mean ...... I'll have to ask Muz to let me in to edit the links .... had to bin those two as the original links didn't work at all, for some reason, when bucket came back obviously corrupted somehow
and Yeh ..... I am well pleased with the genny ..... Serge, me mate, is coming round in the afternoon tomorrow, to run through it all with me
Some cleaning, scraping, grinding, fettling and paint should get the enclosure sorted for a few more years. Going to have to make a new bottom corner for one side door and 'graft' it in, replace a few panel locks and free off one hinge, which could prove one of the most awkward items to 'beat' !!
Oh and blow out the rad and all the air ways, etc., of many years of dust collecting
Amazing light show here last night. Went on for two hours with lightning cloud to cloud, only rarely to ground. The whole sky was lit up like Armageddon . I've never in my 68 years seen anything like it.
ps most pictures now showing, but two say 'photobucket image not found'
nice Genny!
Thanks to Muz's intervention and alteration of settings for me, I've sorted those two pix out now Andrew ...... bloody Photobucket
When I got my Agrecko 100 Kva Genny years ago, not only did it not generate, but the enclosure was heavily rusted. Not generating was merely that some plonker had turned the field coil excitation right down to zero!
I built a crane over it from stacked 45 gallon drums and scaffold tube and lifted the entire enclosure off, cut off and replaced the lower 18" and relined it with amazingly expensive sound deadening.
Like yours it had been a standby and had very low hours. Six pot Ford industrial engine with turbo. Flogged it when we moved here as I have three phase on tap :)
Amazing light show here last night. Went on for two hours with lightning cloud to cloud, only rarely to ground. The whole sky was lit up like Armageddon . I've never in my 68 years seen anything like it.
ps most pictures now showing, but two say 'photobucket image not found'
nice Genny!
much like the one in the 80s by the sound of it ..... that went on from 9 p.m. to 4 a.m. and strangely there was very little cloud about that night ...... only really high, wispy stuff ..... was truly spectacular.
was told earlier that the strike count for the last 24 hrs, in the UK, was up over 60,000 , from the 15,000 in four hours, in that news link I put up earlier ....... bloody hell
I know which of the two pix you mean ...... I'll have to ask Muz to let me in to edit the links .... had to bin those two as the original links didn't work at all, for some reason, when bucket came back obviously corrupted somehow
and Yeh ..... I am well pleased with the genny ..... Serge, me mate, is coming round in the afternoon tomorrow, to run through it all with me
Some cleaning, scraping, grinding, fettling and paint should get the enclosure sorted for a few more years. Going to have to make a new bottom corner for one side door and 'graft' it in, replace a few panel locks and free off one hinge, which could prove one of the most awkward items to 'beat' !!
Oh and blow out the rad and all the air ways, etc., of many years of dust collecting
Amazing light show here last night. Went on for two hours with lightning cloud to cloud, only rarely to ground. The whole sky was lit up like Armageddon . I've never in my 68 years seen anything like it.
ps most pictures now showing, but two say 'photobucket image not found'
bloody Photobucket has crashed ---- again Friday night /yesterday .... couldn't even get into their website let alone log into me account
'Praps they've pissed the wrong bloke off!! seems to be performing this morning though
been bloody WET again here for the last three+ days and'll take ages to dry out again ....
bad again today, then apparently, dry all next week again
let's hope our last week's weather wasn't the only sun we get for this year
Been in touch with the guy who owns the company who has serviced the genny; Gener8genie in Bristol - very helpful chap called Gary.
Gonna check out what info he has on it, when he's back 'at it' next week.
Some lectrickery set up on this !
Gary is more than happy to help with any issues I may have, or that might arise.
Most of it looks to be associated with all its 'Auto-run' / trip in facilities ....
cabling and main switch on the right are from the genny ... everything else seems fed from there.
Serge, me genny mate,'ll be able to run me through it all Monday, when he comes over.
These supersilents are remarkable, but when you see the size of the silencing system for the engine, it's hardly surprising ... I'll get some pix of this one .... when it stops peeing down - it's huge
The enclosures are probably as dear as the contents ..... acoustically lined to suppress the mechanical noise of the engines, as well as the silencing system, they usually run around 65db max.
I'd been looking at open frame gennies, but decided to spend the extra and get a supersilenced unit ... self contained too, designed to live outside and be weather tight, which is also a plus
Been watching/eyeballing all sorts for months (as I do) ... there's a good outfit in Hull sell a lot too ..... who seem to get a lot of 'standbys' , but always top-ish dollar.
A similar pack to this one sold on fleabay two weeks ago for £4.5k with 5200 hrs on it, so when this one popped up at significantly less bucks, with the seeeeriously low hrs, it had to be had . The best one I'd seen in months of watching!! Contact made - deal done ..... and NO V A T !!
£250 quid for tranny was a bit 'sharp', but by the time you run the 130 miles each way, time and fuel, etc., 'twasn't so bad, really.
Plus this has all the auto cut in gear, built in too, if I wanted to lash it in to the electrical system here, but I won't bother with that, unless supplies become a lot more intermittent / erratic .... yer never know???
Hopefully this'll do me ad infinitum, should certainly see me out and'll run anything I'm ever likely to want to use !!!
the supersilenced package is worth the extra - no question - having worked with / around open frame welding gennies regularly ..... it's a no brainer
Some serious leccy storm here last night/this morning, but bugger all compared to darn saaarf http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-44269304
pretty impressive!!
In the summer of 1982, or might have been '83, we had the most spectacular electric storm I've ever seen .... sat on a sun lounger, in the garden, 'til 4 in the morning watching it
It went on for hours and seemed 'trapped' over the Usk valley. The sky was the weirdest colours I've ever seen ... no rain, just strike after strike after strike of lightning ... damned near continuous .... was bloody amazing Doubt I'll ever see the like of it again ... least not in the UK
Jeez has it ever pee-ed down here this morning though .... absolutely BOUNCING
Many software companies release updates on Fridays, so the great unwashed get to deal with, and fix/workaround any issues without the avaialabilty of tech support over the weekend, and by Monday ... only the serious complainers with serious issues are left and so their workload is halved .... cynical ? .. who?.... me ? .........
well they're pissing me off the last couple of days ...... can't even log into the site, let alone my a/c ..... snotty email dispatched .... they're usually pretty quick at replying ..... bet they're inundated ATM
Photobucket playing silly bar stewards again Andrew ....... can see them all here this morning
Friday seems to be their 'piss everyone about day' ... they call it site maintenance .... was on/off all day yesterday.
I find it exceptionally annoying as I pay for my pic. hosting.
let me know if it persists and I will give them some shit
Many software companies release updates on Fridays, so the great unwashed get to deal with, and fix/workaround any issues without the avaialabilty of tech support over the weekend, and by Monday ... only the serious complainers with serious issues are left and so their workload is halved .... cynical ? .. who?.... me ? .........
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