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Druidic exploits of a various nature!!

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  • v8druid
    Originally posted by AndrewMawson View Post
    Sadly no pictures showing, Druid, just gaps where they should be :(
    Photobucket playing silly bar stewards again Andrew ....... can see them all here this morning
    Friday seems to be their 'piss everyone about day' ... they call it site maintenance .... was on/off all day yesterday.
    I find it exceptionally annoying as I pay for my pic. hosting.

    let me know if it persists and I will give them some shit

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  • AndrewMawson
    Sadly no pictures showing, Druid, just gaps where they should be :(

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  • v8druid
    thought we were gonna get piddled on Wednesday morning, but the sun eventually shone and was a glorious day ....

    another seven loads have got it looking a tad better

    stuck a bund across the bottom end of the small stream, to encourage it down the pipe it supposed to drop into .... and divert it elsewhere if it doesn't...
    will hopefully help stop this washing out again

    a good 400-500mm of fill gone into there to bring it back to where it was

    could do with dropping a couple more loads at the edge and getting jake down in there to grade it over in places ...
    tough going trying to tip just the right amount, out of a seven foot wide skip, that you can't see at all !!

    bad news was, it's supposed to pee down from about 4 a.m. ..... for three days !!

    good news was I'd a truck arriving in the a.m. ..... with a Happy Birthday to me prezzy on't back of it ......
    it was a bit early, but I'd live with the disappointment of not having it on the day, LOL

    FFS!!!!!! .... Fotobucket site was down yet again this morning ..... it's always a bloody Friday

    aside from their extortionate new rates and lack of support for historic links, is it any wonder ppl are leaving like lemmings off a cliff !!

    have had to sit tight waiting for it today ...... hopefully it'd be back up soon !!! ...... which it eventually was

    Pam approves of, even likes, the colour, so bonus in that direction ... didn't stop the inevitable "How much?" though

    A little larger than I've been hunting for, but it'll do the job, very nicely and I can't fault the hours on it - just about run in

    not summat to poke yer fingers into ...

    was looking for 20-25Kva, but this ain't a lot bigger, will run 'light' .. and frugally ...

    ..... without being a great deal larger, physically

    ex standby, hence the very low hours. Totally self contained and a super silent enclosure. (it is nice and quiet)
    Full auto control gear, or manual operation and'll run just about anything I ever care to plug into it.
    Nice service history, with hours recorded, (to two decimal places), at each service

    My mate, who does gennies for a living, has failed to come up with anything comparable, for the bucks and rates these sets highly.
    He's only ever had one fail on him -- down to some muppet filling with dirty fuel and knackering the pump ....
    his advice was "cheap, buy it - good, reliable set ... will last you forever .... save on a coffin and get buried in it " LOL

    Triple Iveco/Cummins, with a Stamford-Newage back end.
    New battery, (with auto trickle charger/conditioner, when hard wired), new engine water heater, full 300+ltr belly tank of juice, serviced 3 hrs ago, delivered to me door !! .....
    Not been messed about with - as it left the maker's factory

    Been looking for quite some time and this is the best I've seen in a while.
    Make a grand more, usually, with 4-5000+hrs on 'em !!

    Some paint work to attend to, on the enclosure and a couple door locks to replace, but think I can manage that !!

    taken bloody months to find it
    the good 'uns do not hang about for long ... had to 'strike' PDQ on this one
    You can see why .... just the ticket !!

    First time I've been out the door today ..... been abso****inglutely lashing it down all day ..... was expecting to see worse ........ 'bout 6" deep, but the rest has been draining away well

    drain sumps are all running like hell ..... first time in a couple of weeks
    A LOT more forecast for the weekend, but then it is Aber Steam Rally B/hol. weekend, so what can we expect !!
    Can't remember the last time they had a decent weekend for it ....
    the local park, in the centre of town, will look like the Somme on Monday evening, after all the engines have dragged themselves in and out of there several times ....
    very sad for the organisers and all involved, but when will they learn .... this weekend is cursed - end of !!!!

    One of the many things I learned, from my few weeks with Alex last year, was 'seal' it down, at the end of the day, if it looks like rain !!

    Reckon this last load of loose, on top'd been everywhere, after the deluges we've had since about 3 a.m. last night .... and the night before !!
    Last edited by v8druid; 28-05-2018, 08:02 PM.

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  • v8druid
    Originally posted by Mattir View Post
    ” it’s a long long way to tippingrary?”
    More comedic humour ..... but very good Matt ...... who's next ....... oh sorry that's already been done .... by The Who ... some classic sounds there one of my fave albums of all time

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  • v8druid
    Originally posted by Stock View Post
    " there's an inclinometer on the starboard bow, starboard bow, Starboard bow,"
    " there's an inclinometer on the starboard bow, scare 'em off Wee Jim"

    LOL Stock ..... though I do believe they'm wuz Cling ons!! ...... yer know, like the bears get in the woods

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  • Mattir
    ” it’s a long long way to tippingrary?”

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  • Stock
    " there's an inclinometer on the starboard bow, starboard bow, Starboard bow,"
    " there's an inclinometer on the starboard bow, scare 'em off Wee Jim"


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  • v8druid
    got a bit late last night to bang these few in ..... early kick off with Clara this morning and I was knacked ....

    a long way back up from the gateway I'm tipping into ......

    some careful tipping got it relatively spread, but have to be on the ball with the tip/swivel lever, to get it where i want it ...

    getting there though .... few more loads'll have it looking a bit more accessible ... I might consider taking Jakie down in there to square it about a bit more ....doesn't look so daunting as it did and can turn around in the far field now without fear of getting trapped in the hole

    Thwaites tracks it in well too!

    'tis a long way down to get to it though .... and pretty steep ... I'll take me inclinometer next trip and see just what it is !!!!!

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  • v8druid
    eventually got the ol' girl up in position for some spoil shifting ....

    best thing since sliced bread, cornflakes and VA booms ....... swivel tip dumper !!

    so much easier slotting these into 'em when they'm pointing in the right direction to start !!!!!

    another 5 loads relocated this afternoon ..... long ol' turnaround where it's going to and 'early bath' tonight for me 'hamster juice' !!

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  • v8druid
    Much as I love the lil' bugger .... he's a PITA, with a death wish .....

    not content to stay in the cab ..... in my seat .......... been stood up, in there, shifting bags of blocks about, before sticking a bucket on ....

    last seen heading down the patch .... could see his bum in my mirror...

    put the bucket on the floor to hop her around and head up the ramp for some dirt shifting .... no sooner it touched down and ......

    He's in it !!!!!
    before I can get down and shift him, he's disappeared !!

    WTF has he gone now .... climb down to take him down the house and damn me .... perfect positioning, out of my line of sight from the cab ....

    Gave up, switched her off and went and had a cuppa ....... in the hope he'd follow and settle in the house somewhere !!!

    He did ..................... eventually !!

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  • v8druid
    forgot to add .......... got 'em all re-bagged and filled on Friday .....

    just need to get 'em up out the way and what's left in the heap, into 'storage'.

    Alex brought me this the other evening .... .... luvverly jubbly.

    and has two more for me ..... Pam is of the opinion it's too good for block storage ..... **** knows what else she thinks she's gonna put in 'em

    it is very nice though !!

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  • v8druid
    been for a bit of a reccy on the next fill spot yesterday afternoon .... field was nice an' dry .. this ain't !!!!!

    bit of a run down into it .....

    might be a bit circumspect on how much I put in the Thwaites ... for a few loads anyway

    'tis a tad damp in the hole

    Like a swamp apparently when it's 'proper wet' and needs about 800mm putting in there to return it to where it once was ..... so I'm told !!

    Must be well over a 12 month since I was down in there with the guy whose field it is and he showed me what he'd like filled up.

    as for why .... it's a combination of wash out, animal erosion and gert tyres ripping into it trying to get traction climbing out of there

    Photos don't really show it very well at all, I'm afraid ..... gonna be bloody steep going in skip first, but going to have to, to lay some out in front of me, as I drop in there.

    had hoped to have had a go at it today ........ but ....

    bloody weddings .....

    one in particular today ....

    day knackered ....

    granny and mummy welded to the box, with Clara (for about 2 minutes) ... the rest of the day with me and a long one it's been too .!!

    Perfect dross shifting day .... hopefully, so too will be Monday, et seq

    Never mind ..... she'll only be this small once ..... and she's had a great day with grand-dad
    Now to go put everything away !!!!

    Sunday tomorrow so a 'quiet (ish) day' ...... might see if I can get summat done to Alex's Blec stone lifter .... make some progress with the weather, at least

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  • v8druid
    Originally posted by Mattir View Post

    that looks like a pump for EC15 but the pump in the 15B is different. It has only one output. Try to photoshoot that later in the evening but in the meantime, a schematic on the pump circuit, 15BXTV. -15B is exactly same on this level of detail.


    Pump is item #1.
    Thanks Mat .... one of the guys on CEF sent me a 600+ page manual the other night ... still wading through it

    I'm of the opinion that the MRV has been wound in so tight that the pump can't overcome it and is unable to dump to tank, thus stalling the motor

    Going to reset the MRV to 5-10 bar less than the pump's max and see how it behaves then

    The 15 B has 3 pump options .... single large gear FD, triple pump FD and a VD, load sensed unit, from what I can see of the 'book of words', so far

    Now all I need is some time to go back and see John to reset yon MRV

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  • Mattir

    that looks like a pump for EC15 but the pump in the 15B is different. It has only one output. Try to photoshoot that later in the evening but in the meantime, a schematic on the pump circuit, 15BXTV. -15B is exactly same on this level of detail.


    Pump is item #1.

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  • v8druid
    well the guys on the CEF are all telling me that there should be a triple ganged pump on that lil' Ovlov

    like this one

    also got sent a couple of schematic pix too

    EC15 - 3.jpg


    EC15 .jpg

    and hopefully got a manual coming too on PDF

    I've had a slightly more productive day here .....

    Got a few loose bags of stone onto their new pallets and me pallet full of cable down off the top

    Lifted the three dumpies off the cages and hoiked the new vented bags up on there instead ....

    the bag lifter makes life so easy for getting them air-borne and exactly how you want them, putting them back down !!

    Room for another three up there !!

    Just about ! ..... still got more to bag up, apart from those three to re-bag and also lifted out a sided pallet full of blocks, I'd sort of forgotten about ..... emptied that one out to give it all an airing .... top and bottom layers were pretty dry, but the centre'll benefit from a few days in the sun.

    Was going to re-bag the three dumpies this evening but forgot it's early bath night .... we've brought my treatment night forward to Mondays .... had to a few weeks ago, due to not being able to do it one Tuesday and it's a lot more convenient, as Tuesdays are a Clara day and we're both knackered after a ten hour day with the little 'un, so we've stuck with the Monday.

    Did get a couple of hours in with the bucket earlier though and advanced the batter a few more feet ......

    running out of room for spoil storage though ....

    Me an Clara are gonna have to have a walk in the morning and inspect yon field access ..... could do with losing several dumper loads, before I can get any further ..... and have a look at an alternate hole for some stone/rubble, in a gateway that's washed out - big time !! Getting to it may prove exciting though

    That's it for tonight ..... 7.30 kick off with the lil' 'un's arrival, in the morning ... will be a looooong day, as usual

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