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Druidic exploits of a various nature!!
Four short chains would be better Mr D, the degree of flexibility the chains give will make attaching and detaching easier.................
the only redeeming feature about the weather, first thing this morning was ....... it was not ACTUALLY peeing down ....
.......wasn't that far away, looking at the sky, but was still pretty cool, considering the date
deffo not the wall to wall blue sky they forecast for today and tomorrow
When's it gonna end ? !!!!!!!!
apparently about 12 today---- sun came out, chased the grey skies away and damn me if it didn't get quite warm !!!!!
so .. got some bits cut ...
plus a few more and started to knock it out ......
bloody wind was not 'helping the cause' at all and had to grind a few welds back out, occasionally !!
but it came together
not finished yet ....
... due to the need to eat tea
got a load of gussets to fit yet ....... mostly cut, but job for the morning
and then a good fettle, to lose any sharps I've created in the 'nailing together' process.
so shocked to have shirt sleeves temp.s today,I forgot to fit some sleeves to the arms, stitching it all up
.... ..... not suffering, but the arms have had enough UV radiation for today
..... and tomorrow
Must remember to put a jacket on next time
Hopefully, I should get this finalised through the day tomorrow, but 'tis a Clara day, so we'll have to see how it goes
Just listening to the weather guesstimate on the box and they're claiming another couple of nice days to comeWe shall see
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Originally posted by Stock View PostNow that looks like overkill and a lot of work for something to lift one tonne...................... it'll also be around a long time and likely get used a lot
It will have other 'uses', too
Peeing down here again, ATM.... 'sposed to be 'azure skies' this week
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would've been a LOT busier Saturday ....... without our little 'angel's' presence.....
but .......
she's only gonna be this size onceand she makes me smile
........ which for me, is a bit of a surprise,
as I've never really been 'into' 'rug rats' as a rule
..... not having had any of my own, or a great deal to do with 'little people'
First 'solo' sleep over last night,as her mummy was going off to Plymouth, for a job interview this morning and staying with her brother, down there, Sunday night.
Looked like it might be a loooooooooooooooong night, Sundayshe doesn't sleep much, at night
Well - it was a very looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong night---- I did get a bit more sleep than Pam though
Clara slept until about 11pm ..... then fits and starts for the rest of the night
Pam's like a zombie today ..... she went back to bed this afternoon for a few hoursand I went and did our fortnightly 'shop' to replenish the fridge/freezer/grub cupboards
Job done for another couple of weeks- hate going into town - too many germ ridden people about
day to ourselves tomorrow --- clara is with daddy all day... bag lifter coming up .... assuming it is better weather than today
Forecast completely out today ... like winter out there again
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