Saturday saw an equally good day's progress ....

ripping into the 'corner' I'd had to negotiate on the hop down/up ......

and still nicely on the rock bed

stuff it in and pat it down .... I've managed to get all the loads up the drive and into the field, without dribbling a trail of 'breadcrumbs' the length of the route ..... and making a mess

getting in there quietly

and keeping 'em stuffed ...... this is a hell of a pull up the one part of the drive .... 'kin steep

runing out of day .... getting on for 8p.m. ........ my self imposed curfew on the dulcet tones of the 'Drema for the neighbour's ears

quick edge tidy .....

ramp it off slightly .. and the front end sort of half hopped, half drove down ..... back end still needs lifting down though ... the legs drag otherwise

starting to get a perspective of how decent a size piece of ground me yard's going to end up at ..... and still a fair bit to trim out around the edges ..... once I can relocate all the crud sat on it currently
Looks bigger with it all at a much lower level

yet another burning session, for all the day's rubbish excavated

and here's a shot of the boulder 'pavement' that's still left embedded and below the required level ..... they'm staying put and'll make a decent base to hardcore onto

Almost like it's been laid ........ by a glacier in my opinion.gif)
Sunday ..... as usual is 'quiet day' ..... other than getting all the bloody mowing done and half a day on't strimmer too, sorting some edges that haven't been massacred yet this season.
Neighbours'll be glad to listen to the 'Drema, after that buzzy lil' bugger for an afternoon

Pam's Birthday today, so Monday had already been commandeered as a 'day out' shopping/whatever, but ended up as a day at the coast with her daughter, SIL and Clara .....

....not a bad day TBH .... I don't 'do' beach holidays, but a day relaxing (sort of) as much as you can, with the 'energiser baby' on full charge, tearing about was quite fun.
As said 'the day' is today, but Pam's declared she's having a 'birth week' this year ... a week to celebrate her B/day
Clara day today, as usual
.... both totally wrecked this morning .... been 30+C here the last two days and having been woken by Pam at 3 a.m. ..... to see if I was awake 
had just about gotten back to sleep by 4 when the dawn chorus kicked off, closely followed by my phone, with Vicki's shop's alarm system's auto-dial-er informing me of an issue with one of its sensors ..... *@*%$!+* thing ..... spoke to her, who was 'en route' to reset the bloody thing and asked her to let me know all was alright, which she diligently did .... 'bout 5 a.m., just as I was dropping off again
.. not gonna be long from my 'pit' tonight, but still 26C
and real sticky .... fan on overtime tonight.
Lil' 'un's been her usual busy self all day .....
spot of gardening ...

followed by her usual inspection of the "digger Grand dad" ...

....and the "dumper grand dad"

The cats have had the best method of coping with the heat these last few days ..... crash and chill ......

Seems to work well ... for them anyway.
No mention of an agenda for the morrow, so far and talk of 'doing her gardens' .... so hopefully
..... I might get that last bit down to the rock bed tomorrow

Thursday's another Clara day and we're off to Plymouth for the weekend, to Pam's son's ..... Glastonbury weekend FFS
.... M5 is gonna be hell.
Clara, Vicki and her hubby have the best deal
.... cat/house sitting here, for the weekend.gif)
So ........... If i don't get any 'Drema time tomorrow ...... Gonna be Monday at the earliest, to get that last dozen loads (for now at least) out and up to the tip area !!
Time for bed !!

ripping into the 'corner' I'd had to negotiate on the hop down/up ......

and still nicely on the rock bed

stuff it in and pat it down .... I've managed to get all the loads up the drive and into the field, without dribbling a trail of 'breadcrumbs' the length of the route ..... and making a mess

getting in there quietly

and keeping 'em stuffed ...... this is a hell of a pull up the one part of the drive .... 'kin steep

runing out of day .... getting on for 8p.m. ........ my self imposed curfew on the dulcet tones of the 'Drema for the neighbour's ears

quick edge tidy .....

ramp it off slightly .. and the front end sort of half hopped, half drove down ..... back end still needs lifting down though ... the legs drag otherwise

starting to get a perspective of how decent a size piece of ground me yard's going to end up at ..... and still a fair bit to trim out around the edges ..... once I can relocate all the crud sat on it currently

Looks bigger with it all at a much lower level

yet another burning session, for all the day's rubbish excavated

and here's a shot of the boulder 'pavement' that's still left embedded and below the required level ..... they'm staying put and'll make a decent base to hardcore onto

Almost like it's been laid ........ by a glacier in my opinion
Sunday ..... as usual is 'quiet day' ..... other than getting all the bloody mowing done and half a day on't strimmer too, sorting some edges that haven't been massacred yet this season.
Neighbours'll be glad to listen to the 'Drema, after that buzzy lil' bugger for an afternoon

Pam's Birthday today, so Monday had already been commandeered as a 'day out' shopping/whatever, but ended up as a day at the coast with her daughter, SIL and Clara .....

....not a bad day TBH .... I don't 'do' beach holidays, but a day relaxing (sort of) as much as you can, with the 'energiser baby' on full charge, tearing about was quite fun.
As said 'the day' is today, but Pam's declared she's having a 'birth week' this year ... a week to celebrate her B/day

Clara day today, as usual

Lil' 'un's been her usual busy self all day .....
spot of gardening ...

followed by her usual inspection of the "digger Grand dad" ...

....and the "dumper grand dad"

The cats have had the best method of coping with the heat these last few days ..... crash and chill ......

Seems to work well ... for them anyway.
No mention of an agenda for the morrow, so far and talk of 'doing her gardens' .... so hopefully

Thursday's another Clara day and we're off to Plymouth for the weekend, to Pam's son's ..... Glastonbury weekend FFS

Clara, Vicki and her hubby have the best deal

So ........... If i don't get any 'Drema time tomorrow ...... Gonna be Monday at the earliest, to get that last dozen loads (for now at least) out and up to the tip area !!
Time for bed !!