made some good progress today........ .gif)

got this end leveled out and just about finished for planings, all bar the two corners
... one a bit high, 'tother in need of a bit more, so will have to swap it round tomorrow. 
Pee-ed the spleen off again this morning
....... gathering up a bucket full of rocks .... 

not very big ones either !!
Treatment tomorrow night so hopefully that ought to sort out the grumblin' lil' bugger !!!!! 
Ripped out a fair few lil' boulders, this afters, dug a decent pit out, where they were and shot a load of smaller rubble and crush on top to fill the pit and finish off the front corner, for now..gif)

this is actually a lot more level than the picture makes it look....

this lil' fella has been a right PITA today
.... not content with my lap or the cab floor, he's been on, under, around and in front of the wheels most of the day and have had to get out every time I want to move, ... to check WTF he was !!! ...

running him over would NOT be good for morale!!

At close on 4 tons a corner, the 'Drema'd take no prisoners!!
get those two far corners sorted in the a.m., the rest of the drainage channel stoned up at the bottom of the batter, in the morning, three loads of spoil up the field, out the way and I might attack the ramp.
It's now only a 10" hop up at the back end, so losing the ramp all the way back is now a serious option,
to give me plenty of space to park all the extraneous crud, sat up on the high level.

got this end leveled out and just about finished for planings, all bar the two corners

Pee-ed the spleen off again this morning

not very big ones either !!

Ripped out a fair few lil' boulders, this afters, dug a decent pit out, where they were and shot a load of smaller rubble and crush on top to fill the pit and finish off the front corner, for now.

this is actually a lot more level than the picture makes it look....

this lil' fella has been a right PITA today

running him over would NOT be good for morale!!

At close on 4 tons a corner, the 'Drema'd take no prisoners!!

get those two far corners sorted in the a.m., the rest of the drainage channel stoned up at the bottom of the batter, in the morning, three loads of spoil up the field, out the way and I might attack the ramp.

It's now only a 10" hop up at the back end, so losing the ramp all the way back is now a serious option,
