you lot know me by now ..... cater for all eventualities, first as last ... 
Annoyingly Mr Bomford had opted to use the only piece of 27mm pin on the whole machine, in the one pin I hadn't checked ....
Oh for a lathe ... gotta get me a new one !!
Bit of careful setting up though and did the trick .. "where there's a will ....."
combination link..
30 degree option .....
WP_20170809_17_09_02_Pro.jpg WP_20170809_17_09_09_Pro.jpg
60 degree option ...
WP_20170809_17_09_55_Pro.jpg WP_20170809_17_10_02_Pro.jpg
was aiming to get all the options into one combination link, but couldn't quite get it without fouling the original bracket's crowd stops, so had to go for two alternates ....
45 degrees ....
WP_20170809_17_08_56_Pro.jpg WP_20170809_17_28_53_Pro.jpg
and 90 deg.s ....
all firmed up enough for a trial, but have a few tweaks to add yet ..
WP_20170809_18_12_27_Pro.jpg WP_20170809_18_38_49_Pro.jpg WP_20170809_18_13_09_Pro.jpg WP_20170809_18_13_16_Pro.jpg
Was supposed to be glorious today, for a few days, so was hopeful to get some drying weather ... really need to get down the field and flat out the last of it already down there ....
so's I can put some more in there !!
It bloody well wasn't
Clara day today and a wet start .... again,
....... has dried up this afters, but sod all done 
Tomorrow 'praps, but I see they've changed their minds on the 'nice' weekend, weather-wise
...... and it's Brightwells in the morning .... 
might have a lil' wander down for an hour or two, but as I've said before
.... they'm robbin' b'stards with all their extras
it's gotta be cheap to be worthwhile and there ain't much goes cheap, down there
can finish this off whilst it all dries out !!
few odds and ends to firm everything up and need to cap off the main spar .. stop it flexing 

Annoyingly Mr Bomford had opted to use the only piece of 27mm pin on the whole machine, in the one pin I hadn't checked ....
Oh for a lathe ... gotta get me a new one !!

Bit of careful setting up though and did the trick .. "where there's a will ....."
combination link..
30 degree option .....
WP_20170809_17_09_02_Pro.jpg WP_20170809_17_09_09_Pro.jpg
60 degree option ...
WP_20170809_17_09_55_Pro.jpg WP_20170809_17_10_02_Pro.jpg
was aiming to get all the options into one combination link, but couldn't quite get it without fouling the original bracket's crowd stops, so had to go for two alternates ....
45 degrees ....
WP_20170809_17_08_56_Pro.jpg WP_20170809_17_28_53_Pro.jpg
and 90 deg.s ....
all firmed up enough for a trial, but have a few tweaks to add yet ..
WP_20170809_18_12_27_Pro.jpg WP_20170809_18_38_49_Pro.jpg WP_20170809_18_13_09_Pro.jpg WP_20170809_18_13_16_Pro.jpg
Was supposed to be glorious today, for a few days, so was hopeful to get some drying weather ... really need to get down the field and flat out the last of it already down there ....

It bloody well wasn't

Clara day today and a wet start .... again,

Tomorrow 'praps, but I see they've changed their minds on the 'nice' weekend, weather-wise

might have a lil' wander down for an hour or two, but as I've said before

it's gotta be cheap to be worthwhile and there ain't much goes cheap, down there

can finish this off whilst it all dries out !!
