Jeez we had some rain last night and still at it this morning ‘til bout eleven.
This was the point at which I hung the VA-r on’t ‘Drema’s dipper, plumbed it up and proceeded to wrestle two 70mm pins from the grab into said beast.
I have got to build a quicky for under it – got it on but jeez, what a faff – everything is as it should be – tight, but it all lined up, eventually (can change a Jake bucket in minutes) and I set about the rock pile.
The top level is like defrosted cheesecake this morning, as I found out when I made the mistake of venturing up there – on foot !!!!
So it was gonna be ..... stick ‘em as far as I could reach, which’d make ‘em accessible from one stand up top, to lob ‘em all into the rock pile.
Hard to believe that this lot .......

Came out of this lil’ space ......

Couldn’t believe how many rocks just kept on coming !!
The grab handled ‘em beautifully

And the VA-r handled the grab, sweet as ....

Had to have a pit stop mid way through,

when a Dowty on a banjo decided it wasn’t going to continue to ‘play ball’ and started spewing my precious Plantohyd 40 all over the grab, from under the rotary coupling ..... ‘least it was easily accessible ....... just, without pulling a pin !!
New one on and a quick check for leaks .....

One happy Druid and one drier grab!!
The VA-r, aside from Mr Dowty’s miscreant washer, performed perfectly. Took a bit of getting into initially, as I’ve never really ‘used it in anger’. Lots to remember .... press button(s) to select what yer want to happen before pressing the rotate pedal, which button does what – left/right, rotate/tilt.
The grab buttons, were easy to remember, but my thumb was naturally wanting to use the two spare buttons rather than the grabs !! The yellow ones below

Bottom two are now both blue, which are rotate and the top two are now both red for the grab/aux. function.
I may well have a re-juggle in the wiring dept and use the two yellows for the aux. as they really do fall to hand/thumb, much more naturally, especially when you ain’t looking.
Tilt is on the r/h stick and’s a doddle.
Initially, as I say, remembering to select before ‘pedalling’ took a bit of remembering, but got there in the end and although I say so myself, I was getting fairly adept with it, by the time I was done.
The check valve on the grab also did a great job and once I had a hold, it hung on for grim death and not a single lump escaped at all, unintentionally. It’s also fairly impressive in what it’ll grab and hold.
You certainly know you’ve got 500kgs of VA-r and another 300 kgs of grab on there, as I was on full stretch, picking and dumping, most of the time. All in all though ........ A very successful trial and one very happy Druid.
Stuck the grab on the bench to get it back off .....

Easier than doing it on the floor ..... and the pins came out sweet as..
Stuck the VA-r back on its parking plate and got everything away, just in time for ‘the bell’.
Lots more in’t bucket for those who’re that way inclined ;o)
Got a visit from Mick Proctor (Redash, in t'other place
), at lunchtime today, en route to a footy match in Bristol.
He and I have been ‘doing a bit of biz’ recently.
I’d agreed to buy his old buckets, he'd advertised on 'there' a while back, as I thought they’d be a nice set to go under the VA-r. It’s not likely to be doing any seriously heavy duty digging and it’d give me a really good selection to go under it. The package also included his old Hill double lock hitch, which looked to me that, with a bit of ‘Druidisation’ could be persuaded to become a very useful part of the VA-r !!

Anyway ..... long story short, said package was looking to be a tad on the troublesome side to palletise at Mick’s end, not having any forks for his Komie, so he’d sorted a delivery van out, which turned out to be a bit short notice for both of us, but had to be had. Hence my early start Tuesday morning, earlier this week!!
I’d also been pondering the new Engcon hitch that he’d got, trying to decide whether some more ‘Druidification’ would coerce it to play ball for an alternate VA-r hitch, to suit everything else? Make a hell of a pile of bits, if now’t else, for a DIY Druid built unit.
The hitch/cheeks under the VA-r is plate mounted and bolted under the slew ring, so not a difficult proposition to have a few different units to go under it – a few bolts and two pipes, for the swap over.
Mick had thrown a figure at me that was damned near impossible to resist and having pondered the comprehensive dimensions he’d given me and some drawings I have of ‘em, over the weekend, I’d decided to go ahead.
Unfortunately, by the time I’d contacted Mick to say Yay, said van by that time, unknown to me, was loaded and setting off Monday night for a seven a.m. arrival at Druid central, which it duly did. ‘Twas a well stuffed van when it arrived !!

‘The Boss’ has banned me from even contemplating starting on this ‘project’ ‘til the shed’s finished, so packed ‘em all on a pallet, to put ‘em away, out the way for now!

So........ Mick arrived today with this in his boot!!

Was quite taken aback by the size and build of the beast!!
Would virtually go straight on a ‘Drema dipper, with the bosses machined out to 70mm (currently 60 dia, with loads of meat, in ‘em) !!
Mick also told me there’s someone advertising a set of 70 mm bosses that’d bolt straight onto it on Fleabay, currently !!
Damn this man’s presented me with some dilemmas recently !!
Anyway ..... it was great to meet Mick, face to face, his good lady and daughter too. What nice people they are.
Unfortunately ‘a 3 o’clock kick off’ rather restricted the time we had, as he had to get to Bristol and drop off his passengers for a spot of retail therapy, before kick off !!
He’s back down this way in March for another match in Newport and a more leisurely visit is planned for then, with ‘refreshments’ next time !!
Hope they all had a good day and a safe trip home! for the punishment gluttons amongst you !!
This was the point at which I hung the VA-r on’t ‘Drema’s dipper, plumbed it up and proceeded to wrestle two 70mm pins from the grab into said beast.
I have got to build a quicky for under it – got it on but jeez, what a faff – everything is as it should be – tight, but it all lined up, eventually (can change a Jake bucket in minutes) and I set about the rock pile.
The top level is like defrosted cheesecake this morning, as I found out when I made the mistake of venturing up there – on foot !!!!
So it was gonna be ..... stick ‘em as far as I could reach, which’d make ‘em accessible from one stand up top, to lob ‘em all into the rock pile.
Hard to believe that this lot .......

Came out of this lil’ space ......

Couldn’t believe how many rocks just kept on coming !!
The grab handled ‘em beautifully

And the VA-r handled the grab, sweet as ....

Had to have a pit stop mid way through,

when a Dowty on a banjo decided it wasn’t going to continue to ‘play ball’ and started spewing my precious Plantohyd 40 all over the grab, from under the rotary coupling ..... ‘least it was easily accessible ....... just, without pulling a pin !!
New one on and a quick check for leaks .....

One happy Druid and one drier grab!!
The VA-r, aside from Mr Dowty’s miscreant washer, performed perfectly. Took a bit of getting into initially, as I’ve never really ‘used it in anger’. Lots to remember .... press button(s) to select what yer want to happen before pressing the rotate pedal, which button does what – left/right, rotate/tilt.
The grab buttons, were easy to remember, but my thumb was naturally wanting to use the two spare buttons rather than the grabs !! The yellow ones below

Bottom two are now both blue, which are rotate and the top two are now both red for the grab/aux. function.
I may well have a re-juggle in the wiring dept and use the two yellows for the aux. as they really do fall to hand/thumb, much more naturally, especially when you ain’t looking.
Tilt is on the r/h stick and’s a doddle.
Initially, as I say, remembering to select before ‘pedalling’ took a bit of remembering, but got there in the end and although I say so myself, I was getting fairly adept with it, by the time I was done.
The check valve on the grab also did a great job and once I had a hold, it hung on for grim death and not a single lump escaped at all, unintentionally. It’s also fairly impressive in what it’ll grab and hold.
You certainly know you’ve got 500kgs of VA-r and another 300 kgs of grab on there, as I was on full stretch, picking and dumping, most of the time. All in all though ........ A very successful trial and one very happy Druid.
Stuck the grab on the bench to get it back off .....

Easier than doing it on the floor ..... and the pins came out sweet as..
Stuck the VA-r back on its parking plate and got everything away, just in time for ‘the bell’.
Lots more in’t bucket for those who’re that way inclined ;o)
Got a visit from Mick Proctor (Redash, in t'other place
He and I have been ‘doing a bit of biz’ recently.
I’d agreed to buy his old buckets, he'd advertised on 'there' a while back, as I thought they’d be a nice set to go under the VA-r. It’s not likely to be doing any seriously heavy duty digging and it’d give me a really good selection to go under it. The package also included his old Hill double lock hitch, which looked to me that, with a bit of ‘Druidisation’ could be persuaded to become a very useful part of the VA-r !!

Anyway ..... long story short, said package was looking to be a tad on the troublesome side to palletise at Mick’s end, not having any forks for his Komie, so he’d sorted a delivery van out, which turned out to be a bit short notice for both of us, but had to be had. Hence my early start Tuesday morning, earlier this week!!
I’d also been pondering the new Engcon hitch that he’d got, trying to decide whether some more ‘Druidification’ would coerce it to play ball for an alternate VA-r hitch, to suit everything else? Make a hell of a pile of bits, if now’t else, for a DIY Druid built unit.
The hitch/cheeks under the VA-r is plate mounted and bolted under the slew ring, so not a difficult proposition to have a few different units to go under it – a few bolts and two pipes, for the swap over.

Mick had thrown a figure at me that was damned near impossible to resist and having pondered the comprehensive dimensions he’d given me and some drawings I have of ‘em, over the weekend, I’d decided to go ahead.
Unfortunately, by the time I’d contacted Mick to say Yay, said van by that time, unknown to me, was loaded and setting off Monday night for a seven a.m. arrival at Druid central, which it duly did. ‘Twas a well stuffed van when it arrived !!

‘The Boss’ has banned me from even contemplating starting on this ‘project’ ‘til the shed’s finished, so packed ‘em all on a pallet, to put ‘em away, out the way for now!

So........ Mick arrived today with this in his boot!!

Was quite taken aback by the size and build of the beast!!

Mick also told me there’s someone advertising a set of 70 mm bosses that’d bolt straight onto it on Fleabay, currently !!
Damn this man’s presented me with some dilemmas recently !!

Anyway ..... it was great to meet Mick, face to face, his good lady and daughter too. What nice people they are.
Unfortunately ‘a 3 o’clock kick off’ rather restricted the time we had, as he had to get to Bristol and drop off his passengers for a spot of retail therapy, before kick off !!
He’s back down this way in March for another match in Newport and a more leisurely visit is planned for then, with ‘refreshments’ next time !!
Hope they all had a good day and a safe trip home! for the punishment gluttons amongst you !!