guess where I've been this afternoon
.....summoned up the enthusiasm for another look at it 

goggles, mask, CO meter, etc. and ventured back into the roof space, where I'd left everything a couple of weeks ago, when I abandoned me post feeling rough as a dog.
got a fair bit sorted and one pair of tails for me catenary re-routed through the isolator and from thence to the boxes.
still got the 10mm tails to 'persuade' down into the consumer unit from the isolator,
to feed the black shed with ..... Pam was off out at 5 and I wasn't allowed to play with the live bits, once she'd left, so a job for the morning 
took a couple of pix of Pam's 'new' sleeper flower boxes, before it pee-ed down this morning ..... they're maturing nicely.gif)

goggles, mask, CO meter, etc. and ventured back into the roof space, where I'd left everything a couple of weeks ago, when I abandoned me post feeling rough as a dog.

got a fair bit sorted and one pair of tails for me catenary re-routed through the isolator and from thence to the boxes.
still got the 10mm tails to 'persuade' down into the consumer unit from the isolator,

took a couple of pix of Pam's 'new' sleeper flower boxes, before it pee-ed down this morning ..... they're maturing nicely
