view off the top of a box
'Sposed to have been dry again on the saturday and TBF, didn't had a lot last friday, so yon channel got extended some more after I'd found some stone to edge yon lawn extension with, ready to finish that edge off with a bit more soil. ... got a home for anything left over too, so I can get the channel finished off down to join my drainage system just to the left of the black shed ...

a.n.other unusual view of that,.... off a box top
had a gander an' was still top bid, on the miller, with a way to go ...... hmmm! .... interesting ... someone else ran me up pretty swiftly earlier, but well below where I'd go to on it .... and if it went it went .... if it came it'd make a stop gap for now
Ebay really pisses me off ..... looked at the bidding history ... I was top bid and it was the same as a.n.other bidder, but mine was the earlier auto bid, so I was top bid ..... upped the limit a few quid and bugger me ALTHOUGH I am top bid the bastards increased the top bid, which was mine anyway .. did however mean anyone else was gonna have to top that amount ... plus my upper max. ....... then I was out I thought .... 'bout where I valued it, for summat that doesn't really tick all the boxes for me
Well I was out ...... if anyone fancied a tidy bridgeport, I'd eyeballed it and it's tidy with a reasonable tooling cab too .... taper just wasn't what I wanted, at R8 .... drilling much more than 20 mm'll load it significantly ... bloody good miller though
this came up early saturday .... no idea 'who's' it was ... never seen one like it before .... looks to be #3 MT taper, from the extra pix the seller sent me .... 'twas a bit of a beast for 3MT .... old, but SOLID

was In Stafford and a grand to own it ..... hell of a 'ram' on it
looked like a scrappy/recycler's yard ..
Clarkson autolock collet chuck, but no drive keys so not ISO30 ... only leaves MT .... which was a lot more common decades ago .... which is what this looks to be ....
guessing 50s/early 60s looking at it, 'praps older ....... it was bloody solid and could even be 4MT looking at the pic .... never seen a 4 though, usually 2 or 3
as for yon Bridgeport .... of the opinion I was run up about 500+, quid from where I jumped in at 700 quid ....
whoever was doing the running for him, ended up with it, when I left him to it at £1270 .....
I'd either get a phone call saying the bidder has dropped out or he'd relist it ....
watched and bid on too many ebay auctions not to be able to spot when I'm being played/run up ..
and have to admit to having done it a few times myself for friends .... the art is knowing when to stop
so .... back to the 'gardening'
having gotten the soil as far as I could with 4 bucketfuls = 60 barrow loads, I needed some edge retention .... enter one yankee crossing sleeper 10 ft x 12" x 7" ... and bloody heavy .... had to crank up the 'Drema to extricate it from a pile of stuff.
having gotten it onto a sack truck and down the patch ...... I was knackered so recruited the wheel barrow for the final 60% of the journey

was fine 'til i hit these .......

and it made a break for freedom .... only just kept up with it !!!!!
anyway .... wrestled it into place, sussed it for size and then bedded it onto a good stiff mortar mix .....

in anticipation of bucket no 5's contents .....

yon drainage channel was progressing quietly ....

.... takes time to dig it on the angle, get it into the 7 footer, drop the VA-r off ... move said 7 footer down to be emptied ....
barrow it all to spot and then start all over again, once i've gotten the VA-r back on !!! 7 th time that day, on and off ...
no 6 sat waiting it's turn on the patch wed.s afternoon ...
Pam's keep fit/circuits night so she disappeared at 4.30 and i spent an hour re-shuffling a few pallets
... again and a couple of buckets ...
that Hill's jaw gripped and picked this up no sweat ..

then it was time for yet more mowing ....
did the side of the drive Tuesday night - lawn again wed.s night and swept the previous nights mowings from the Dane, off the side of the drive with the Countax's sweeper / collector
finished just as Pam returned in time for a late tea.

lawn extension looking OK ... now to suss the last bit of it