been to Newport Weds morning, to St Joseph's hospital ... for Pam this time, for a change .... has a large mole type thing on the side of her face, by her ear, which she caught with a comb a few weeks back and has been giving her serious jip since .. GP referred her to a skin specialist ... appointment in several months, ..... so rang St Josephs and paid for a private consultation ... in less than two weeks ... gonna get sorted in the next couple of weeks, before the end of the month ... sorted .... and then shot back 'cos......
the bloody post office have done it again!!! .... text and email that morning saying - be in between 15.50 and 17.50 to take a delivery ....but ..... no show .. again
getting PO-ed with this caper ... .... if it's got an Abercarn label on it, when it eventually arrives, we will be having words
what is the point of paying for a service that just doesn't happen, when it could be got elsewhere
so whilst I'm waiting, the green stuff got a caning this afters ... should be good for a few more days .... nearly lost the countax into the drain sump in the shed pulling it out .... would appear the supports have succumbed to a spot of wet rot .... so after I'd finished i thought i'd better have a shufty, to see how bad it was .
'Course now't's ever simple .... the bloody mountfield was also sat on it ... and lo and behold it had a flat ... and i mean F L A T
So ... remove one back wheel after the air refused to stay in it .. tyre burgered ..... the two that came off the Dane were close enough, so one of them was gonna have to have it ...
wrestled the old one off

pity, cos it's not exactly slick ... might work with a tube ... only gets 15 PSI in 'em ... but no tube to hand, so wrestled the Dane's old one back on ... and stuck said wheel back on ... in the process of this i discovered an outer carrier bearing knackered in the trans-axle, so that's now sat by me bench awaiting attention, when I pick it up on there ...

but at least I could now get at the sump lid ..... once I'd supported the front wheel of the Wing

the sump is a collection point for four pipes and feeds the next chamber down the line, which also collects another four together as well

that too could do with a 'refresher' on a couple of the lid timbers
in fairness .... the one in the shed was out in the elements for six years and the other one's been out in all weathers, going on nine years ... not done too bad ... time for some repairs ...... and some new boots for the lil' traccy .... after i've sussed the trans axle issue
It's very handy with a trailer behind it, 'round the place and beats walking with a pile of gear
was surprised how little silt had accumulated in the shed sump .... again nine years old and gets a lot of water down it cleaned it out after tea ... and is now ready for attention.
So first job in the morning is lift the Mountfield onto the bench, lift Delbouy 's plastic pig chassis out of me trailer and go get some 50 x 50 x 6 angle for some new (and more permanent) supports for the sump lid and get them installed after a good coat of bituminous, then rip the trans axle off the little un and strip it to see what's required in the way of a new bearing.
there's always summat to keep me occupied ..... and that's just the tip of the proverbial ice berg
T'was time for bed .... I was knackered ..... this tyre changing mallarchy's hard work
well the day didn't go quite as planned .... me mate Pete wasn't there Friday, so the angle iron'd have to wait for another day .... replaced the bearers with some CLS ... after it'd had a liberal coating of bituminous ... then had to remake the deck cover as the bearers tying the boards together wasn't looking the best ..... can't believe how long all that took

but it's all safe and usable again now
me suds pump belts arrived ....

and one went on after I'd cleared up in the shed

I'd run it up tomorrow and give it a try ...
the Mountfield got a ride onto the bench before the tea bell got rung ...

and the trans axle fell out of it a little while later

sussed the problem with the outer carrier bearing ...

'tweren't there ..... 'least 90% of it wasn't
the bloody post office have done it again!!! .... text and email that morning saying - be in between 15.50 and 17.50 to take a delivery ....but ..... no show .. again
getting PO-ed with this caper ... .... if it's got an Abercarn label on it, when it eventually arrives, we will be having words
what is the point of paying for a service that just doesn't happen, when it could be got elsewhere
so whilst I'm waiting, the green stuff got a caning this afters ... should be good for a few more days .... nearly lost the countax into the drain sump in the shed pulling it out .... would appear the supports have succumbed to a spot of wet rot .... so after I'd finished i thought i'd better have a shufty, to see how bad it was .
'Course now't's ever simple .... the bloody mountfield was also sat on it ... and lo and behold it had a flat ... and i mean F L A T
So ... remove one back wheel after the air refused to stay in it .. tyre burgered ..... the two that came off the Dane were close enough, so one of them was gonna have to have it ...
wrestled the old one off

pity, cos it's not exactly slick ... might work with a tube ... only gets 15 PSI in 'em ... but no tube to hand, so wrestled the Dane's old one back on ... and stuck said wheel back on ... in the process of this i discovered an outer carrier bearing knackered in the trans-axle, so that's now sat by me bench awaiting attention, when I pick it up on there ...

but at least I could now get at the sump lid ..... once I'd supported the front wheel of the Wing

the sump is a collection point for four pipes and feeds the next chamber down the line, which also collects another four together as well

that too could do with a 'refresher' on a couple of the lid timbers
in fairness .... the one in the shed was out in the elements for six years and the other one's been out in all weathers, going on nine years ... not done too bad ... time for some repairs ...... and some new boots for the lil' traccy .... after i've sussed the trans axle issue
It's very handy with a trailer behind it, 'round the place and beats walking with a pile of gear
was surprised how little silt had accumulated in the shed sump .... again nine years old and gets a lot of water down it cleaned it out after tea ... and is now ready for attention.
So first job in the morning is lift the Mountfield onto the bench, lift Delbouy 's plastic pig chassis out of me trailer and go get some 50 x 50 x 6 angle for some new (and more permanent) supports for the sump lid and get them installed after a good coat of bituminous, then rip the trans axle off the little un and strip it to see what's required in the way of a new bearing.
there's always summat to keep me occupied ..... and that's just the tip of the proverbial ice berg
T'was time for bed .... I was knackered ..... this tyre changing mallarchy's hard work
well the day didn't go quite as planned .... me mate Pete wasn't there Friday, so the angle iron'd have to wait for another day .... replaced the bearers with some CLS ... after it'd had a liberal coating of bituminous ... then had to remake the deck cover as the bearers tying the boards together wasn't looking the best ..... can't believe how long all that took

but it's all safe and usable again now
me suds pump belts arrived ....

and one went on after I'd cleared up in the shed

I'd run it up tomorrow and give it a try ...
the Mountfield got a ride onto the bench before the tea bell got rung ...

and the trans axle fell out of it a little while later

sussed the problem with the outer carrier bearing ...

'tweren't there ..... 'least 90% of it wasn't