Originally posted by AndrewMawson
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which wasn't happening .....
had he gone about things in a proper manner that might have been a different story .... with suitable incentives ... but not now

I deliberately didn't back fill this when we did all the water issues a while back, 'cos I knew the building would happen at some point

red line is the boundary edge .... all construction is to be his side of that line ...

could see some long faces coming up Monday morning as IMHDO they haven't dug wide enough his side ... and poured it Friday afternoon, when the 8 wheeler full of mix turned up ...... eventually

So .... My solicitor got briefed last Sunday, in anticipation of grief on the Monday morning. Minds were 'focused' at 08.00 Monday
...this was going one of three ways .... Compliance, .... "cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war", ... or ... he was going to have to buy the most expensive 12" strip/30 sq. ft. of property/ground in the area, with provisos, if he didn't want shutting down ....
amazing / impressive how the right phrases will 'focus' people's attention ..... all debate / argument ceased and correct lines were established ..to my satisfaction ...

took Clara to nursery, had my treatment for two hours and was just about to go back down for her lunchtime when Wayne was at my back door to ask if I'd like to come and check all was satisfactory ....
corner masonry installed and leveled by the end of the afternoon, checked again and Alun was 'stood down' .... for now.
Numpty has scuttled off out of sight on several occasions that day ... hopefully he fears for his safety .. he bloody well needs to

more pix to follow .... bit dark for the corners that night
Quite why (other than the obvious reasons of idiocracy and Napolean syndrome) I had to suffer all this crap, beggars belief.

I have a memory like an elephant for certain things

they've been plodding on with it quietly this week and i put in an appearance every now and then ... at which point he scuttles off if he's about

on a much more enjoyable/pleasing note .... bought this Monday evening

'twas very cheap, 18" and Miller

But ..........
Not as sweet a buy as this

and yes I know it says 210 on it

Virtually unused ... as can be seen and just could not be passed up for the price
'S gonna frighten the bejeezus out of a lot around here
now HTF was I gonna smuggle these past Pam was the next question??
these're reasonable tack .... ones I've seen B4 for 210s have been a hell of a lot BIGGER !! Like 7ft tall

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