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Mono boom, but with king post. So not exactly a lifting machine Was nice for the reach tho, couldnt have had less of it..
Ye, the blocks where nice. Did learn that when making a "sharp" turn it pays off to have much shorter lengths. And we should've set the blocks first, then poured the concrete. Would've made a much straigther foundation, wich makes the next levels of blocks easier to set..
Things that pretty much says itself, but was never thought about
must have been balanced on your blade most of the time ..... they'm big blocks!!
Aye half the length would've been good for the turn , but you're not going to disturb those in a hurry ...... are you !!!!
If it's got tracks, wheels, t*ts, or an engine, at some point it's gonna give you trouble!!
must have been balanced on your blade most of the time ..... they'm big blocks!!
Aye half the length would've been good for the turn , but you're not going to disturb those in a hurry ...... are you !!!!
sure hope not! x) During heavy snowmelting or floods the water shoots out that outlet like a firehose, so the wall will be tested!
Sorry for being so slow lately!
Very busy these days at both the job and my tree removal firm. Non stop, all day.. and not even getting everything done
Going to look at a new car tomorrow, and maybe even a new trailer!
Current rig:
A good one really. But slow ideal for narrow places. Both car and trailer dont take up much space..
Negatives is long travels and low force on the hilux.. I would also like a tipping trailer.
So Im going to look at a Nissan Patrol tomorrow, and a huge Ifor Williams trailer. Car good for maximum towing weight (3.5t) and the trailer got 3.5t total carry.
Looking foreward
the patrols had a good reputation .... what motor is in it ? ..... the old Hilux'll take some beating off the black top though
The Patrol got the 2.8l td. Supposedly more reliable that the later 3l. But i dunno
Nothing beats an old Hilux when it comes to reliability anyway, that's for sure. But it can only tow 2100kg, and struggles enough with itself up hills even with the turbo i got installed earlier.. on highways I dont even bother passing lorries, cause the rpm's gets too uncomfy
Switching from toyota to nissan tho.. doesnt quite feel right
The Patrol got the 2.8l td. Supposedly more reliable that the later 3l. But i dunno
Nothing beats an old Hilux when it comes to reliability anyway, that's for sure. But it can only tow 2100kg, and struggles enough with itself up hills even with the turbo i got installed earlier.. on highways I dont even bother passing lorries, cause the rpm's gets too uncomfy
Switching from toyota to nissan tho.. doesnt quite feel right
Don't get me started.....................japcrap............... .
Don't get me started.....................japcrap............... .
Mind if i do?
I'm guessing you ride a uk made heap of junk then?? Never understood you guys.. driving around in a car actually famous for being unreliable, talking down on the most used cars in the world where reliability really matters.
Been driving similar jap crap Hilux for several years. Reliable above all. No excess electronic bells and whistles. Mine has 400 000 km on it and it still passes exhaust test and runs well. Needed some corrosion prevention but overall in good shape.
the only problem is the tow weight, it prevents moving toys around :)
if you need a tool, buy a Hilux, but if you like repairs and downtime, try something else like VW Amarok
aye the Japs'll take some beating for motors .... reliable ones ....... Nissan looks like it has 'potential' ..... to do a job .................. and get you into trouble ........ some set of boots those
If it's got tracks, wheels, t*ts, or an engine, at some point it's gonna give you trouble!!