At the begining of last week, the temps were in the teens (F) and the lake effect snow machine was in full swing. The weather guessers proclaimed we could receive anywhere between 5 and 14 inches of snow by Weds. afternoon. On the other hand, they were also predicting temps into the upper 30s and 40s by weeks end. We planned accordingly and arrived at the site late morning Weds to find only a few inches of snow. Julie and my nephew exploited the situation and spent the day sledding while I prepped the site by shoveling and sweeping the snow from the foundation wals and material piles. Thursday, my crew showed up and we commenced to layout and install the TJI joists. By yesterday afternoon, we had all but a few fillers joists installed and 1/3rd the deck glued and nailed. Here's a few photos of our exploits on Thursday.
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Another CPHQ update
Looks like excellent tanking and form work Bruce ! you 'poked' it well from what I can see .. what troubles me is how the lady gets to go gallivanting, whilst you do all the work.. I'd tell her its about time these girls realise feminism is dead .. and theyd better start pulling their weight
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Looks good Bruce we still have hardly any snow here and it's driving the snowmobile people crazy. The weather however has been cold enough to freeze most small water bodies like ditches, creeks and small rivers I went with some people the other day quadding on the La Salle River and covered 62 miles round trip mostly on the ice. I'm sure glad I bought my ATV when I did I'll be able to use it all winter long and right into the spring.
Originally posted by Wazza View PostWarning ,Silly question coming .Bruce some of the TJI joists look a bit short to make it to the bearer ?? . Enlighten me please or buy me new glasses.
Another observation , It looks too bloody cold to be working in.................
Waz and Ian, you glasses need not be shined. You are correct. The joists are short because that is where the stairwell will be for the basement. There will be support walls underneath the intersecting header joists. We opted to wait until the entire deck was laid and the wall locations identified before placing the supports and cutting the joists to length.
All the snow melted by the middle of this week as the temps were into the 50's (F) up to Weds.. Thursday, the arctic front came through and we received about 6" of snow in Chicago and tonights temps are forecast to be about 0 (F). Supposedly, we are to get another 12" of snow at the jobsite through this evening. From last Friday to Tuesday, we finished laying the joists, completely sheeted the 1st floor and laid out the basement stairwell. We commenced to trim it out with a few extra hangers needed, but will suffice until then. On Weds., in prep for the onslaught of snow, I tacked sheets of plywood over the stairwell and the open fireplace hearth to prevent loading the (unheated) basement with more frozen moisture. I also trimmed in a few sheets of pressure treated plywood over the walkout and draped a tarp over the remainder of the opening to keep the wind-driven stuff out. The wall panels are expected next week, midweek. Fingers crossed.
Looks good Bruce at least your not working in mud, that's the one good thing when you get a "Hudson's Bay Chinook" as it's known in Northern Manitoba when the wind comes from the north over Hudson's Bay. We've been experiencing it too we got some nice fluffy snow the other night and I finally got to plow my driveway and a driveway for an elderly lady not far here in town. Suppose to warm up a bit over the weekend and then get cold for the beginning of the week.
Well mud is what we do here in the UK much of the time .. and I have to say I prefer it in winter to solid frost .. only by a small degree though ..... gedit ?
Ok I'll get me coatPlease don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Wall panels are expected Weds. morn. My crew is lined up and hopefully the walls will all be ready for the 2nd floor deck by nightfall. We received about 9inches of the white stuff at the end of last week. Julie and I cleared it all on Sunday because today it was forecast to go up to the 40's (F), which it did. For those of you in the southern hemisphere, enjoy...Attached Files
I wish we could just get the snow sometimes Bruce instead of the heavy wind and cold we're suppose to have a week of -30 degree celsius weather, pretty normal for us in January. But across the road from where I was working there was a framing crew working on the roof of a new house and every so often you'd see them crawling into their car to warm up. lol