Do We get a progress report Bruce ?Or just a shit weather ,nothing to report .
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Another CPHQ update
Hi Ian, yes, progress report is due. I have been at the CPHQ for the week, thus no computer service. After last weekend's snowstorm and subsequent thaw (including thunderstorms) It was supposed to be a nice week with temps in the mid to upper 30's (F) and sunny. Tuesday, me and my crew erected most of the interior wall panels and on Weds. we finished them along with building the remainder interior filler walls and erected the exterior garage walls because the steel beams were scheduled for delivery the next day. (note: the sun never shone the 2 days and it was blustery and raw) Thursday, the 2nd floor tjis and miscellaneous beams were delivered after an hour spent trying to get the (grumpy) lumber truck driver up the hill. It has been thawing and re-freezing overnight, so the construction road was icy even though we plowed the snow off last weekend. As a result, the 933 keep sliding around as we tried to drag the semi up the hill. It didn't help that the grumpy drive couldn't back a trailer straight if his life depended on it, thus he kept cutting his steer tires into the deep snow off the road. Long story short, we put the 933 back up the hill where we had some clear ground (and traction) and stretched out a series of chains to pull the semi up. While we were getting him unloaded, my steel beams showed up, so once the lumber and wood beams were offloaded, the steel driver drove right up the hill (big difference in driver skill) and parked the crane-truck right next to the garage door. We landed 2 14" beams and dropped a stack of columns into the basement stair hole with no problems. We then asked him if he could hoist the lumber and beams into place, which he gladly did. Unfortunately, none of this was recorded on film because the 3rd supposed "sunny" day started raining on us, so we worked in the rain to get the beams and lumber placed. We called off the site by 11:00 AM. Yesterday, me and 2 carpenters finished top-plating the interior walls and managed to place the BIG beam that the others will be hung off to support the 2nd story of the house. I came home last night and will be returning to the site Monday morn. Here are some pictures.
Yah ... thanks for the update Bruce .. ontop of everything else you have to do, I know its not easy to take time out and write up the days events, with pics for us forum types, but it is appreciated..
anytime I get a repair job I always forget to take picsPlease don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Good update Bruce. Nuts to that useless driver, but good thing you had lots of chains and a good Cat to help you out. I've spending lots of time sliding around on the ice and snow at work too, steel tracks become especially triple grousers become quite dangerous when it gets slick out. A friend of mine that's becoming a crane operator got a call out to an excavator that slid into a river while doing rip rap work near a bridge abutment. It wasn't completely submerged so it wasn't to hard to get the harnesses on, but it was cold and wet. Hopefully that lumber company is able to get more competent people like that fella with the crane, the world definitely seems short on those types these days.
Thanks guys. Yeah Bert, I usually keep the Cats in the shed during the winter because it is all hills and ice out there. We have a pair of "Flexible Flyer" sleds and enjoy exploiting the icy hills so I know the speed with which a 220 lb+ adult can pick up speed. As such, I tried to keep the 933 on the gravel driveway hoping the errant stone or stretch of gravel that was visible through the ice would keep me straight. As it was, I made sure to stay centered on the drive and away from the pitched portions to avoid going for a "sled ride" into the ditch. This coming week, they are fore-guessing the temps well into the 40's with a 50+ for Tuesday. Maybe that will clear a lot of the snow, but it has already turned the driveway into a sloppy, muddy mess. I may need to get a load of gravel to top out the soupy spots.