Hope you all have a good peaceful and prosperous New Year
It happened at a pub that a dear old lady from beyond the Tweed spied a Scottish piper, with his instrument of torture, and begged for a tune. For a solid hour the Highlander marched up down performing. "Dear me," said a nervous lady, "I suppose it's very fine, but it does sound a little like an air raid siren, doesn't it?" "No madam," replied an exasperated pub patron, "it sounds like an air raid." |
Picture pioneers pushing farther and farther into the Badlands of the American West with native Indians serving as scouts. As they kept the monotonous trek, they began to hear the rhythmic sound of beating drums in the direction they were headed. A few of the scouts traded nervous glances, however the lead scout convinced the explorers nothing was amiss. The following day the sound of drums became more emphatic, but the lead scout assured the nervous white men. On the third day, much to everyone's terror, the pounding drums became almost deafening. On some sort of unknown cue, the drums simultaneously ceased. The terrified scouts flung down their packs and fled into the wilderness. When the captain queried the lead scout he was told, "Never have fear as long as drums make sound. When drums stop, very bad sign: next come bagpipe solo". | |
Two girls are walking when they hear. "Psst! Look down here!" They both look to see a frog sitting beside the road. The frog says, "Whoever kisses me first, I'll turn into a world class piper and make you rich and famous!" The girls looked at each other, and one of them reached down and grabbed the frog and stuffed it in her pocket. The other girl asked, "Why did you do that?" The first replied, "I'm no moron. A talking frog is worth a lot more than a famous piper any day". |
A man goes to a physician. The doctor says, "I'm sorry to tell you this but you've only got six months to live." The man says, "Doctor are you sure? Is there anything I can do?" The doctor says, "Well, you could marry a piper." "Will that make me live longer?" "No, but it'll make your six months seem like six years." |
Donald MacDonald from the Isle of Skye went to study at an English university and was living in the residence hall. After he had been there a semester, his mother came to visit. "And how do you find the English students, Donald?" she asked. "Mother," he replied, "they're such terrible, noisy people. The one on that side keeps banging his head on the wall and won't stop. The one on the other side screams and screams all night." "Oh Donald! How do you manage to put up with these awful noisy English neighbours?" "Well, mother, I just ignore them and stay in my room and play my pipes." |
A piper died and went to heaven. St Peter asked whether he played an instrument and he replied "Yes, the bagpipes". "Excellent" said St Peter, I think we have a vacancy in our pipe band. "What is God like as a Pipe Major" asked the Piper. "Not too bad" said St Peter, "although occasionally he thinks he's Andy Steward" |