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We have both the flowers were more in the front yard and along the driveway, I'm just trying to find some more pictures might be on our backup drive somewhere.
We also grew some sunflowers the one year in particular just as kind of a hedge to give our yard a little privacy, they got up to twelve feet tall! It was kinda sad to cut them down in the fall they really added some life to the yard. We grew lots of carrots, red beets, potatoes, peas, beans, cucumbers, and corn. And a bunch of other things I'm probably forgetting.
Pam is the gardener here - virtually nothing has grown this year !! cold nights and very wet earlier on has stopped most things ....... apparently - she's not on her own. Lots have had the same trouble.
Only thing that's done really well is her courgettes!!
Some of our sunflower hedge and other happenings from that summer. I'm still kinda frustrated that we couldn't plant anything this year the weather has been hot and my father in law has been harvesting bumper crops on the summer to the point where he doesn't have enough rooms in his grain bins and might have to sell some grain right away.