Well .. its been quite a year .. both work wise and on the political, and celebrity front. As you know .. I'm not really into politics in a big way on this forum as it divides members and detracts from the important work of helping people with their plant and other construction matters, however, sometimes its inevitable that it gets in the way, In the UK as most will know Brexit is going to be the thing on every ones minds for quite some time to come. How it will affect things is any ones guess, but I'm sure most trades will continue well .. as long as people are not in fear of losing their jobs. If that happens, then people will not spend as much and borrow less, so small builders especially will feel the pinch. Also, bigger projects that needed European funding assistance may suffer, but, that may be balanced by the lack of subsidy being sent to Brussels every year, as the UK government has vowed to maintain current projects and develop new ones. I'm not so sure of the validity of some of them however such as HS2. Scotland has had its own fiascos recently with the Edinburgh trams project for example which was a massive overspend.
I don't really understand what's in the heads of some local planners sometimes .. they spend years trying to modernise local infrastructure by putting in more speed bumps and bus lanes, and traffic lights .. which in reality slows everything down, and then to speed things up , they spend millions on new tram networks for example,(not just in Scotland) which they themselves, got rid of years ago ..bonkers .. at least it may keep many engaged in this forum in some healthy work in dealing with the local authorities requirements to build and maintain their schemes. So get those tenders in folks !
2016 has certainly seen us lose a massive amount of talent and celebrity this year, some say its because we are just more aware of these things due to the increase in numbers of people of celebrity status, and our awareness of them through social media etc, but I'd like to point out there are just as many deaths from important research scientists for example that happen every year whom, we also, owe so much to that go un noticed by many.
Its been a pleasure to host the forum for you all last year, I have enjoyed your comment and input over the year, and its great to see plant troubles getting resolved, and some of your work and ideas for the future, your friendship, some deals, and your knowledge, your pictures, your news .... all getting shared on a platform I hope will continue for many years to come as professionally as it has been thus far.
All the best for 2017 folks, your good health, happiness, and wealth ! .. I have a wee dram here and I raise it to you .. contributors, members, and lurkers alike
Awe the best
I don't really understand what's in the heads of some local planners sometimes .. they spend years trying to modernise local infrastructure by putting in more speed bumps and bus lanes, and traffic lights .. which in reality slows everything down, and then to speed things up , they spend millions on new tram networks for example,(not just in Scotland) which they themselves, got rid of years ago ..bonkers .. at least it may keep many engaged in this forum in some healthy work in dealing with the local authorities requirements to build and maintain their schemes. So get those tenders in folks !
2016 has certainly seen us lose a massive amount of talent and celebrity this year, some say its because we are just more aware of these things due to the increase in numbers of people of celebrity status, and our awareness of them through social media etc, but I'd like to point out there are just as many deaths from important research scientists for example that happen every year whom, we also, owe so much to that go un noticed by many.
Its been a pleasure to host the forum for you all last year, I have enjoyed your comment and input over the year, and its great to see plant troubles getting resolved, and some of your work and ideas for the future, your friendship, some deals, and your knowledge, your pictures, your news .... all getting shared on a platform I hope will continue for many years to come as professionally as it has been thus far.
All the best for 2017 folks, your good health, happiness, and wealth ! .. I have a wee dram here and I raise it to you .. contributors, members, and lurkers alike
Awe the best