Well .. picked up my last machines today from sites that are getting shut. Scottish Govt says they will review decision if they can be persuaded that social distancing can be adhered to and may allow some to re open. Sites critical to works such as hospital building will remain open. They also state services like gardeners are ok to continue. English news tonight suggests also that contractors working in peoples individual homes like painters , joiners are also ok to continue as long as they adhere to social distancing rules .. Your further thoughts people ?
No announcement yet.
Covid 19
it's been a right shit storm Muz ... ppl ignoring it ... ppl not taking it seriously at all - dick head neighbour comes and goes like **** all is wrong .. in and out 4-5 times a day
it's a right performance, but still waaaaaay lower death rate than last winter's flu caused ... some stupid fk put it on the notifiable diseases list ??? WTF for ...If it's got tracks, wheels, t*ts, or an engine, at some point it's gonna give you trouble!!
Originally posted by v8druid View Postit's been a right shit storm Muz ... ppl ignoring it ... ppl not taking it seriously at all - dick head neighbour comes and goes like **** all is wrong .. in and out 4-5 times a day
it's a right performance, but still waaaaaay lower death rate than last winter's flu caused ... some stupid fk put it on the notifiable diseases list ??? WTF for ...
Yeah here is a couple of posts I put on facebook about it ...firstly about me
"Last week was easy ...half of it I was working ...this one less so, as there is not clarity about who can work in my sector. Plant hire companies are not on the closure lists and are allowed to stay open and I get calls every day from people looking for kit .. I’ve checked they are non essential though, and not sure I want the attention of nosey neighbours looking at me in judgement because most have been public not businesses. I’d still go to a call to fix a drain or water pipe though .....On the upside . I’d normally be off up to the holiday home next week and taken the time off anyway , but govt guidance states you can’t even travel to your 2nd home either if you have one .Next week will be harder for us all ! and who knows after that ...I think the current status quo will be 5-6 weeks or so... maybe less because we can’t have the economy shut for such a time ...the ramifications are huge but so are the problems of this virus.... looks like a new way of living is around the corner .... gone is the importance of independence , devolved NHS is just a hinder to the central Scottish govt message it seems .because some of those messages are mixed like I said above.... and who even needs Europe ? They won’t pay your wages or give grant aid in a crisis like this ...only your own sovereign country can do that . Thank f..k I’ve been a realist all this time."
And when questioned about other flues and stats
I am at a loss too, to make a correlation sometimes between regular flu deaths and this one. If we put everyone in bed with flu all the time we would be overwhelmed every year ... Yet .. I have to be satisfied that people more qualified than me are advising me correctly, I am certainly more worried about my elderly parents than ever. but, is that hype motivated by TV coverage or is this SARS.... (like Spanish Flu) just so contagious that makes it more dangerous .. and more likely to be lethal I really dont know ? It might only come out in the stats ? .. In the past .. in the absence of giving the disease a name .. people just accepted the elderly were always more succestible to flues , that will be the same today, tomorrow, and long after that. I've suffered a couple of belters of flues in the last 10 years which is why I now pay for a jab every year, and I wouldnt wish one on anyone, losing weight, chest infections , in bed for a week, a proper one is a real deal, and I never take time off work, except for those cases. At some point the authorities have had to make a call though.. and the economic fall out is going to be big. The Chinese/far east social structure is/has been much more able to deal with this than us, as they always get it first ! then share gracefullyPlease don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
there are other 'schools of thought' ... namely oxford uni virology professors .. who consider the current advice being doled out to Boris to be seriously flawed ... and could prove to be a MONUMENTAL fk up
he's being advised by the guy who's advice cost the country £8bn for the foot and mouth debacle and who predicted massive death rates from BSE (mad cow) .. there were actually 200 deaths over a very extended period .... and they're still listening to this bloke FFS
"why does Neil Ferguson even have the job ? The catastrophic miscalculations during foot and mouth were based on Imperial’s predictions and he also predicted 150,000 would die from BSE in the UK – In fact less than 200 did "
" Neil Ferguson has been asked to publish his codes (for covid19) so the modelling can be checked and has refused. "
" The new coronavirus may already have infected far more people in the UK than scientists had previously estimated — perhaps as much as half the population — according to modelling by researchers at the University of Oxford. .... New epidemiological model shows urgent need for large-scale testing........ If the results are confirmed, they imply that fewer than one in a thousand of those infected with Covid-19 become ill enough to need hospital treatment, said Sunetra Gupta, professor of theoretical epidemiology, who led the study. The vast majority develop very mild symptoms or none at all. ......... the Oxford results would mean the country had already acquired substantial herd immunity through the unrecognised spread of Covid-19 over more than two months. If the findings are confirmed by testing, then the current restrictions could be removed much sooner than ministers have indicated "
and this comment is just epic ..
" I’m fast coming to the conclusion that Neil Ferguson will need to be put up against a wall and shot when this madness finally concludes. He will have been personally responsible for the impoverishment of millions, maybe tens of millions of people, including the deaths of all those who will die as a result, either from diseases caused by poverty, or suicide. Plus the misery caused by mass unemployment and economic depression. The government have acted pretty much on his advice alone and if it proves to one of the most egregious cases of scientific over-reach ever, he needs to pay the price.
The trouble is that if this does prove to be a f*ckup of immense proportions, its so big that no-one in power will be able ever admit it, and the whole thing will be deep sixed, not least because the MSM (Main Stream Media) are balls deep in the whole thing too, and thus will have no incentive to expose their own role in the catastrophe. "
https://hectordrummond.com/2020/03/3...opera-science/If it's got tracks, wheels, t*ts, or an engine, at some point it's gonna give you trouble!!
I'm fortunate I'm still able to work if and when there is any. My tractor mostly sits idle except for the odd snow storm like we had this week but even that's hardly any work. I just finished 6 or 7 days of brush mulching on a snowmobile trail which was nice as I was the only one in the bush and besides you don't want to be around when I'm shredding up trees and bushes. Going to the grocery store is an ordeal as they try to control how many people go in the store and try to space people but it doesn't work all they do is make long line ups.
I wonder if that 'chink flu' had started late last summer/ early fall as I and other people I know including my wife had fallen victim to some sort of bug and had resulted in my wife coughing so hard at one point that she broke a rib something that's never happened before and I had some sort of respiratory infection that required some heavy duty antibiotics to get me feeling better. Either way the numbers of infected people in my home province here have been pretty low unlike some of our neighboring provinces. Hopefully this plague buggers off soon some of my trailer park quality neighbors certainly don't seem to give a shit about it.
Here in oz not supposed to be more than 2 people together in public . Stay home is the word . Unless you can't work from home , then off to work with you . i am working in a sewerage treatment plant doing roads for newly commissioned treatment plant area . Was a 3 man crew , now only 2 of us . Got a water truck , tip truck loader , backhoe , and two rollers and 13 ton excavator . Lots of musical chairs jumping between them all
Well Ive had the same pocket full of change for the last 3 weeksnever used it .. contactless is the new norm .. choosing what time and where you shop is vital... depending on who has cover for the queue when it rains
.. Ive never seen so many dodgy insides of journalists homes on TV
.. thank god my ISP doesnt limit or throttle my Broadband speed
.. Plant companies arent on the banned list, we facilitate the countries providers, and help those who need to fix vital problems, so I've been out and about a few times, choosing my hires carefully ...Never ever seen Glasgow airport parked full of planes though ? .. but the air outside smells so much better
.. and I should know having smelled West Highland sea side air often
The slower pace of life is an education in its self .. I noticed the same thing after the banking crisis of 2008 .. sudden lack of work, but we could still go out at least .. what a revelation !.. People respected those with skills a bit more after that event , and in my line of work, folks were prepared to wait for craftspeople, because they respected the work they do and the cost and price of someone a bit more .. no longer was cheapest the best option !... and those of us that survived 'that' problem, are having to do so again, but for a very different reason.
Ive read a few stats.. crunched a few numbers.. its clear much of how we lived yesterday will change. Hands are getting dry from washing and rubs, but its all we can do. Most of us now appreciate our own health workers more than ever thankfully, and those background workers too, the shop staff, carers, lab workers, teachers, logistics and supplies companies... people who cant always social distance but have to get on with the day job.
Well its pointless pontificating when and how this will end .. but it WILL end, you cant cancel spring .. or summer .. and thankfully these are the seasons a virus hates the most
Keep cleaning folksPlease don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Well here in the Authoritarian state of Pricktoria its no travel no hunting no fishing ,just driving to far from home is a no no -were are told just stay home.
There are only a few limited reasons to be out and about or you risk a big fine, or possibly being shot on sight{joking slightly about being shot}.
Not happy Jan ,Fukan Wuhantake your $hit back with interest,we don't want it .
Its certainly in presidented times! I have furloughed my staff member and i have been cutting, delivering firewood from the yard as thats still considered key work so its filling in the day. Things are certainly going to change going forward. Cash will go soon and contactless etc will rise. We wont be signing deliveries anymore they will all be dropped off then photographed and even hygiene etc at worksite will all have to improve dramatically in some cases. I think a few of the companies that survive will be so sick of this that they will fold and get jobs purely for the security. Second hand machinery will be cheap when companies do go under as folk wont have the money to buy it up. Strange times indeed.
I've noticed a lot of people around here starting to question how extreme its gotten and here in Manitoba we've had the lowest rate of infection in the whole country and only three deaths to date and they were all people with prior health issues. Some people including myself question if it was here as long ago as last October. Both my wife and I got a bad cold, Diane coughed so hard at one point she broke a rib! An elderly friend of mine has been sick all winter and had lost his voice for a couple months. He's improved greatly but it had people worried.