Yep chuffed the I.H is all up and running, now i know what i got to work with i'll eventually figure how far i want to go with it, y'know.. working kit or shined up hobby job, reckon it will be the first one really after all ain't no point in having a loader thats scared of getting dirty
. The Patrol was fine and it did get a stonking all the way down and back up at the finish, i had it fully serviced by a rogue nissan mechanic with all makers stuff used. I had heard a few comments on the 3.0 so did a bit of aussie off road investigation through the web, read reports spoke (email) to some owner drivers down under who off road em and followed up on a bit of aftermaket info from nissan itself, it all came together did what was advised and no problems. I ran in company with a fully kitted 4.2 land bruiser auto and found it was step for step off road except some of the steeper decents where he could hold back slower on engine drag but that was it, on road coming back i gave up having to hold back and we split and i ran at an average speed of 90 mph (uk), the end result was i hit Calais France 4.5 hours ahead of him. I checked all the fluids Monday and apart from a cupful of coolant everything was on the mark, what can i say i rate it
