Muzz are yourself and Jim still doing the back stroke??.......................
No announcement yet.
Scotland swimming team............
It's been wet here in Aberdeenshire for what feels like months now but I think the rain has been a lot worse down country. I was going to go to the royal highland show this weekend but due to the rain I just thought to hell with it I will just go next year as I don't want to wander about in mud and gore up to my knees (I have short legs!!) looking at the long range weather forecast the rain is going to be here to stay till at least a week on Tuesday! We have to get some summer soon as this is a nightmare!!
Yep its funny .. at my but 'n Ben near ullapool its as dry as a bone .. the ground is parched , but here in Glasgow its been pi$$ing down, I got a thorough soaking on Friday when I was picking up a digger .. was worried incase the jib on the digger was gonna act as a lightning conductorPlease don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist
Originally posted by Stock View Postyou cutting he might have been if he hasnt had his roughage and bran for breakfast
Please don't PM me for plant advice.. thanks .. Post in the forum where I will gladly help, as will many of our contributors.. as the info and responses will help everyone else, which is why we exist